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failing "no spy" agreement will change bilateral relations between Germany and USA


Nov 23, 2013
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Members of our parliament debate since weeks with their american counterparts about a "no spy" agreement between USA and germany. While Caitlin Hayden, security speaker, of the white house said today both party would work together to find a common base and agreements, the german side said: "we are getting nothing", USA lied to us.

Most media in germany report, that the "no spy" agreement will not come into reality. Chanellor Merkel made clear that she demands, that american government has to respect german law on german soil. That private sphere of german citizens is respected, that no government is spied on the other. But it seems USA denies evry single point of that.

Chancellor Merkel made clear that this will change the relations between Germany and USA drastical. She announced that if USA will not cooperate she will personal end talks about a free trade zone. The swift and safe harbor agreements will also be cancelled. The Bundestag will open a special "NSA councel" which will deal with the NSA operations within germany and bring its operations into public.

The recovery of the american economy depends heavily on the support from germany. If chancellor Merkel really stops the talks about the freetrade agreement, hundredthousands of american jobs will be at risk.

Chancellor Merkel was always a great friend of america

She is one of the few world leaders that ever spoke in the american congress:


Merkel was one of the most pro american world leaders. Its ironic, that Obamas stupid actions ruined that relationship completly now. It will have great economic concequences and is the best example to show how a bad leader can ruin other peoples life. USA is in much economic trouble at the moment and needs recovry. And Obama lies to americas allies. Infact Obama even told here, when he was in germany, that no spying operation is going on. His lie is on tape. That can lead to two conclusions:

1. He did know better and is not trustworthy.

2. he did not know and has no clue whats going on in his country

Both options destroy his renomee.

No-Spy-Abkommen vor Aus: Merkel: "Gespräche werden fortgesetzt" - Politik | STERN.DE
Hopefully the woman keeps her stand...Will not only make Germans proud but also keep Germany out of trouble...

When spied, your state secrets are the least of your worries...what happens more than not is the population is studied and ways to break it into chaos are designed based on that data...
Hopefully the woman keeps her stand...Will not only make Germans proud but also keep Germany out of trouble...

When spied, your state secrets are the least of your worries...what happens more than not is the population is studied and ways to break it into chaos are designed based on that data...

The arguments of the american side are laughable. Their ambassador here told us, that USA does not spy economic informations in germany. He said it would be impossible. If they steal data from our EADS / Airbus, they would not know if they give it to Boeing or Lockheed Martin...Ut would be almost comical if it wouldn´t be so sad.
The arguments of the american side are laughable. Their ambassador here told us, that USA does not spy economic informations in germany. He said it would be impossible. If they steal data from our EADS / Airbus, they would not know if they give it to Boeing or Lockheed Martin...Ut would be almost comical if it wouldn´t be so sad.
Not sure about comical...but still breaching policies!
I am not surprised at all neither am I sad about the outcome of our gullible government. In fact I'm glad that this outcome opens the eyes of many, many people that the US is not a friend, not a partner and not someone you can ever trust.
I am not surprised at all neither am I sad about the outcome of our gullible government. In fact I'm glad that this outcome opens the eyes of many, many people that the US is not a friend, not a partner and not someone you can ever trust.
I agree 100%, unfortunately it causes much of damage now. The good thing is, that losers in our own government like Pofalla and Friedrichs got dismissed.
She announced that if USA will not cooperate

I didn't understand this phrase ?

USA will cooperate on what ? They have already spied.....Does Germany wants someting or an action by US for compensation ?
The arguments of the american side are laughable. Their ambassador here told us, that USA does not spy economic informations in germany. He said it would be impossible. If they steal data from our EADS / Airbus, they would not know if they give it to Boeing or Lockheed Martin...Ut would be almost comical if it wouldn´t be so sad.
i think germany cannot bully US in intelligence neither will US keep her words of no spyong ops..but i think US can be considerably threaten if germany shows his economic muscles... and offcourse germany is running europe,s affairs practically so i think under angela,s leadership germany will and can threaten falling US economically, as china is doing so...

I am not surprised at all neither am I sad about the outcome of our gullible government. In fact I'm glad that this outcome opens the eyes of many, many people that the US is not a friend, not a partner and not someone you can ever trust.
Well, one thing i have come to know about germans is, they learn quick, learn well and does not forget their lessons.......well done germany ... and i think germans have learned their lesson now... #angela
I didn't understand this phrase ?

USA will cooperate on what ? They have already spied.....Does Germany wants someting or an action by US for compensation ?
cooperate with our authorities and fullfill our demands. Thats what she means.

Okay, i get that much. What are your demands ?

They are simple. Merkel made 2 points clear:

1. German law is respect on german ground

2. Spying under "friends" is a no go

Normally that are points not even worth discussing. Its sad enough this has to be put on the table...
Germany will huff and puff but the little american piggy lives in a stone made house and it will be in vain.Then,they'll all forget about this while the public opinion gets distracted with something else .


Okay, i get that much. What are your demands ?

Nothing concrete,they're just posturing for the techno loving crowd back at home .After the americans will ignore them or blabber some "we won't do it again" (while keeping fingers crossed) Germany will try to regain it's wounded pride by bullying CXyprus some more.:lol:
Germany will huff and puff but the little american piggy lives in a stone made house and it will be in vain.Then,they'll all forget about this while the public opinion gets distracted with something else .

Nothing concrete,they're just posturing for the techno loving crowd back at home .After the americans will ignore them or blabber some "we won't do it again" (while keeping fingers crossed) Germany will try to regain it's wounded pride by bullying CXyprus some more.:lol:

You still live in romania?

How do we bully Cyprus? With wishing a stable economy for them? I wonder why many southern europeans see discipline as bullying.
Germany will huff and puff but the little american piggy lives in a stone made house and it will be in vain.Then,they'll all forget about this while the public opinion gets distracted with something else .

Nothing concrete,they're just posturing for the techno loving crowd back at home .After the americans will ignore them or blabber some "we won't do it again" (while keeping fingers crossed) Germany will try to regain it's wounded pride by bullying CXyprus some more.:lol:

I was suspecting this was the case..... :)
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