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Faked Indian history

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gandhi was given the choice of naming his country either ganges or after himself that is ghandistan:lol: but since the world new neither gandhi nor ganges he decided to name it after a river that flows in completely different land i.e Pakistan the home of indus river and silk road the trademark of central asia.
this is what you call a crap useless flame thread, i wonder whats the use of such stupid threads on a defense Forum
Such flame threads are usual here but a Think Tanks taking such cheap shots is unusual. very bad
The IVC was not the start of the journey towards Indian culture. The IVC was basically wiped away. Its writings remain a puzzle.

So it really doesn't have anything to do with modern day India.

Debateable, but alright. The first revelation might have occurred in India (though I'd still insist on checking this), but it definitely did not develop in India.

if you're definite about it all, why bother asking our opinion?
@road runner: please see my other posts regarding indian history.
Yes.Buddhism grew to many branches in different parts of
the world.
I am completely agree withh the OP's point of view(I understand how it feels when you are jealous of rich culture.):azn:...... what i don't agree is the Think Tank status given to him.:sick:

Btw ever heard about Greater India????

Greater India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever heard about Culture of India?

Culture of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What on earth is that?

All it shows is what I've been saying. That the culture and history is all stolen from foreign lands.

Greater India is just some belief that religious people have in India. It's not based on absolute historical fact.
gandhi was given the choice of naming his country either ganges or after himself that is ghandistan:lol: but since the world new neither gandhi nor ganges he decided to name it after a river that flows in completely different land i.e Pakistan the home of indus river and silk road the trademark of central asia.

Do you guys actually believe all this crap you parade around?
gandhi was given the choice of naming his country either ganges or after himself that is ghandistan:lol: but since the world new neither gandhi nor ganges he decided to name it after a river that flows in completely different land i.e Pakistan the home of indus river and silk road the trademark of central asia.

by that logic, we honor the ancient culture more than you guys. so why cry now?

that to from thinka tank
What on earth is that?

All it shows is what I've been saying. That the culture and history is all stolen from foreign lands.

Greater India is just some belief that religious people have in India. It's not based on absolute historical fact.

absolute historical fact: pakistan didnt exist before partition
Minor thread. But I'm amazed at the level of thievery the Indians have done to Pakistan's (and Afghanistan's) history.

  • The name India.... stolen (Indus flows through Pakistan).
  • Huen Tsang visits India..... only he did not as he visited Pakistan and Afghanistan
  • Now they're even trying to prove that Pashtuns are one of the Lost Tribes of Israel by misrepresenting Middle Eastern history.
  • Claims of "Aryanhood":cheesy: in the Ganges.... only it was a cultural flow
  • Claims of Sanskrit being Indian... only it wasn't developed in India.
The whole of India's history is based on lies it would seem.

I suppose it's difficult not to steal if you have no history.

I will tell you why...cus your forefathers(assuming that you are not the direct descendent of conan the aryan) were all Indian(for the europeans mainly greeks) or hindustani (for your mid-eastern friends) or bharatiya (amongst themelves)...were ruled by hindu kings and were either hindu or buddhists and paid patronage to the courts of hindu/buddhist rajputs,mauryas,guptas in hastinapur/patliputra...
prophet muhammad was yet to be born and the arabs were barbaric..the egyptians worshipped the sun and illah was a deity...

Pakistan is a recent happening.It happened because some Indians wanted a different part of their own.Now you can either cherish history as your history when you were India or wait for a thousand years to remember about all the assasinations..the bomb blasts...riots...and failes IMF ratings to finally have a thick book of your own.

ps:-if you are one of those..we-come-form-iran/iraq/turkey guys then I suggest that you find solace in the history of those countries only...
Debateable, but alright. The first revelation might have occurred in India (though I'd still insist on checking this), but it definitely did not develop in India.

Anyway this doesn't answer the point. Huen Tsang never visited India. He visited Afghanistan, Pakistan, specifically Gandhara.
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