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farmer commit suicide in AAP ralley live on TV

Tell me something , you and your friends arrange a party inside a Hotel room and has a guy who works in the same hotel (supposedly your friend) too joins and later commits suicide or murder inside the party hall you rented.... and according to your logic its the hotel who are responsible for the crime as its inside that hotel and not you guys ?
& here the guy doesn't even work for the hotel.. & he is the guest of those very people who organised the party!
Sir ji, please tell me in which commie state is there an independent media reporting... all reports are state controlled and gives only propaganda... they never show anything negetive..

how does having 400 private news channels help??

what is needed is a political system where any citizen may be able to raise a issue and if the issue is within bounds of reason and common sense, it must be followed by the system and resolved... this will come about if the society's political arrangement is via direct-democracy, where the voice of a citizen in a neighborhood is openly delivered to the body governing the entire society.

compare the inequalities within india with its highest number of media channels to the lack of such things as farmer suicides and "honor killings" within socialist societies ( with their limited or lack of private media ).

On topic: rajastan govt is responsible and has to answer this....farmers die and govt turns blind eye in every state.... saddest part is govt alloted money for these farmers never reach them...

while immediately, rajasthan government is responsible, the political/bureaucratic system there is no different to that of anywhere in india, especially the other farmer-suciding states like andhra, karnataka and maharastra.

this is a india-wide problem which can be only resolved by replacing the entire british-style fake-democracy political system of the last 68 years to a socialist direct-democracy system where money and resources are spent on the welfare of the people and not on buying foreign weaponary.

Kejriwal can stop his speech during Aazaan in Varanasi but he can't when someone was dying right infront of his eyes in his own rally. RIP to the farmer though. I wish he could have shown same interests as climbing electric polls before elections.

late last year, 69 farmers died of hunger in the tea estates of darjeeling... died of hunger in 2014... what did pm modi do about this?? oh, i know... signed deals with western weapons manfacturers so that he can kill chinese and pakistanis and naxalites.
You only show your ignorance as well as seemingly deep hurt at Kejru being blamed.
Why kejriwal alone? Why not others? Is Kejriwal only the caretaker of humanity in this world? There were thousands of people around...Why blame him alone, make everyone responsible who were there and did nothing but clicking on pics, making videos, tweeting every second of the incident etc etc...
stay in your houndsditch & stick to chewing that bone.. don't get me started on you idiot!

what did i tell you that day, sanghi fool??

go to your software company and write some more useless code... or perhaps you are in some finance company.
@unbiasedopinion and others

This article sums up hypocrisy of those who are opposing Land Acquisition bill.

Rahul Gandhi's 'Are you serious?' moment

It takes exceptional gall for a leader of the Congress to call the Modi government a "suit-boot sarkar". The party that for 10 years ran the most corrupt government in India's history, that was in bed with every crony capitalist you could find and that got its just deserts at the hands of disgusted voters would like the country to forget contemporary history and look at the Modi government instead as a party for businessmen. Rahul Gandhi also forgets that the biggest land grab in India's history was operated by "suited-booted" people during his government's rule, under the garb of the scandal-ridden sham of creating special economic zones. And who was it who funded the Congress all these years if it was not "suited-booted" people?

Mr Gandhi also seems to forget Congress history. It was Indira Gandhi who amended the law to declare that farmers whose land was taken forcibly by the government could not get "compensation" from the government but only an "amount"- because all landowners were exploitative kulaks and, therefore, did not deserve proper compensation. Now those kulaks have become the builders of India for whom Mr Gandhi's heart bleeds. Going further back in history, it was Jawaharlal Nehru who put land acquisition beyond the pale of judicial review. Indeed Nehru told those who were being displaced to make way for the Hirakud dam that"if you are to suffer, you should suffer in the interest of the country". So when Mr Gandhi stands up to relaunch his political career with bleeding-heart posturing, it is time to ask the question that Robert Vadra posed to a reporter: "Are you serious?"

There are other questions that Mr Gandhi must answer. For while it is true that his party's government raised food procurement prices substantially, did it not also cause the rampant food inflation that his government failed to control, and, therefore, to lose its mandate? Indeed while he can rightly claim credit for the faster growth of agriculture during the Manmohan Singh years, he should be reminded that among the states that have recorded the fastest growth in agricultural output over the past decade are Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh - both ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party.

The great disservice that Mr Gandhi has done is by casting the debate on forcible land acquisition in terms that suggest that the country does not need businessmen, that it does not need manufacturing, that it does not need physical infrastructure. Indeed he fails to understand that the reason why farming is uneconomical is because average land holdings have shrunk over the decades. That, in turn, is because this country has not created enough non-agricultural jobs, to take pressure off the land. Half the workforce slaves in the fields to generate one-seventh of gross domestic product (GDP); naturally, incomes from farming will be low and often not enough to keep body and soul together. You could address that by raising agricultural product prices, as Mr Gandhi seems to prefer, but that only helps farmers with a marketable surplus, which is a small minority. It also raises the cost of food for the poor, including agricultural labourers who do not own land. Pricing decisions have benefits and costs, and one should keep an eye on both.

There is no shortage of people who think that Mr Gandhi needs some basic lessons in politics. On the evidence provided by his third (or fourth or fifth …) major intervention in Parliament in 11 years, he also needs some lessons in elementary economics and in Congress history.

Rahul Gandhi's 'Are you serious?' moment | Business Standard Editorials
late last year, 69 farmers died of hunger in the tea estates of darjeeling... died of hunger in 2014... what did pm modi do about this?? oh, i know... signed deals with western weapons manfacturers so that he can kill chinese and pakistanis and naxalites.
Dont you know that AAP's kejriwal fault..He didnt fight elections from there hence didnt give chance to these farmers to provide an alternate government...

@unbiasedopinion and others

This article sums up hypocrisy of those who are opposing Land Acquisition bill.
Dude, please dont quote me with articles of pappu. His speech was hopeless and so is he... Here is a good comment about him which sums up everything

After Hearing Rahul for 3 hours in the rally, all the farmers collected 100 rupees each and gave to Sonia saying " Aap ko bhi harzana milna chahiye, fasal toh aapki bhi kharab hui hain" ;))))))
What I have been saying again and again is that the perception is not right among the low level farmer. Government need to work on that front and make it happen.
Why kejriwal alone? Why not others? Is Kejriwal only the caretaker of humanity in this world? There were thousands of people around...Why blame him alone, make everyone responsible who were there and did nothing but clicking on pics, making videos, tweeting every second of the incident etc etc...

I never said it was only his responsibility, however, as the CM and leader of AAP, he is responsible for the action of his government and his party members, particularly when he himself is present at the scene.

The police too is to be blamed and must be questioned, so should be the media. Whoever was the most senior police officer must be reprimanded severely and due action taken.

However, the most senior person by the official position was Kejru and thus being present at the scene, its his responsibility primarily.

Also, there is the angle of incitement in the rally and some are arguing for a case of abetment to suicide, I could see myself agreeing with that depending on how its argued and what the real facts are.
what did i tell you that day, sanghi fool??

go to your software company and write some more useless code... or perhaps you are in some finance company.
Don't worry about what I do. You just keep yourself busy with your purina bonio! :lol:
Well blame is on him too because he and his volunteers didn't try to save a man who hanged himself in his rally. He can climb electric poles, stop his speech during Azaan in Varanasi but didn't bother to stop his speech or save that guy when he was dying just 30 mtrs away from his diass. This is why it questions his intentions too whether he was thinking of taking a political milage out of this tragic incident and thus backfiring him.

I don't think a politico wouldn't know how to take political milage politically. A viable farmer would have been a perfect tool for him to exploit, Kejriwal as a savior would have ample to cash the plight of farmers & demean BJP led government in Rajasthan. Anyway, it was an unfortunate incident, hope no such incident ever report again.
another thing that highlights the anti-human nature of india's traditional social structure...

My father threw me out because my crops got destroyed: Farmer says in suicide note - Firstpost
To be frank I don't consider this to be genuine letter..The letter does not indicates the will to end the life. Rather the letter indicates he wanted to go home and need help in reaching there.

There could be many reason for this letter to be with him, one of them can be he just wrote it few days back or earlier in the state of depression indicated by no links / continuation in the sentences but never thought of ending his life like this, but something has happened between then and now that he thought of calling it a day which he could not penned down. There is more than what meet the eye.
Commie Rascal @jamahir ,

Could you give links to your rant on dead tea workers?

I googled it and found that all of dead were due to closure of Tea plantations ,due to mismanagement, in your Socialist Paradise West Bengal.

No one is dying in Ze capitalist Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, or Assam. tea plantations.

Probably Gaddafi should be blamed for this.
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to those not fluent in twit, what does that mean??

also, reported your previous reply.
Congratulations... you earned yourself a place in PDF history for being the first one to report my post! :mps:

done with your whining now?
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I never said it was only his responsibility, however, as the CM and leader of AAP, he is responsible for the action of his government and his party members, particularly when he himself is present at the scene.

The police too is to be blamed and must be questioned, so should be the media. Whoever was the most senior police officer must be reprimanded severely and due action taken.

However, the most senior person by the official position was Kejru and thus being present at the scene, its his responsibility primarily.

Also, there is the angle of incitement in the rally and some are arguing for a case of abetment to suicide, I could see myself agreeing with that depending on how its argued and what the real facts are.
You never said others were responsible too. Your whole Point of argument was always to prove its sole responsibility of Kejriwal and he was the sole reason why the farmer committed suicide. Glad you at-least agree on making others party of the blame.
A proper investigation is required to get to the root of the incident.
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