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Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

You are a wise man. As long as America and China are engaged in dogfights, Vietnam can sit down, relax and enjoy the show.

I don't think like that. China and US were not idiot. They were stab in our back in past, not easy to play with fire ...
Chinese talk big and disrespect all other nations,but the truth is if america wanted ,it'll just cancel trillion dollars debt,embrago chinese goods and cut off chinese oil imports with USN.Chinese economy will collapse like a pack of cards in weeks without a single us soldier ever setting foot anywhere near china.In the end china is america's *****.

And as an India, you would cheer for America and China to get into a war. And the likelihood of an American/China war is less than even that of India/China war. US China are tie economically and if one of these two countries go down, the other would go down and so the rest of the world would go down with it. You are trivializing the whole situation. You need to read the book "The ascent of money" to understand this relationship.

Amazon.com: The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (9780143116172): Niall Ferguson: Books

Once you read the book, you can come back and talk intelligently.

I don't think like that. China and US were not idiot. They were stab in our back in past, not easy to play with fire ...

Actually, you had stab in the back of both in the past.
And as an India, you would cheer for America and China to get into a war. And the likelihood of an American/China war is less than even that of India/China war. US China are tie economically and if one of these two countries go down, the other would go down and so the rest of the world would go down with it. You are trivializing the whole situation. You need to read the book "The ascent of money" to understand this relationship.

Amazon.com: The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (9780143116172): Niall Ferguson: Books

Once you read the book, you can come back and talk intelligently.

Actually, you had stab in the back of both in the past.

Oh, you have cause on your side, whatever ... everyone said that ... LOL
"Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance" Of course, when facing American threat, Vietnam seeks China balance.

This is what we called spineless and ungrateful. :taz:

Back to the topic.

History-less Vietnamese don't ever know (or pretended not to know) that China imposed two per-conditions for normalizing Sino-US relationship: 1) withdrawal of US troop from Taiwan; 2) withdrawal US troop from Vietnam.

Listen Vietnamese ingrates: without the meeting between Zhou and Nixon, you people would still be mowed down like weed.

(Dam it! Perhaps I should have supported US invasion of Vietnam, had I known they are so ungrateful: next moment they would turn their fang against US relentlessly again without any hesitation! :angry:)

You are liar, in fact USA agreed with Vietnam in Paris that USA withdraw from Vietnam, the negotiation began from 1968. but 1972 in Peking, China promised with USA that the situation in region will not be change, it mean Taiwan and South Vietnam will be still dependence states. It's true intention of China, like 1954 when China was secretly shaked hand with France to divide Vietnam.

It's true color of China, traitor with betrayal policy.:coffee:
Just wondering if the current VN government was originated from the Communist North side or the South side.

You do know that there are two Vietnam's right? Communist North sided with China and South sided with USA. There may be 1 Vietnam today but their goals are divided.

Are you kidding?

"Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance" Of course, when facing American threat, Vietnam seeks China balance.

This is what we called spineless and ungrateful. :taz:

Back to the topic.

History-less Vietnamese don't ever know (or pretended not to know) that China imposed two per-conditions for normalizing Sino-US relationship: 1) withdrawal of US troop from Taiwan; 2) withdrawal US troop from Vietnam.

Listen Vietnamese ingrates: without the meeting between Zhou and Nixon, you people would still be mowed down like weed.

(Dam it! Perhaps I should have supported US invasion of Vietnam, had I known they are so ungrateful: next moment they would turn their fang against US relentlessly again without any hesitation! :angry:)
No need, their people sell them so willingly for a few dollars more.

Ahhhh yes, Vietnam sure loves their woman getting bum raped by the Yankee soldiers.

Such great tactic, congratulations.

Yeah,we're lying on our beach during this summer vacation and enjoy watching China-US bitting each other in S.K-Japan-Phi's sea territoties now,keep biting,its so much fun to see the comedy show:pop:
Just wondering if the current VN government was originated from the Communist North side or the South side.

Are you kidding?

No need, their people sell them so willingly for a few dollars more.

Such great tactic, congratulations.

This photo is show of mentality of China, you are looked down by USA likes this.
In the past China attacked on Soviet Union 1969 to have chance to join UN, and Vietnam 1979 to have dollars of USA .
Dirty politic smuggler .

No matter how much China's neighbours want to unify against China, with US being their muscle, they will all have to eventually concede that China is the central dominant power of that region and will have to make concessions on territorial disputes, and make nice with China. International law is a joke and the US and NATO have consistently broken it when it suits them and China, with their re-emergence as a global power, will do the same. That's the nature of power and China has it now and is powerful enough, both economically and militarily, to call the shots on what happens in its own backyard. China's smaller neighbours might not like it and will fight tooth-and-nail against China's assertiveness, and war might or might not break out, but the inevitable outcome will be that China will dominate the East Pacific region and the US will eventually have to accept that they can't fight everyone on the planet who doesn't agree with them and goes against their economic interests.

China's neighbours, like Vietnam, should do the smart thing and try to negotiate the best possible deal they can get now, and show allegiance to the Superpower on their doorstep and not the one all the way across the Pacific, who has a recent history of illegal invasion and occupation, and betraying former allies. China, I don't think want to follow the same imperialist hegemon of the US but they want to be respected as the hegemonic power of the region and thus control all the strategic island chains of the region, which I think they will eventually achieve, either through force or gunboat diplomacy, which is why its neighbours should accept this eventuality now and negotiate with China to get as many concessions, most likely economic (favourable import/export tariffs and possible joint oil/gas exploration), and accept that the waterways around the region will be China's. I think leaders of countries like Vietnam and Philipines know that this is the likely course, but selling any concession of sovereign territory is always a difficult thing for their own public to swallow, but I think it's something they should start getting their people to accept.
You are a wise man. As long as America and China are engaged in dogfights, Vietnam can sit down, relax and enjoy the show.

I am always the wise one in thie forum.
If I was a Vietnamese governor, I would have tried my best to make those fatties bite each other. That makes my people and me happy.
then we will cover SCS(east sea)with sea mine and our Kilos will sink all of ur oil tanker passing through our EEZ,without oil from Middile seat,China will collapse within 3 weeks,dump Chinese peasant will starve to death like North Korea:pop:

You talk like your Navy is superior than our, I don't need to debat let the defense budget $$$ speak for itself :lol: but talk about stavation, Vietnam's agriculture base countriy and depend on China's water for rice-culture and farming:omghaha: you can see who's the most vunerable, eventually all vietnamese women will cross the border and seek new life in China and sing Chinese style song :lol:

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You talk like your Navy is superior than our, I don't need to debat let the defense budget $$$ speak for itself :lol: but talk about stavation, Vietnam's agriculture base countriy and depend on China's water for rice-culture and farming:omghaha: you can see who's the most vunerable, eventually all vietnamese women will cross the border and seek new life in China and sing Chinese style song :lol:

we buy.most of our weapons from Russia on Credit,so we dont have problem in defense budget.even if we have,then we will capture ur oil tanker and demand for ransom,thats not bad idea,too:pop:
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we buy.most of our weapons from Russia on Credit,so we dont have problem in defense budget.even if we have,then we will capture ur oil tanker and demand for ransom,thats not bad idea,too:pop:

How much credit? fought a naval battle against China with only 1 or 2 billions only, wow you vietnam are super-natural :cool:. And capture our tanker for Ransom? do you know what we do with Pirate...are u sure is good idea?

How much credit? fought a naval battle against China with only 1 or 2 billions only, wow you vietnam are super-natural :cool:. And capture our tanker for Ransom? do you know what we do with Pirate...are u sure is good idea?

Just like Soviet union,Russia want us to contain bad boy China ,and we r doing it well now,so Russia will keep supporting our defense budget .

U know Russia help us to build sub-marine base for blocking ur important oil route from Middle east,right.So,oki,we soon will be ur night mare in SCS(east sea),u can do Nothing but bowing down and beg for mercy from uVN-Russia :pop:
Just like Soviet union,Russia want us to contain bad boy China ,and we r doing it well now,so Russia will keep supporting our defense budget .

U know Russia help us to build sub-marine base for blocking ur important oil route from Middle east,right.So,oki,we soon will be ur night mare in SCS(east sea),u can do Nothing but bowing down and beg for mercy from uVN-Russia :pop:

hahaha posting with your asss as usual, you are doing so well contain china? forgot we are building a holiday resort in nansha islands and your coward stupid viets couldn't do nothing about it.
hahaha posting with your asss as usual, you are doing so well contain china? forgot we are building a holiday resort in nansha islands and your coward stupid viets couldn't do nothing about it.

Build whatever u want on those useless rock,we dont give a damn care,its fine ,keep wating ur money,as long as u cant suck oil from there:pop:
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