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Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

The viets here are very humorous, believes their 60s weapon are "modern", money is "gifted" and not earned and still thinks with a cold war mentality.

Build whatever u want on those useless rock,we dont give a damn care,its fine ,keep wating ur money,as long as u cant suck oil from there:pop:

Tourism in the SCS has already started despite the infancy of the infrastructure there.

In terms of exploring for minerals and resources, China can do it themselves anytime they please. But Vietnam has to get foreign help and which firm is stupid enough to even venture into dispute territory claimed by the PRC and start drilling. Your navy can't even stop a bunch of fisherman from cutting your cables, snip snip.

Chinese influence grows larger day by day, Viet can only sit aside and cry to anyone who will throw them a bone.
The viets here are very humorous, believes their 60s weapon are "modern", money is "gifted" and not earned and still thinks with a cold war mentality.

Tourism in the SCS has already started despite the infancy of the infrastructure there.

In terms of exploring for minerals and resources, China can do it themselves anytime they please. But Vietnam has to get foreign help and which firm is stupid enough to even venture into dispute territory claimed by the PRC and start drilling. Your navy can't even stop a bunch of fisherman from cutting your cables, snip snip.

Chinese influence grows larger day by day, Viet can only sit aside and cry to anyone who will throw them a bone.
Oh,then show how powerful u r with the guts to suck oil around our lost rocks.if dare not,then we dont care abt those low life clowns making comedy show to entertain us on our rocks:pop:
Oh,then show how powerful u r with the guts to suck oil around our lost rocks.if dare not,then we dont care abt those low life clowns making comedy show to entertain us on our rocks:pop:

Don't get mad mate your country is dead poor to do anything in those islands but we always welcome you guys to take a holliday in that resort as long as you can afford it:P
Just like Soviet union,Russia want us to contain bad boy China ,and we r doing it well now,so Russia will keep supporting our defense budget .

U know Russia help us to build sub-marine base for blocking ur important oil route from Middle east,right.So,oki,we soon will be ur night mare in SCS(east sea),u can do Nothing but bowing down and beg for mercy from uVN-Russia :pop:

I thought this thread is about Vietnam cozy America? what's matter can't trust American:sleep:? Vietnam has already bankruped U.S.S.R once with all free aid, you think they're stupid to provide you unlimite credit againts China. No wonder you vietnameses are so easy to be get owned by Chinese for millenium...i think it's genetic :omghaha:
Oh,then show how powerful u r with the guts to suck oil around our lost rocks.if dare not,then we dont care abt those low life clowns making comedy show to entertain us on our rocks:pop:

China is saving the oil for a rainy day, not like the Viets who are desperate for oil to sell. I am sure if Viets cried and moaned more, your sugar daddies might give throw you a bigger bone.
Vietnam is a backstabber. China once support Vietnam, but Vietnam, like a spoiled, rebellious brat, sees China as an enemy.

Anyway, a country cowering to America are a bunch of cowards who can't even stand up for themselves.

Here is what happen to backstabber, stabbs that hands that feeds you allow you to grow up and become a disgrace to it supporter. Japan supported China all these years and now China bites back.
Japan to Slash China Aid? | Tokyo Notes

China has overtaken Japan to become the world’s second-largest economy, is building a bullet train network across its vast land mass as fast as you can say 'shinkansen', and may even be launching a probe to Mars in 2013. It has even got cash to spare to aid African nations (albeit with an eye on their natural resources).

So is it perverse that Japan still supplies overseas development assistance to its beefed-up neighbour? Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara seems to think so, having ordered his staff to look into cutting Tokyo’s ODA budget to Beijing.

The most recent data shows that Japan handed China approximately $65.9 million in grants and technical cooperation in fiscal 2008. Tokyo has provided Beijing with more than $3.6 billion since it first extended aid in 1979.

Such assistance was originally granted to assist China as a developing nation, with a proviso added in the Foreign Ministry’s development assistance charter that ‘full attention should be paid to efforts for promoting democratization and the introduction of a market-oriented economy, and the situation regarding the protection of basic human rights and freedoms in the recipient country.’

Yet while the Chinese government’s disdain for reform is blatant, Japan was motivated less by lofty ideals and more by an effort to make amends for its wartime atrocities. A Kyodo news report mentioned that some Japanese officials ‘fear a possible negative impact from severing the aid because it has helped ease anti-Japanese sentiment among Chinese people and facilitated an environment in which Japanese firms can do business in China.’

Economic disparities are another reason for granting aid, but given that the Chinese government controls the nation’s purse strings, and with its economy rapidly expanding, Beijing should be capable of eventually narrowing such inequalities.

It would also seem somewhat paradoxical for Japan to continue supplying China with aid given that Tokyo appears to be building up its military presence to counter Beijing’s perceived threat.

Bilateral ties took a battering last year when a Chinese fishing boat rammed a couple of Japanese coast guard vessels. The effects of this incident are still being felt, but they should in no way be grounds for slashing assistance to China. The only rationale for cutting aid should be to free up money to help people in countries that really do need assistance.

The beggar return her gratitude toward Master?

Anti-Japanese sentiment in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Being disgraceful are China culture, and natural for Chinese to act this way, no surprise here. As you see in all there shows. movies, son back stab his father, student back stab his master ect...
Being hostile to them may not solve the issue but aggravate it further. After all you can't change your location which is right below China.
Why would Vietnam want to change her Geographic location, it a choke point for China. That's a great advantage location to be in when Vietnam economic and military are stronger in the future.

US and China,which do you vietnamese trust more?
Of course not China.
The ultimate aim of the US is to install VNCH as a legitimate party of Vietnam so she can claim she won the war after all. These democratic Viets will all return to their homeland and kick all the commies out of the country.

Indeed who won the war! It's too early to tell.
Chinese are so dramatic,
FYI, VNCH are dead by the way,

USA is not a country worth of tursted, history won't lie.
Tell when other can trust China?
The ultimate aim of the US is to install VNCH as a legitimate party of Vietnam so she can claim she won the war after all. These democratic Viets will all return to their homeland and kick all the commies out of the country.

Indeed who won the war! It's too early to tell.

If you have any Chinese soul in you, you wouldn't want Vietnamese aboard united with vietnam government, Vietnamese aboard specially in USA can help Vietnam in alot of ways. Which China don't wanted strong neighbor exist at the border
you asked a stupid question in return that's what you get.
Where is the happiness come from? are you talking among yourself?
Deleting other people's objective posts is a despicable childish act, it shows ones innermost fear of facing the truth and usually done by sissy s.
Have a nice day and enjoy flirting with yourself, Miss Minjitta.
Why would Vietnam want to change her Geographic location, it a choke point for China. That's a great advantage location to be in when Vietnam economic and military are stronger in the future.

Choke point for China...LOL...indeed a great advantage location since millenium such as how we got owned by Vietnamese :omghaha:..oh my god, we chinese would want to change geographic location asap :lol:
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