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germany denies israel war ship subsidies

I dont know about Malaysian. But you most definitely do not look like a European.
You look more like a hybrid between Thai/Filippino and South American.

cool story bro. Thats why ma father is german and my mother is italian. They propably must have adopted me. Now evrything is clear. You guys crack me up. But i told you! I´m australian aboriginal, didn´t you know ha ha
cool story bro. Thats why ma father is german and my mother is italian. They propably must have adopted me. Now evrything is clear. You guys crack me up. But i told you! I´m australian aboriginal, didn´t you know ha ha

Looking at your photo you do have some hazara and moroccan along with european looks. Is your mom a moor or sicilian?
Looking at your photo you do have some hazara and moroccan along with european looks. Is your mom a moor or sicilian?

my mama is from malcesine. Thats in north italy near lake garda.
Looking at your photo you do have some hazara and moroccan along with european looks. Is your mom a moor or sicilian?
Looking at your photo you do have some hazara and moroccan along with european looks. Is your mom a moor or sicilian?
Have you ever seen or met a Hazara [erson in real life... just curious..
Have you ever seen or met a Hazara [erson in real life... just curious..

yes,I know one chap who is a hazara who escaped from Afghanistan to save himself from Taliban in 1990's. Hazaras are a central asian mix ,with predominant mongoloid looks .
yes,I know one chap who is a hazara who escaped from Afghanistan to save himself from Taliban in 1990's. Hazaras are a central asian mix ,with predominant mongoloid looks .

They have a "mongoloid look because they are the descendants of mongols... and do you live in australia etc?
so where did you meet tht guy? india? no afghan went to india during the 90s... they migrated to Pakistan n than some to Iran...

There are some Attarwada and Ahmedabad .Hazara diaspora shia NGO's did run some rescue programs for hazaras in West,India in the 90's.Also there is an afghan diaspora of 30,000 in india.

Desert fighter are you hazara?
There are some Attarwada and Ahmedabad .Hazara diaspora shia NGO's did run some rescue programs for hazaras in West,India in the 90's.Also there is an afghan diaspora of 30,000 in india.

Desert fighter are you hazara?

The afghan diaspora of india isnt by any means 30,000 .... UNHCR puts the number at 3,531 almost all non muslims sikhs and hindus... who fled in the 90s...Anyways.........

No im not Hazara.. im a Baluch... but i have many hazara friends... we have a very big hazara population in Quetta(my hometown) alone..
The afghan diaspora of india isnt by any means 30,000 .... UNHCR puts the number at 3,531 almost all non muslims sikhs and hindus... who fled in the 90s...Anyways.........

No im not Hazara.. im a Baluch... but i have many hazara friends... we have a very big hazara population in Quetta(my hometown) alone..

There were more than 18,000 Afghan refugees in India as of December 2011, according to the foreign ministry. It is unclear how many more unregistered Afghans are living here.
Tough times follow Afghan refugees fleeing Taliban to Delhi - Indian Express
There were more than 18,000 Afghan refugees in India as of December 2011, according to the foreign ministry. It is unclear how many more unregistered Afghans are living here.
Tough times follow Afghan refugees fleeing Taliban to Delhi - Indian Express

UNHCR report from 2006 ...

8,500 Afghan refugees of Hindu and Sikh faiths who have been resident in India for more than 12 years..

UNHCR - Afghan refugees in India become Indian, at last


Till June 2012, there were 9,317 Afghan refugees and 603 Afghan asylum seekers registered under the UNHCR's mandate in India.

India, a home away from home for Afghan refugees - Yahoo News India

I don't know how old you are---. Germany did a lot for the arab world during the 50's, 60's, 70's----. Pakistan also benefitted. But ultimately---the israeli assasinations and israeli influence took over---.

Germany has no interest in the middle east so ' divide et impera ' don't hold good.

The only thing is that the israelis have the german ballz in their hands----and squeeze they do when they want to and the germans can only squirm and kow tow to the demands----. The germans have become a gultess nation---a nation that has been castrated----but then how could the israelis squeeze the ballz----when they are castrated----. Damn---.

I agree with this statement. Germany has very little influence in the Middle east. Uncle sam is the one who holds all the cards in this region. In fact even Russia, France , U.K and China has more influence in the region than Germany. Its not that germany is incapable of having more influence in this region(or in the world for that matter), Germany can easilly be the most influential European country in the world(sinceit has by far the largest economy and best engineering in Europe) but the problem Germany still faces is it role in WWII, Thats one reason it avoids getting too involve in most world issues/crisis. It still carries that image of cupability despite the fact that almost all europe has already forgiven them and want to see a more active Germany. The thing is Israel still thinks it can blacmail Germany and they still act as if Germany still owes them/has an obligation to support them no matter what they do. Unfortunately for Germany, it will take a very long time for it to get out of the grip of Israel and uncle sam. Germany still find it hard to say no to israel or stand its ground mainly due to its past about WWII. so Germany will keep subsidizing Israel for a long time to come(note that France, Britain and other euorpean countries dont give any arms subsidies to israel for obvious reason).
However, i agree with what Marcus said: Israel acts as a "divide et impera" tool in the middle east. There is constant war and turmoil and this is good for the U.S/west interests. This something i think even the most dumb person will be aware of, but in some ways it seem Muslim countries in the ME still dont understand this. The thing is no matter how much oil/money/investments Muslim(especially the rich oil producing GCC countries) give/supply to the west, we will never take any muslim country side against Israel(no matter what israel does). This is something muslims have to understand. Israel will always have priority over all the other countries in the region. since its a main pillar of our governemnts divide and rule policy/interest necessary for us to maintain control in the region.we might sell Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar etc sophisticated weapons/armaments but we would always supply israel even more sophisticated ones with at times full technology transfer and building of arms industry for their self sufficency(and in due time enable israel to exports alot of this weapons). So we are basically just milking this dumb ME governments of their oil and money while maintaining rheir dependency on us for their security/economy. Unfortunately this is the obvious truth. :agree:
so Muslims governments/countries need to wise up and think of ways to cooperate in Joint arms productions and trade more between themselves, create a strong manufacturing industry while planning to lessen their dependence on oil if they want to ever stand a chance of being independent/self sufficient. else they will always remain lackeys of the west/U.S:usflag: but i dont see that happening this century though. IMO.lol These muslims are too divided already.:D
Well then let me teach you again, the rock paintings are from several caves in france, spain, italy and between 45.000 and 12.000 years old. They are very famous worldwide and some are considered the oldest art worldwide.





What you see there is the oldest art from europeans and i believe i have the right to be proud for it because it shows what my ancestors saw and what they wanted to show.

You call the greek mythology as old and outdated but i don´t think so. Great thinkers like Sokrates, Cicero, Aristoteles and Epikur are giants till today. I see the muslim world not as an direct enemy but i can´t identify with anything of it. It is totally alien for me and most europeans. And you oppose what you don´t understand. Thats a normal behavior, don´t you think?

Wrong, South Africa and East Africa has oldest cave Painting
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