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Fascinating Chinese document surfaces, with insights into how PLA reads Indian strategic mind

@Dungeness your per capita is less than 25% of american per capita. Less than 1/4th of their per head income. On an average they are 4 times richer than you . But that doesn't stop you braying about matvhing them. And don't give me the BS about having a bigger economy- India has a bigger economy than UK and it means nothing.

In the national level, you don't talk about Per Capital GDP, you talk about GDP, genius!

Correct title should be

PLA: India is Frist Class World Chutiya.
@Dungeness your per capita is less than 25% of american per capita. Less than 1/4th of their per head income. On an average they are 4 times richer than you . But that doesn't stop you braying about matvhing them. And don't give me the BS about having a bigger economy- India has a bigger economy than UK and it means nothing.

UK population is 1/50th of India.
no chance they will become a superpower. countries that become superpowers have a society that is all on the same page in terms of religion, economic model to follow, social cohesion, etc. does any of this sound like India? nah. USA became a superpower because it was mostly one race, one religion, one economic model they all believed in. same for Britain, Germany, France, China, even Japan in the early 20th century.
In the national level, you don't talk about Per Capital GDP, you talk about GDP, genius!

Sure a billion poor people are better than a wealthy country where everyone is many times better. Which is why Singapore is the backwater of the world isn't it?
@Dungeness your per capita is less than 25% of american per capita. Less than 1/4th of their per head income. On an average they are 4 times richer than you . But that doesn't stop you braying about matvhing them. And don't give me the BS about having a bigger economy- India has a bigger economy than UK and it means nothing.

India GDP per capita is 1/6 that of China. The difference between China and India GDP overall is 12 trillion USD nominal - if India was given the entire economies of UK, France, Japan and Germany combined, they still will be smaller than China. By GDP PPP, India is even further behind.

That's how far behind India is.
If Indians had 1/4 gdp per capita of Americans they could at least afford a toilet in each house
India GDP per capita is 1/6 that of China. The difference between China and India GDP overall is 12 trillion USD nominal - if India was given the entire economies of UK, France, Japan and Germany combined, they still will be smaller than China. By GDP PPP, India is even further behind.

That's how far behind India is.

But china is poor and underdeveloped. Why is china comparing itself to the west.
Assume if I said:
'It's like US has to compete with a country of beggars'

The logic is exagerrated but you can't say just because you are many, you can compare yourself with them.

PS- India's current GDP is what China had in about 2003-2004....you were boasting world power status even then. Boaster.
This man is "Sleeping Pills" for me.
I just cannot take his accent and his emphasis on almost every word he speaks.

Seriously deluded man.

why should he be 'deluded' when all he;s doing is a translated report of the PLA? Are you calling PLA deluded?
But china is poor and underdeveloped. Why is china comparing itself to the west.
Assume if I said:
'It's like US has to compete with a country of beggars'

The logic is exagerrated but you can't say just because you are many, you can compare yourself with them.

PS- India's current GDP is what China had in about 2003-2004....you were boasting world power status even then. Boaster.

Indian GDP per capita is 1/6 that of Chinese, but Chinese GDP per capita is 1/4 that of US per your own admission. The gap between India and China is bigger than that between US and China by far.
Indian GDP per capita is 1/6 that of Chinese, but Chinese GDP per capita is 1/4 that of US per your own admission. The gap between India and China is bigger than that between US and China by far.

Big deal, in 2003 your economy was exactly the same level as India's is today. EVen then you were a member of this forum. Even then you were boasting about being equal to America. ANway now your growth has slumped and companies are freeing your country. So you will never match America anyway.
why should he be 'deluded' when all he;s doing is a translated report of the PLA? Are you calling PLA deluded?

Well, he also added his deluded commentary. :omghaha: :omghaha:

Indians are masters of reading something of their benefits in anything , which can support their narratives.
They lie if they had to to support their narratives.
only a inferior little turd will continue obsessing over it. We don't talk about it.
And yet here you are in your own Super Power India thread with a fake title to excuse your Super Power India talk.
shekhar gupta hurts my ears, who in right mind can listen to his blabbering? i can't be bothered to listen to his crappy, weird monologue.
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