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Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

"Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance" Of course, when facing American threat, Vietnam seeks China balance.

This is what we called spineless and ungrateful. :taz:

Back to the topic.

China didn't helped, she did her dirty policy business in back of Vietnam. When US air force is bombed in Vietnam, in Peking 1972 backstabbers has her party.:coffee:


History-less Vietnamese don't ever know (or pretended not to know) that China imposed two per-conditions for normalizing Sino-US relationship: 1) withdrawal of US troop from Taiwan; 2) withdrawal US troop from Vietnam.

Listen Vietnamese ingrates: without the meeting between Zhou and Nixon, you people would still be mowed down like weed.

(Dam it! Perhaps I should have supported US invasion of Vietnam, had I known they are so ungrateful: next moment they would turn their fang against US relentlessly again without any hesitation! :angry:)
"Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance" Of course, when facing American threat, Vietnam seeks China balance.

This is what we called spineless and ungrateful. :taz:

Back to the topic.

History-less Vietnamese don't ever know (or pretended not to know) that China imposed two per-conditions for normalizing Sino-US relationship: 1) withdrawal of US troop from Taiwan; 2) withdrawal US troop from Vietnam.

Listen Vietnamese ingrates: without the meeting between Zhou and Nixon, you people would still be mowed down like weed.

(Dam it! Perhaps I should have supported US invasion of Vietnam, had I known they are so ungrateful: next moment they would turn their fang against US relentlessly again without any hesitation! :angry:)

You do know that there are two Vietnam's right? Communist North sided with China and South sided with USA. There may be 1 Vietnam today but their goals are divided.
Next make sure Vietnamese fishing boats will have something to catch when Red river:P, When your PM throat is drying up...then he will remember the fresh water from China that nourished 1/3 of vietnameses and include those living in Hanoi.
No matter how you seek American support, ultimately you will learn to crawl to Beijing begging for forgiverness as your Ancestors did...LMAO.
then we will cover SCS(east sea)with sea mine and our Kilos will sink all of ur oil tanker passing through our EEZ,without oil from Middile seat,China will collapse within 3 weeks,dump Chinese peasant will starve to death like North Korea:pop:
"Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance" Of course, when facing American threat, Vietnam seeks China balance.

This is what we called spineless and ungrateful. :taz:

Back to the topic.

History-less Vietnamese don't ever know (or pretended not to know) that China imposed two per-conditions for normalizing Sino-US relationship: 1) withdrawal of US troop from Taiwan; 2) withdrawal US troop from Vietnam.

Listen Vietnamese ingrates: without the meeting between Zhou and Nixon, you people would still be mowed down like weed.

(Dam it! Perhaps I should have supported US invasion of Vietnam, had I known they are so ungrateful: next moment they would turn their fang against US relentlessly again without any hesitation! :angry:)

Here is true color of China 1979.

Ahhhh yes, Vietnam sure loves their woman getting bum raped by the Yankee soldiers. Not to mention that Agent Orange that deformed thousands of Vietnamese children. Vietnam is nothing but a country to bomb and use their women to carry our Chinese babies.
if have you any evident, pls show its of.
( we have, of course)

Perhaps you should pay attention to your own Viet protests for evidence. Everything from the new demarcated land border to Battle for Paracel to Johnson Reef Skirmish. There has never been another group who constantly praise their own strength and constantly keep losing territory. It is incredibly strange if you ask me.

Those territories have no strategic position and its not resource rich place,too.if u want more barren and useless land,u can occupy the whole Shahara desert,too :pop:

I would congratulate you on your ability to accept, if it were not blatantly false. The new demarcated border had the Chinese take over several militarily strategic points. Unfortunately there is a lovely system in place that prevents me from posting links until I have 30 posts. No worries, I am sure this will come up again.
Chinese talk big and disrespect all other nations,but the truth is if america wanted ,it'll just cancel trillion dollars debt,embrago chinese goods and cut off chinese oil imports with USN.Chinese economy will collapse like a pack of cards in weeks without a single us soldier ever setting foot anywhere near china.In the end china is america's *****.
Ahhhh yes, Vietnam sure loves their woman getting bum raped by the Yankee soldiers. Not to mention that Agent Orange that deformed thousands of Vietnamese children. Vietnam is nothing but a country to bomb and use their women to carry our Chinese babies.

Yeah, I know you love Nanking event so much, so now Chinese gain great gene from Japanese to develop their country, congrats, clap clap, clap ... :coffee:

"Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance" Of course, when facing American threat, Vietnam seeks China balance.

This is what we called spineless and ungrateful. :taz:

Back to the topic.

History-less Vietnamese don't ever know (or pretended not to know) that China imposed two per-conditions for normalizing Sino-US relationship: 1) withdrawal of US troop from Taiwan; 2) withdrawal US troop from Vietnam.

Listen Vietnamese ingrates: without the meeting between Zhou and Nixon, you people would still be mowed down like weed.

(Dam it! Perhaps I should have supported US invasion of Vietnam, had I known they are so ungrateful: next moment they would turn their fang against US relentlessly again without any hesitation! :angry:)

Do it, lol, Like US, China and Vietnam Government should care about bullshjt like you ... :lol:
Chinese talk big and disrespect all other nations,but the truth is if america wanted ,it'll just cancel trillion dollars debt,embrago chinese goods and cut off chinese oil imports with USN.Chinese economy will collapse like a pack of cards in weeks without a single us soldier ever setting foot anywhere near china.In the end china is america's *****.

If this is the level of this forums long time members then it is very sad. Instead of wasting time arguing about your fantasies, we would do better to simply look at actual events. The simple fact is the list of grievances America has about China (everything from copyright, to value of RMB, to out right hacking) is quite long. Yet the list has been growing not getting smaller. In short, if you want to make the point China is America's *****, you would be better served providing actual examples rather than your imagination.
Your economy is wholly dependant on either export of rare materials or low tech manufacturing sectors,in other totally export oriented economy.The day u go too far and get emabrgoed by the nations ur flooding markets with ur low price goods,ur entire economy collapses.
That and ofcourse USN holds the jugular vein of your oil imports hostage.
As for debt,if u become too belligerent u'll lose that too.What do u think?U can attack japan or taiwan without embargo or cancellation of the debt.You think they will pay u the debt after u openly go against them,lol.Thats a dead loss.
As I said, I have no intention of discussing your imagination with you. So let's look at real life.

In terms of "embargo", we can look at sanctions. Indeed China has been sanctioned and had tariffs placed on various cases by the US and Europe. First note that it has had no influence on China's actions. Second, it is also vice versa, the simple fact is Governments give unfair advantages to their own companies all the time. This is natural, not a result of "going too far".

Even now, Europe is looking at a solar panel dispute and some 40% (?) tariff being considered. Now we can discuss its chances of going through, discuss whether it will even work. However what I found most interesting, is the EU is literally split in half over this issue. In fact Germany and Britain oppose. The most commonly cited reason is they do a lot of business with China and do not want to threaten the economic relationship. So while I am sure people like you who are convinced everyone hates China wishes it, your fantasy of some global embargo remains to be even a probable idea. Possible, but not probable at all.
Ahhhh yes, Vietnam sure loves their woman getting bum raped by the Yankee soldiers. Not to mention that Agent Orange that deformed thousands of Vietnamese children. Vietnam is nothing but a country to bomb and use their women to carry our Chinese babies.

You are idiot and uneducated, what did Japanese soldiers done in Nan Jing rape and massacre ? You are nursed by Melamine the become mental ill and stupid.

Perhaps you should pay attention to your own Viet protests for evidence. Everything from the new demarcated land border to Battle for Paracel to Johnson Reef Skirmish. There has never been another group who constantly praise their own strength and constantly keep losing territory. It is incredibly strange if you ask me.

You admitted that we lost our land and Islands to china. Yes, China is aggressor, China have to hand back to us our soil and Islands. China can't swallow its.
You are idiot and uneducated, what did Japanese soldiers done in Nan Jing rape and massacre ? You are nursed by Melamine the become mental ill and stupid.
No, I think he really love it, many Chinese said it by many time they love and like that, I'm sure they feel very proud 'cause their elder were raped and got great gene for these big mouth Chinese in here ... :coffee:
You are a wise man. As long as America and China are engaged in dogfights, Vietnam can sit down, relax and enjoy the show.

You make Vietnam sound like its a winner if America and China get into a fight. Actually, its the Russians, Japanese and Europeans that will win. Because the only fight is economic fights now. And its the 3rd parties that wins. For example, China and Japan get into the dispute in Daoyu islands. Its the US car companies that reaped the most benefit. And Vietnam, as usual, is irrelevant.
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