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Faked Indian history

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we do have our own history about which the world is proud of.
First of all,as history is concerned there was no seperate nations called india and pakistan but a single land mass.
Majority of Indus river(93%) flows through modern day
Pakistan,5% through modern
Day india and 2% through modern day china. Indus river has contributed not only for
the growth of india but the entire humanity(indus valley
India is also the birth place of
Many religions namely
Hinduism,jainism and buddhism.

Cave paintings and sculptors
Found all over india reveals india's rich past(eg:edackal caves)
try again dear sir. i hail from multan (pakistan)
it is you who is challenging the normally held beliefs, the onus is on you to provide proofs and not to us menial folks, to scholars who actually write the history.

So what if you hail from internet Multan? What does that have to do with anything?

I'm not challenging normally held beliefs when I say things like the Indus River flows through Pakistan and not through India. That is a geographical FACT. Do you need a map of the subcontinent to know this?
What a girly whining thread!!. No wonder China banned time travel programs, some people wants to stay in the past only.

If indeed India has stolen everything from pakistan, so what?? whining and making a thread about the inability of pakistan to do something about it??

Fight and take back your history, if you can!!

Hey, please don't drag China into this. You have crticised us enough times in the related threads.
going by the quality of their "think-tanks", no wonder pakistani authorities are going through a credibility crisis. At least IMF and CIA seem to think so

buddy if you have a valid argument, present it. Don't resort to such tactics. Simply present your point or shut up... you have no right to talk about "quality" of people.
we do have our own history about which the world is proud of.
First of all,as history is concerned there was no seperate nations called india and pakistan but a single land mass.
Majority of Indus river(93%) flows through modern day
Pakistan,5% through modern
Day india and 2% through modern day china. Indus river has contributed not only for
the growth of india but the entire humanity(indus valley
India is also the birth place of
Many religions namely
Hinduism,jainism and buddhism.

Cave paintings and sculptors
Found all over india reveals india's rich past(eg:edackal caves)

dude......are you seriously going to try and explain ?!
So what if you hail from internet Multan? What does that have to do with anything?

I'm not challenging normally held beliefs when I say things like the Indus River flows through Pakistan and not through India. That is a geographical FACT. Do you need a map of the subcontinent to know this?

yes yes, pakistan existed way before the partition all the way back to the time of Huen_Tsang (c. 602 – 664)
happy now :kiss3:
yes yes, pakistan existed way before the partition all the way back to the time of Huen_Tsang (c. 602 – 664)
happy now :kiss3:

Yes happy. But will be really happy if you could answer where the Indus River is located?
The name india was given to areas east of river sindh even during times there was no pakistan..Megasthenes describes the areas in present north india in his treatise "indica"..Even "east india company" was set up in present kolkota..How come the name is stolen?
Huen tsang visited ancient india-up until mathura,he also stayed in capital of king harshwardhan..not just areas in present pakistan(which is also a part of what is considered ancient india before partition..lol)
Above all,the present day pakistan is considered a part of ancient india,as it have been a single unit with present north india during the reign of all major empires like guptas,mughals,british etc..
india is also the birth place of the vedas(rig,sama,yajur,adharva vedas),which apart from their religious values gives scientific facts too.

India is also the birth place of the epic mahabharatha and
Ramayana. Mahabharatha gives clear cut depiction of man's mind and his behaviour
in various situations.

Both ramayana and mahabharatha bears common elements with greek
Epics elliad and oddessey.

India also had some primitive
Form of republic(mahajanapadas).
we do have our own history about which the world is proud of.
First of all,as history is concerned there was no seperate nations called india and pakistan but a single land mass.

The Indus Valley has always been linked to India, just as it has to Afghanistan, Iran and China.

But the Indus Valley does have a very different history.

Majority of Indus river(93%) flows through modern day
Pakistan,5% through modern
Day india and 2% through modern day china. Indus river has contributed not only for
the growth of india but the entire humanity(indus valley

So a river that flows 93% through Pakistan is used as the basis for the name of India, yet a river like the ganges that flows 100% through India is not used as a basis. Can you explain why?

India is also the birth place of
Many religions namely
Hinduism,jainism and buddhism.

Hinduism, yes. Buddhism, not really. Buddha was born in Nepal, he moved to India where Buddhists got persecuted. Buddhism flourished in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It did not develop in India.

The Mahyana Buddhism which is the main form of Buddhism developed in Northwest Pakistan or Afghanistan or Kashmir. This spread to China

The other type of Buddhism developed in Sri Lanka. It spread to Japan (I need to check).

Cave paintings and sculptors
Found all over india reveals india's rich past(eg:edackal caves)

Noone has heard of the Edackal Caves! All the things your historians quote are from Pakistan's or Afghanistan's history.
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