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Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

_ It's not first time, defense minister Mr. Phung Quang Thanh was mention about it in same conference at once.
_ Vietnamese Government also protest any move violate Vietnam's sovereignty by China in official way in many years.

_ I don't agree with some part of article, exam: "is embracing the United States" was wrong term in here, moving closer with USA, not meaning Vietnam become enemy of China or something like that.
_ Vietnamese just see USA's power like balance for the power rising so fast from China.
You are right. Vietnam does not seek confrontation with China, it just seeks a counterbalance to China. America as a global superpower is the only one which is capable to discourage the Chinese do stupid things.
Vietnamese emotion toward China is quite complicated, contra versa. Relationship between countries envloves from time to time, today's friend might be enemy someday in the future.
How many Vietnamese and How many Chinese living in such plateau and desert desert provinces of West China like XinJiang, QiangHai, Gansu etc? Yes their lands big but few ppl living in poor west environment.

If Vietnam could as strong and poweful as the U.S, i will take off my hat for ur Vietnamese, but there'r too,too...far awary between truth and dream. What i think about Vietnam, just ur ppl talk more but lack strength and stupid to establish enemy.
So on one hand you claimed that PRC's economy as a whole totally overwhelmed Vietnam because Chinese people are more hardworking, while ignoring objective facts such as China's land area and population totally overwhelmed Vietnam as well.

On the other hand, when I said Vietnam's economy is better than PRC's lessor provinces, you brought out facts such as smaller population and poor environment.

Do you see that you are picking and choosing whatever facts to fit your narrative here?

HEHE... we'r living in 21 century. If u think above agricultural products and primary processing could make u feel pround, welcome back to high-tech earth.
Not sure what you meant there. Maybe I need to re-learn your English
US and China,which do you vietnamese trust more?
Vietnam just utilizes USA as a counterbalance against China, nothing more and nothing less.
Wrong. All relationships involves trust. Some to greater degrees than others. The fact that Viet Nam seeks greater US presence in Asia, and that this desire is open, means there is greater trust on US than on China. If anything, there is a possibility that Viet Nam and smaller Asian countries believe that greater US involvement in Asia goes beyond being a counterbalance to an aggressive China but that US presence is actually more beneficial to Asia than China can be for Asia.


Wrong. All relationships involves trust. Some to greater degrees than others. The fact that Viet Nam seeks greater US presence in Asia, and that this desire is open, means there is greater trust on US than on China. If anything, there is a possibility that Viet Nam and smaller Asian countries believe that greater US involvement in Asia goes beyond being a counterbalance to an aggressive China but that US presence is actually more beneficial to Asia than China can be for Asia.

USA is not a country worth of tursted, history won't lie.
Vietnamese only remember China's bad, our sacrifice and contribution had always been forgotten.
Lets me tell you bit about history under Vietnamese perspective: In 1972, Vietnamese leaders understood that China was strictly against the Vietnam unification, whereas the Soviet Union was neither supporting, nor opposing. Thus the Soviets let Vietnam do what we wanted.

“Best turn it into a bigger war…I’m afraid you really ought to send more troops to the South…Don’t be afraid of U.S. intervention, at most it’s no worse than having another Korean War. The Chinese army is prepared, and if America takes the risk of attacking North Vietnam, the Chinese army will march in at once. Our troops want a war now.”

-- Mao speaking to the North Vietnamese in 1964, Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, Mao: The Unknown Story, New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005, p. 482.

It is clear that you are simply lying to me. But it is still not clear why you are doing so. That is something I need to figure out.

True, and that is my point

Can you do the same level of sacrifice? If you don't, then don't envy those who achieve something paying a huge price.

How can it solve the issue when PRC can't even solve it in China?

If they hate us, will they dump more toxic chemical into the river than they currently doing? Can they blow more polluted air downward?

You have no choice but to be nice to them and urge them not to do.

If they like us, will they sent a clean-up crew here?

They will surely do if they become stakeholders. Are you ready to allow them to be such stakeholders?

I don't, and Vietnamese avoid any thing from PRC, especially meats and vegetable like they are fleas. Unfortunately, Chinese vendors still find the way to trick us. For example, they change the tags of production, selling through retail chains in big quantities...etc.

Don't blame others when you are tricked.
Vietnamese only remember China's bad, our sacrifice and contribution had always been forgotten.

You are partly responsible for this. You failed to remind them on a routine basis. In other words, your "no interference" bull$hit policy just backfired as USA managed to poison the relationship between you and them by building an anti communist aka anti China faction in Vietnam, which is evidently at work. ;)

I hope Vietnamese don't do the blunder by inviting a monster to fight a mistakenly perceived enemy.
US and China,which do you vietnamese trust more?
your question is provocative. Actually China´s politic sucks, America´s too. The more the two mighty´s engage each other, the better it is for Vietnam.
your question is provocative. Actually China´s politic sucks, America´s too. The more the two mighty´s engage each other, the better it is for Vietnam.

Yeah but careful, don't get sandwiched.
your question is provocative. Actually China´s politic sucks, America´s too. The more the two mighty´s engage each other, the better it is for Vietnam.

I think we can trust on Laotians and Russian, they are by side with us in difficult times.
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