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Failure of Pakistani Government; it’s the time for Army to hold Pakistan?

sorry, that is a good thread , MODS TAKE IT , where it belongs , i mean political section, its a militry aviation thread, its not a political thread!
so plz lets, disscuss it there, not here!
If army suddenly attack with its force (assuming they retain substantial army at India Border) and clear it, it might be very successful. Attacking once and clearing better Idea then nationalizing whole issue.
Plzzz think before u write some thing. We support our ARMY 101% and we have choosen these leaders so we have to trust them in these times. In next election remeber to vote to right person.

Who select Mr. Asif Ali Zardari?
Pakistan never had democracy or the civil government if you want term it as. Previously one man ruler was Musharraf and today one Man's rule means Zardari Tola. Although KLB is hatred by majority of the countrymen, it is still being imposed. Where in the world a minority opinion is able to surpass majority?

Additionally, the terrorism is failure of Security Forces not the Civil government. Even at the time of Musharraf, such incidents were more than common. So whats the point in looking towards the Dictatorship again?
sorry, that is a good thread , MODS TAKE IT , where it belongs , i mean political section, its a militry aviation thread, its not a political thread!
so plz lets, disscuss it there, not here!

You are right. What happen I want to delete it from here but unable to delete and had power failure and when it comes back, got some replies on this topic.
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Mid-term elections.

Stop US officials from meeting with politicians during elections and just before it.
You are right. What happen I want to delete it from here but unable to delete and had power problem and when it comes back, got some replies on this topic.

PM the MODS, i guss the power has been restored!:cheers:
Some other way out?

It is not a failure of the Govt, it is a failure of the ppl of Pakistan for allowing themselves to be misled. They have been misled by the army into believing that they were the best option to the nation. Today Pk is where it is due to actions taken when dictators were in command.

How will the army help ? It can only make a bad situation worse. Notice, most of the attacks are against uniformed forces showing that they themselves are the targets. Will the army have any more powers if they are running the country ? If not then whats stopping them from acting now ?

Mush did an "Amritsar " at lal Majsid. The nation & PA in particular is bearing its consequences. The rescinded deal at Swat made things worse . It can be argued that there was no other option , which is possibly right.

But what was wrong at lal Masjid as at Amritsar was the blind eye when things were building up.

No, army is not an option. The army at best is a pain killer that can numb the injury temporarily giving the impression that all's well, but not treat the cause. This can only be done by politicians and a system which unfortunately the PA has systematically eroded.
Within 20 days 8 major incidences in Peshawar, Islamabad, Kohat and Lahore. It’s a big failure of the Government. Inflation is at its peak. No one is secure.

1. Time to resign Zardari, Gillani, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Rehman Malik, Kaira, Raja Perveez Ashraf etc etc?

2.Time for Army to hold Pakistan?

3.Time for new Elections?

What's your openion and suggestions?
O C'mon people!act like Matures. This is no way. i confess that government is not doing right things. But it is a fact that this government is not imposed on us by most hated US as many people say. It was our vote that gave them the mandate to rule us. We should change ourselves. Ok our rulers are corrupt but thats not only them. We are corrupt individually as well. What do we not do? we can deceive other even for a worthless 1 Re coin, we habitually break traffic signals. We expand our houses illegally. we park our cars in No-Parking zone. the pure is possible only out of pure. We need to change ourselves first. Everything will change itself. And remember one thing, there should not be any role of military in governance. :coffee:
Failure of Pakistani Governments? Or is it a failure of democracy! How can we make the person correct while the system is corrrupt! Its the time to refuse the imported system of democracy. Its the time to setup 'Khilafat' indeed, which is the answer of all the threats.. which is the only solution to deal with anti Islamic forces around us! History is the true evidence of the successes of 'Khilafat'.

"Surely, we are going to place our representatives (Khalifa) on earth" [verse 30 : Sura Baqara].

"All human beings are khalifa of Allah though many of them commit sins and do not act like khalifa." (Ref. : Quran - 6:165; 27:62 and 35:39).

Long Live "Islamic Republic Of Pakistan" :pakistan:
Some other way out?

No other way out buddy, Just have faith in the government :cheers: and pray to god. Your country i doing its best to set things right. At this critical time a military take over is a very bad thing. It will create more tensions ,Than solving them.
The Pakistani electorate has to ensure that it chooses the right candidate next time, since it was them who voted the current incumbent govt in power and will have to regret it for the next couple of years. It is indeed a difficult task to choose the best amongst a barrel of rotten tomatoes. Maybe Imran Khan / Zaid Hamid coalition would be the answer... :cheers:
Failure of Pakistani Governments? Or is it a failure of democracy! How can we make the person correct while the system is corrrupt! Its the time to refuse the imported system of democracy. Its the time to setup 'Khilafat' indeed, which is the answer of all the threats.. which is the only solution to deal with anti Islamic forces around us! History is the true evidence of the successes of 'Khilafat'.

"Surely, we are going to place our representatives (Khalifa) on earth" [verse 30 : Sura Baqara].

"All human beings are khalifa of Allah though many of them commit sins and do not act like khalifa." (Ref. : Quran - 6:165; 27:62 and 35:39).

Long Live "Islamic Republic Of Pakistan" :pakistan:

and how is to decide about the "khalifa"? Molana Diesel?????:pop:
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