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farmer commit suicide in AAP ralley live on TV

However, if all this is to become a reality India will need to build the necessary infrastructure. So, I think it is time to update former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s slogan of ‘Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan’ to ‘Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan, Jai Nirmaan!

for 68 years it has been only "jai jawaan, jai bhagwaan"... no space for "jai insaan".
Do tell suggestions you have in your mind
Also opposition is committed not let this thing through ordinance was necessary
Actually the BJP supported the current bill in its form two yrs ago , so why the change?
If the then UPA got a consensus from all parties to pass this bill then why is it the BJP cant do the same?
As to the suggestions , I am not a farmer so do not understand the nitty-gritty of this , also i have not read the original bill to give an informed opinion .
This is very strange topic .

Farmer who are farming on land which is not suited for farming. They don't want to give up their land for industrial development where they can be shareholder or at least get jobs.

Now these farmer want high compensation for being stupid and farming on non cultivating land.

What can govt do?

1. Let them die -x

2 ask them for new age farming ? Or teach about what to grow. -already doing but they don't listen.

3. Take land set up industry - they don't want that

4. Keep giving compensation - but till when? Why steal from others.

This problem will never be solved - let it go on for 50 more years.

Does anybody know what the suicide to rate among farmers is per 100,000 compared to say students or housewives or landless workers? I wouldn't be surprised if there is not much difference and the whole thing is just a political ploy.
You are smart. Very well questioned and explained.
I wish you go to a news debate with same question. And clear the doubt of whole blind nation.
Understanding realities is a problem wit you isn't it?
The farmer was from rajasthan , and was protesting against the govt in Delhi , on the Land acquisition bill . and kijri is at fault?
I mean i am hardly a supporter of App but by no stretch of imagination is this his fault.
Regarding the crop damage, Whole north India has faced same problem. First wheat production is very less and what ever it is its of very low quality.
Regarding compensation, to be very frank no govt can compensate the loss what farmer has suffered. but its cycle and have not been happened this year only.
Here issue is how can Kejriwal let a person die who is merely 10 m away from him. and then continue your political agenda and give statement like farmer have to commit suicide to get attention.
Regarding the crop damage, Whole north India has faced same problem. First wheat production is very less and what ever it is its of very low quality.
Regarding compensation, to be very frank no govt can compensate the loss what farmer has suffered. but its cycle and have not been happened this year only.
Here issue is how can Kejriwal let a person die who is merely 10 m away from him. and then continue your political agenda and give statement like farmer have to commit suicide to get attention.
Read post #110
Thank you . So this is really much ado about nothing !!!!

I wonder why something you were able to find in about 5 seconds our esteemed media are totally unaware off. When Jamahirs revolution finally arrives, it should execute the Media first ( maybe Jamahir second ;) )


There seems to be an inverse correlation between income levels and suicide rates in India. However, 25% of the farm suicides seem to be attributed to financial aspects.

While absolute farmer suicides are lower, the proportion of suicides because of economic condition of the person is higher than general population (~10%) which is what all the fuss is about.

So if you assume 10 people from general population out of 100,000 kill themselves, 1 of those is owing to his financial condition. If 1.8 farmers kill themselves, .45 of those is owning to his financial condition.

The difference is really not that significant.
Does anybody know what the suicide to rate among farmers is per 100,000 compared to say students or housewives or landless workers? I wouldn't be surprised if there is not much difference and the whole thing is just a political ploy.

Given that average suicide rate in India is 10.5 per 100,000 per year.

Now analyses this for Farmers in Karnataka.

Total number of farmers = 7832189 KARNATKA STATE

No of suicides per year if average is maintained in farmer community = (7832189/100,000) X 10.5 = 822.379845

No of Farmers that should commit suicide on average per month = (822.379845/12) = 68.53

No of Farmers committing suicides in reality = 25 ie nearly third of what was expected.

I think had @jamahir gone to a proper college rather than wasting his time on "Advanced Gadaffi's c0cksucking techniques 101" crash course, he would have got a faint inkling of the bullshit he usually spews.

just listen to yourself !!!
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Most of farmer in India are small farmer with 1-2 acre field. With such small field you can save maximum 20000 rs per year. Its in best interest of India to change this situation. India govt must bring them in manufacturing side. Its of no use to have such small field as a MNAREGA worker earn more than normal. Narega guy earn 4500 per month just to dig same hole again and again. Where India is heading only god know this.
So basically there is NO statistical difference between farmers committing suicide for financial reasons and the general population. Whatever difference there is falls well within the margin of error. I am sure there is a much higher rate of suicides among teenage girls in the country than farmers.

So Pappu and kejriwal crocodile tears stand EXPOSED.
I do not deny we need this land bill but certain provisions need to be changed. and the farmers should have been counsulted while forming this bill.

A second mistake the Govt made was to use the ordnance route, they should have sent it through as a regular bill amendment in the LS . by not taking an all party consensus they just invited trouble.

The biggest problem with LAB is that Jairam ramesh (Destroyer in chief of Indian economy) had classified anyone who benefits from land (village barber, cook, maid) as a stakeholder and fixed consent limit at astronomically high 80%.

When you declare whole rabble as stakeholder and then declare that consent as high as 80% has to be ensured before acquiring land, you could be sure than no land would ever be acquired for anything.
Actually the BJP supported the current bill in its form two yrs ago , so why the change?
If the then UPA got a consensus from all parties to pass this bill then why is it the BJP cant do the same?
As to the suggestions , I am not a farmer so do not understand the nitty-gritty of this , also i have not read the original bill to give an informed opinion .

For your first part sadly that's how politics work here
Also that bill was precived as farmer friendly
Actually the BJP supported the current bill in its form two yrs ago , so why the change?
If the then UPA got a consensus from all parties to pass this bill then why is it the BJP cant do the same?
As to the suggestions , I am not a farmer so do not understand the nitty-gritty of this , also i have not read the original bill to give an informed opinion .

because it is political suicide to oppose a bill which on paper looks farmer friendly..this bill along with food security were last attempt by congress to save their a$$...even congress govt. in states were crying about how draconian this bill is...Just see what is happening now...how each and every political party is cashing on this and how making it appear that present govt. is anti poor and pro corporate...imagine BJP plight had this stance been prior to 2014 election...

Please see through it...had this bill been so good then why the hell it took 10 years for congress to bring it?? because they knew it will stall development...80% consensus on anything is no joke and here we are talking about acres and acres of land effecting hundred thousands of people...
2 ask them for new age farming ? Or teach about what to grow. -already doing but they don't listen.

urban farming and vertical farming are the future... i see no reason for the traditional indian unscientific farming to continue any longer.

the mistake was especially widened with arrival of the american government agriculture scientists who gave india its very unscientific and unharmonious "green revolution".

so these suicides are because of wrong economic, cultural and political situations which should long have been abolished for replacement by a scientific system.

imagine if in 1947, india had become a real socialist republic and following were some of the policies...

1. land actually owned by system but given free to any person or collecitve interested in farming.
2. free housing as a right.
3. free water and electricity.
4. free initial supply of seed, fertilizer, insecticide and equipment.
5. no private lending allowed, only government banks.
6. economic system without interest calculation.
7. free medical system, free education system.
8. weddings to be a simple legal procedure, done at the city sector court, with pre-nuptial alimony agreement.
9. every person having equal rights to freedom and opinion, disregarding traditional authority roles.
10. alcohol and cigarettes banned.
11. no stock exchange allowed.

today's case had the victim being thrown out his house by his father, just because he couldn't the victim didn't have the money to pay to his father... where went the "indian" psuedo-truth saying "maat pita ke charon me swarg"??

if the 11 points above had been adopted in 1947, this man wouldn't have suicided today.
Quite an analogy and logic! Unless the people at party are the ones who forced the guy to commit suicide or murder somebody inside the hall, people who organized the party can't be held responsible for the act of that guy. Responsibility is actually a very serious term in legal proceedings. A truck hit a car and I watched that from a distance doesn't mean that I caused that accident and I am responsible. If we expand your logic every witness of a crime is as responsible for a crime as a criminal is.

Exactly. Only the guy who has committed is responsible for the act. Not the government nor the AAP.

Nobody forced him. He did it on his own.

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