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Farhad Dabirian killed in Syria

You failed to mention Rafidhi pigs in the region.

OT: Khas kam jahan pak
No I didn't forgot to mention wahhabi pigs.

Nowhere in the world you would dare to mention your cult anymore, you are exposed for good.
No I didn't forgot to mention wahhabi pigs.

Nowhere in the world you would dare to mention your cult anymore, you are exposed for good.
Lol cult worshippers like you should be the last people exposing others. Look at your rituals you have clearly dont have anything to do with Islam. F off Rafidhi and go worship your 12th Imam Putin.
Lol cult worshippers like you should be the last people exposing others. Look at your rituals you have clearly dont have anything to do with Islam. F off Rafidhi and go worship your 12th Imam Putin.
Isn’t ironic you mock rafidis while your religion is not less ridiculous than theirs?!
Isn’t ironic you mock rafidis while your religion is not less ridiculous than theirs?!
My religion is Islam as commanded by Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) Follow 5 pillars of Islam and wage Jihad in defense. That is all, no stupid innovations which came after his departure.
We call help only from Allah not from Putin or Khameini or xyz dead people.

And that's not Wahabism. This is Sunni Islam. Free from bullshit and divisions.
Lol cult worshippers like you should be the last people exposing others. Look at your rituals you have clearly dont have anything to do with Islam. F off Rafidhi and go worship your 12th Imam Putin.
Wahhabi terrorism is expired, your masters don't want your services (blowing your arse for them) anymore.

One day serving British, one day serving Yankees, and always a good puppet for Zionists, this is your story of past and present, even your Khalifah MBS is avoiding your fanatic cult and blamed the west for your existence.
what a humiliation.
My religion is Islam as commanded by Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) Follow 5 pillars of Islam and wage Jihad in defense. That is all, no stupid innovations which came after his departure.
We call help only from Allah not from Putin or Khameini or xyz dead people.

And that's not Wahabism. This is Sunni Islam. Free from bullshit and divisions.
Most of the Islamic jihad wasn’t defensive.
Most of the Islamic jihad wasn’t defensive.
My family participated in Afghan Jihad against Soviets which was defensive. Kashmir and Palestine Jihad is also defensive. Idk what else you are referring to.
My family participated in Afghan Jihad against Soviets which was defensive. Kashmir and Palestine Jihad is also defensive. Idk what else you are referring to.
Invasion is Spain balkans India doesn’t ring a bell to you??!
Invasion is Spain balkans India doesn’t ring a bell to you??!

It was nothing to do with Islam. Its was expansion of the kingdoms, family/clan rules. Had that been the case, considering Muslim ruled whole of southern Europe for 700 years, and subcontinent for one thousand years, you would have half of Europe speaking Arabic and great number of Muslims among population, and Muslim majority in sub continent. 700 and 1000 years is a very very long time to completely change the society.
What rubbish are you talking? It's actually the opposite now- when US military is targetted ,US is now hitting Iraqi army and formal law enforcement and not pmu. In the last attack on taji base that killed 3 NATO soldiers ,US didnt even kill 1 pmu member in retaliation. Stop feeding us propaganda.
If i am an IRGC commander i would be cold sweated rn. Everytime a low rank soldiers starts targetting US facilities, another high ranking commander got smoked.
"you can shoot one man but nothing will stop the plan" US lost Afghanistan to Iran they will lose Iraq and Syria and Yemen and many more to Iran too as all of the Middle east is Iran's national security not a playground for other powers to play in.
This is the way it's currently playing out . Ultimately, US can be relied to make the right moves, in the wrong places, at the wrong time.
Yup tell that to farhad the irgc commander in syria and soleimani.
From all other new sources, they all say US destroyed multiple facilities, but not 1 PMU leader or member died. I think you pro-US military action in Iraq were sooo charged up by the US airstrikes, you started inventing your own results from them. Till this day, i do not see 1 PMU or IRGC man killed in the recent US retaiatory airstrikes.

OBVIOUSLY, US knows that hitting another Iranian general will mean escalation,which US doesnt want, and that was shown by what was struck in the recent attacks.

You're basically selling propaganda and manipulating data on PDF. thank you!
From all other new sources, they all say US destroyed multiple facilities, but not 1 PMU leader or member died. I think you pro-US military action in Iraq were sooo charged up by the US airstrikes, you started inventing your own results from them. Till this day, i do not see 1 PMU or IRGC man killed in the recent US retaiatory airstrikes.

OBVIOUSLY, US knows that hitting another Iranian general will mean escalation,which US doesnt want, and that was shown by what was struck in the recent attacks.

You're basically selling propaganda and manipulating data on PDF. thank you!

OBVIOUSLY, US knows that hitting another Iranian general will mean escalation,which US doesnt want, and that was shown by what was struck in the recent attacks.

Dude your retaliation against soleimani killing resulted in no deaths of US forces in iraq, shooting down civilian airliner and 80+ of your own mourners.
Nothing sort of scary to speak.
In fact it make iran look more docile.
My family participated in Afghan Jihad against Soviets which was defensive. Kashmir and Palestine Jihad is also defensive. Idk what else you are referring to.
Ha ha...IN THAT same twitter post, i found this as a response from a reputable Middle East security twitter member:


So its a lie! someone even said the name is made up. there was not 1 single iRGC member killed in Iraq recently after Soleimani.

Pls try again.

Dude your retaliation against soleimani killing resulted in no deaths of US forces in iraq
no physical death, but over 70+ US and NATO soldiers are brain dead now, its called Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI. GO learn.
shooting down civilian airliner and 80+ of your own mourners.
what does this have to do with the topic at hand? Like your country Indonesia is not backwards. You guys cant even get into a conflict with ANY power, be it China, US , so who are you to speak about how other countries act during war/conflict times?
Nothing sort of scary to speak.
In fact it make iran look more docile.
and? i dont even understand wtf you're talking about right now bro.
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