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Faked Indian history

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Always ended with mudslinging.

I"ll just repeat what a wise member once said on a similar thread:Let Pakistanis bother about the history,we Indians have the future to be concerned about.
i think we should not blame the whole pakistan
For the work of an individual.
Minor thread. But I'm amazed at the level of thievery the Indians have done to Pakistan's (and Afghanistan's) history.

  • The name India.... stolen (Indus flows through Pakistan).
  • Huen Tsang visits India..... only he did not as he visited Pakistan and Afghanistan
  • Now they're even trying to prove that Pashtuns are one of the Lost Tribes of Israel by misrepresenting Middle Eastern history.
  • Claims of "Aryanhood":cheesy: in the Ganges.... only it was a cultural flow
  • Claims of Sanskrit being Indian... only it wasn't developed in India.
The whole of India's history is based on lies it would seem.

I suppose it's difficult not to steal if you have no history.

Someone wants to be Indian. :rofl:
I thank Acetophenol for trying to answer the facts I presented.

The rest of you are firing blanks with small arms munitions (get lost).
Minor thread. But I'm amazed at the level of thievery the Indians have done to Pakistan's (and Afghanistan's) history.

  • The name India.... stolen (Indus flows through Pakistan).
  • Huen Tsang visits India..... only he did not as he visited Pakistan and Afghanistan
  • Now they're even trying to prove that Pashtuns are one of the Lost Tribes of Israel by misrepresenting Middle Eastern history.
  • Claims of "Aryanhood":cheesy: in the Ganges.... only it was a cultural flow
  • Claims of Sanskrit being Indian... only it wasn't developed in India.
The whole of India's history is based on lies it would seem.

I suppose it's difficult not to steal if you have no history.

and who is the insecure individual here ? Facepalm bigtime
Roadrunner, if you have insecurity issues, defence.pk is not the place to show it. I recommend a therapist.
I am completely agree withh the OP's point of view(I understand how it feels when you are jealous of rich culture.):azn:...... what i don't agree is the Think Tank status given to him.:sick:

Btw ever heard about Greater India????

The term Greater India refers to the historical spread of the culture of India beyond the Indian subcontinent proper.This concerns the spread of Hinduism in Southeast Asia in particular, introduced by the Indianized kingdoms of the 5th to 15th centuries, but may also extend to the earlier spread of Buddhism from India to Central Asia and China by way of the Silk Road during the early centuries of the Common Era. To the west, Greater India overlaps with Greater Persia in the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountains. Historically, the term is also tied to the geographic uncertainties surrounding the "Indies" during the Age of Exploration.
Greater India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever heard about Culture of India?
Regarded by some historians as the "oldest living civilization of Earth", the Indian tradition dates back to 8000 BC[2] and has a continuous recorded history since the time of the Vedas for over 5,500 years. Several elements of India's diverse culture — such as Indian religions, yoga and Indian cuisine — have had a profound impact across the world.
Culture of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
this is what you call a crap useless flame thread, i wonder whats the use of such stupid threads on a defense Forum
indus valley civilisation is not just 'a' civilisation. Its from where we have started.

The IVC was not the start of the journey towards Indian culture. The IVC was basically wiped away. Its writings remain a puzzle.

So it really doesn't have anything to do with modern day India.

Buddhism originated in india
When gautam buddha attained nirvana under bodhi tree at bodha gaya,india

Debateable, but alright. The first revelation might have occurred in India (though I'd still insist on checking this), but it definitely did not develop in India.
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