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farmer commit suicide in AAP ralley live on TV

Understanding realities is a problem wit you isn't it?
The farmer was from rajasthan , and was protesting against the govt in Delhi , on the Land acquisition bill . and kijri is at fault?
I mean i am hardly a supporter of App but by no stretch of imagination is this his fault.

I am not saying that clearly it is tgebfault of the BJP govt in Rajisthan but what objected to is kejris response just read his statement
Tell me something , you and your friends arrange a party inside a Hotel room and has a guy who works in the same hotel (supposedly your friend) too joins and later commits suicide or murder inside the party hall you rented.... and according to your logic its the hotel who are responsible for the crime as its inside that hotel and not you guys ?

Quite an analogy and logic! Unless the people at party are the ones who forced the guy to commit suicide or murder somebody inside the hall, people who organized the party can't be held responsible for the act of that guy. Responsibility is actually a very serious term in legal proceedings. A truck hit a car and I watched that from a distance doesn't mean that I caused that accident and I am responsible. If we expand your logic every witness of a crime is as responsible for a crime as a criminal is.
You never said others were responsible too. Your whole Point of argument was always to prove its sole responsibility of Kejriwal and he was the sole reason why the farmer committed suicide. Glad you at-least agree on making others party of the blame.
A proper investigation is required to get to the root of the incident.

False. I never made any such claim, no matter what you interpret it to be.

The primary responsibility of not stopping the death lies with Kejru the one present at the scene with the most senior position. Others present too are guilty of not acting to prevent,

Again your pain at Kejru being blamed is interesting.
Could you give links to your rant on dead tea workers?

Death, hunger stalk Indian tea-estate workers

I googled it and found that all of dead were due to closure of Tea plantations due to mismanagement in your Socialist Paradise West Bengal.

wasn't west bengal the first anti-commie big victory, led mamatha didi, former friend of bjp?? these deaths were last year, under tmc rule and modi sarkaar.

No one is dying in Ze capitalist Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, or Assam. tea plantations.

farmers aren't dying in karnataka?? banglaore is "suicide capital of the world", if you didn't know.

from ( 25 farmers committed suicide in Karnataka every month - The Hindu )...
25 farmers committed suicide in Karnataka every month

from ( Farmer's death rocks Karnataka assembly | Business Standard News )...
The Karnataka legislature Thursday witnessed a ruckus and disruptions by opposition parties who sought a judicial probe into the suicide of a debt-ridden farmer near the state secretariat here, about 500 km from Bangalore.

and karnataka is where "moral police" began in a big way, which also contributes to suicides, besides the resident moralistic culture.

and people arent't dying in tamil nadu through other anti-human reasons?? aren't anti-dalit lynchings happening?? isn't the "moral police" running riot?? only a few days ago was a thread about the mangalsutra removal program conducted in madras, and that thread was over-run by sanghi goons criticizing that much needed change.

aren't there riots in assam??

Probably that fag Gaddafi should be blamed for this.

he was more a man than most people alive... and why should a socialist revolutionary be blamed for failures of capitalist/reactionary societies??
I am not saying that clearly it is tgebfault of the BJP govt in Rajisthan but what objected to is kejris response just read his statement
IMHO he should have stopped the rally there its self. and not made the death into a political point . But then this is India!!!and politics is often played over the bodies of the poor.
@ all AAP bashers, How many of you have complained about farmer suicides to political entities of the state that the farmland belonged to?

How is Arvind answerable in this case if the farmer hails from rajhasthan? which is a BJP ruled state?

I don't think anyone is saying that Kejriwal was responsible for the agricultural policy of the country, I think the argument is that he should have had enough leadership ability to stop the suicide carried out in front of his eyes. The guy probably died from a broken neck when he was untied from the branch of a the tree by AA P workers. You don't need to be a doctor or be particularly smart to know that this was not the way to save the man.

When there were bomb blasts in Bihar, Modi thought on his feet and prevented a stampede. In this situation Kejriwal simply passes the buck to the police officers ( who definitely were in the wrong ) what kind of a leader cannot find a solution for something like this happening in front of him.

It shows up his character or rather lack of it.
Death, hunger stalk Indian tea-estate workers

wasn't west bengal the first anti-commie big victory, led mamatha didi, former friend of bjp??

farmers aren't dying in karnataka?? banglaore is "suicide capital of the world", if you didn't know.

from ( 25 farmers committed suicide in Karnataka every month - The Hindu )...

from ( Farmer's death rocks Karnataka assembly | Business Standard News )...

and karnataka is where "moral police" began in a big way, which also contributes to suicides, besides the resident moralistic culture.

and people arent't dying in tamil nadu through other anti-human reasons?? aren't anti-dalit lynchings happening?? isn't the "moral police" running riot?? only a few days ago was a thread about the mangalsutra removal program conducted in madras, and that thread was over-run by sanghi goons criticizing that much needed change.

aren't there riots in assam??

he was more a man than most people alive... and why should a socialist revolutionary be blamed for failures of capitalist/reactionary societies??


All dead are from Socialist paradise of Bengal. Socialism and that Gaddafi should be held responsible. Capitalist farms are working fine.

25 Farmer's suicide per month is very low for Karnataka. I expected more.
IMHO he should have stopped the rally there its self. and not made the death into a political point . But then this is India!!!and politics is often played over the bodies of the poor.

Sadly you are right & this why we need this new land bill we need to Industrialize ASAP
Does anybody know what the suicide to rate among farmers is per 100,000 compared to say students or housewives or landless workers? I wouldn't be surprised if there is not much difference and the whole thing is just a political ploy.
Does anybody know what the suicide to rate among farmers is per 100,000 compared to say students or housewives or landless workers? I wouldn't be surprised if there is not much difference and the whole thing is just a political ploy.

Brilliant point! A quick wikipedia search gives the following:

The farmers suicide rate in India has ranged between 1.4 to 1.8 per 100,000 total population, over a 10-year period through 2005

General population:
Between 1987 to 2007, the suicide rate increased from 7.9 to 10.3 per 100,000,[4] with higher suicide rates in southern and eastern states of India

Farmers seem to have a 7th of the suicide rates of the general population.

Also, only 1/6th of the farmer suicides are because of failure of crops. Most die to to drinking habits.
Sadly you are right & this why we need this new land bill we need to Industrialize ASAP
I do not deny we need this land bill but certain provisions need to be changed. and the farmers should have been counsulted while forming this bill.

A second mistake the Govt made was to use the ordnance route, they should have sent it through as a regular bill amendment in the LS . by not taking an all party consensus they just invited trouble.
A Development Agenda for our Farmers

What India needs today is a development agenda aimed at lifting small and marginal farmers out of poverty. They need to be empowered, their children need to be educated and given the opportunity to compete for mainstream jobs. They have to be given the chance to improve their quality of life.

For farmers to prosper, people and resources need to be reallocated away from low-productivity segments to more efficient ones. One of the ways to do it is through co-operative farming. Small agricultural holdings need to be merged to form larger co-operative units to allow for adoption of mechanised cultivation.

They also need to be encouraged to move up the value chain. With food processing gaining importance in India, there is an opportunity to do exactly that. As food processing as a sector is more labour absorptive and less capital intensive vis-à-vis textiles and apparel, investment in this sector can lead to the large-scale employment thus pulling many out of the rut of subsistence farming.

However, if all this is to become a reality India will need to build the necessary infrastructure. So, I think it is time to update former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s slogan of ‘Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan’ to ‘Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan, Jai Nirmaan!’

New Land Bill: Not a zero-sum game - ET Blogs
Brilliant point! A quick wikipedia search gives the following:

The farmers suicide rate in India has ranged between 1.4 to 1.8 per 100,000 total population, over a 10-year period through 2005

General population:
Between 1987 to 2007, the suicide rate increased from 7.9 to 10.3 per 100,000,[4] with higher suicide rates in southern and eastern states of India

Farmers seem to have a 7th of the suicide rates of the general population.
Thank you . So this is really much ado about nothing !!!!

I wonder why something you were able to find in about 5 seconds our esteemed media are totally unaware off. When Jamahirs revolution finally arrives, it should execute the Media first ( maybe Jamahir second ;) )
I do not deny we need this land bill but certain provisions need to be changed. and the farmers should have been counsulted while forming this bill.

A second mistake the Govt made was to use the ordnance route, they should have sent it through as a regular bill amendment in the LS . by not taking an all party consensus they just invited trouble.

Do tell suggestions you have in your mind
Also opposition is committed not let this thing through ordinance was necessary
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