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Fascinating Chinese document surfaces, with insights into how PLA reads Indian strategic mind

5 minutes in: Has quoted the title
20 minutes in: Indian thinktank says that a Chinese thinktank says that India has the idea to become a first rate world power following other things like dominating the entire region in first place, which it has no hope to achieve at this point.

Could have just shown the line from the paper he cites for 10 seconds worth a read but that would be missing the point.

Indians really do like to hear and praise themself.
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5 minutes in: Has quoted the title
20 minutes in: Indian thinktank says that a Chinese thinktank says that India has the idea to become a first rate world power following other things like dominating the entire region in first place, which it has no hope to achieve at this point.

Could have just shown the line from the paper he cites for 10 seconds worth a read but that would be missing the point.

Indians really do like to hear and praise themself.
Good on you for wading through that. It must have been like wading in the Ganges, you poor soul.
Please understand. They are so far away in Peking, they can no longer count the fingers.
Just counting the number of Indian pows that fought so poorly and surrendered so easily

You know the sewage systems India should have built over the decades so it can address its epidemic of open defecation? It has actually built them -- in the online space. That's what India does 24/7, dispense sewage on the internet.

I'm sorry that the world is leaving you behind and no one things you will achieve anything.
5 minutes in: Has quoted the title
20 minutes in: Indian thinktank says that a Chinese thinktank says that India has the idea to become a first rate world power following other things like dominating the entire region in first place, which it has no hope to achieve at this point.

Could have just shown the line from the paper he cites for 10 seconds worth a read but that would be missing the point.

Indians really do like to hear and praise themself.

They are dying for the recognition from others. A sign of inferiority complex.

They are dying for the recognition from others. A sign of inferiority complex.

the only country in the world with an inferiority complex is china. Always like a needy aunt with ageing crabby paws...'see I to made a covid vaccine, see...I too made a bridge....see 70 years after amrika landed on moon I too will land on the moon'

The REAL leaders like the US don't even bother. They are already headed to mars, the world will always buy their products, everyone respects them and they don't have an economy on cheap knockoffs. While old woman of the east is always out with her 50 cent army crying like a baby about her little accomplishments of a child.
the only country in the world with an inferiority complex is china. Always like a needy aunt with ageing crabby paws...'see I to made a covid vaccine, see...I too made a bridge....see 70 years after amrika landed on moon I too will land on the moon'

The REAL leaders like the US don't even bother. They are already headed to mars, the world will always buy their products, everyone respects them and they don't have an economy on cheap knockoffs. While old woman of the east is always out with her 50 cent army crying like a baby about her little accomplishments of a child.

So your president would declare "superpower 2012" and Bollywood would make something like "India in 2030"?

Chinese don't have to do that, and they are 6 time richer. :partay:
So your president would declare "superpower 2012" and Bollywood would make something like "India in 2030"?

Chinese don't have to do that, and they are 6 time richer. :partay:

our president will declare whatever he ants, but only a inferior little turd will continue obsessing over it. We don't talk about it, but you do. We still love him.
the only country in the world with an inferiority complex is china. Always like a needy aunt with ageing crabby paws...'see I to made a covid vaccine, see...I too made a bridge....see 70 years after amrika landed on moon I too will land on the moon'

The REAL leaders like the US don't even bother. They are already headed to mars, the world will always buy their products, everyone respects them and they don't have an economy on cheap knockoffs. While old woman of the east is always out with her 50 cent army crying like a baby about her little accomplishments of a child.
Yeah keep begging
our president will declare whatever he ants, but only a inferior little turd will continue obsessing over it. We don't talk about it, but you do. We still love him.
Hopefully you don’t love him as much as you love cows
@Dungeness your per capita is less than 25% of american per capita. Less than 1/4th of their per head income. On an average they are 4 times richer than you . But that doesn't stop you braying about matvhing them. And don't give me the BS about having a bigger economy- India has a bigger economy than UK and it means nothing.
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