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FA-50 and JF-17 are the finalists for Malaysian Air Force's Deal: Korea Times

So a South Korean source is true but an Indian source on planned visit by Malaysian team is fake news? LOL..whatever troll.

Economic Times reported it in India and it's considered quite a reputable source.

Malaysian team to visit soon for LCA trial

South Koreans never won this prize

So a South Korean source is true but an Indian source on planned visit by Malaysian team is fake news? LOL..whatever troll.

Economic Times reported it in India and it's considered quite a reputable source.

Malaysian team to visit soon for LCA trial
One of the two is illogical in the context of the discussion of MalayAF buying a fighter. The problem and I say this in the very nonbiased way is you dont have a product to sell. So this is either a customary visit of no significance or the competition is very much on for which you do not have a product barring making presentations. I think something is not right and the Indian perspective appears incorrect due to lack of a product.
That maybe true but currently they do not have a platform to sell. Mark1 has been rejected even by IAF. They have had 80 examples shoved down their throats but IAF is not in a position to sell an aircraft that even they do not have and will not have till mid to late 20s. Also if the FA50 and JFT are the finalists why are they looking at HAL?
Not per say IAF selling them, because of internal Malaysian politics Indian influence and a counter offer can be made by HAL.

Nothing new for companies to make a counter offer....From your claims the HAL seem desperate and desperate times call for desperate measures and that is the reason why I wouldn't put the Tejas completely off the table.

At the end of the day there is a high probability that Malaysia will go with the better financial deal...perhaps palm oil and a bit of cash in exchange for fighters.
So a South Korean source is true but an Indian source on planned visit by Malaysian team is fake news? LOL..whatever troll.

Economic Times reported it in India and it's considered quite a reputable source.

Malaysian team to visit soon for LCA trial

At the end of the Day if HAL gives them a better financial deal/plan then HAL will be chosen, we all know how the Tejas performs and what it is capable of....Tejas in context to the FA-50 will be a hard time for Tejas.

Lets not even bring JF-17 to the equation.
The problem with selecting FA-50 is Malaysia has to listen to the Americans on when and where can they use the fighters in, and which enemies they can engage in. Don't forget the sanction-obsessive US government. If you want to be controlled by the Americans, go ahead and buy FA-50.
Korean FA-50 competes with Pakistan-China developed jet in Malaysia
By Kang Seung-woo

The FA-50, the nation's first domestically developed light attack aircraft, is competing against the Pakistani-Chinese jointly manufactured JF-17 fighter for the Malaysian Air Force's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) program, under which Kuala Lumpur seeks to purchase 18 jets to replace its aging MiG-29 fleet, according to sources, Sunday.

"Despite interest from a diverse group of manufacturers, the FA-50 and JF-17 are the finalists," the source said.

The FA-50 is a variant of the T-50 supersonic trainer jet, manufactured by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI).

Since its first deployment in October 2013, 60 FA-50s are operated by the Korean Air Force. In addition, the FA-50 has been exported to Iraq, the Philippines and Thailand.

Initially, France's Rafale, the multinational Eurofighter and the United States' F-18 were put forward for the Malaysian program, but the project has been downsized to purchasing light attack aircraft due to budget issues, giving a fighting chance to India's Tejas, Italy's M346 and Russia's Y-130.

Should the KAI win the deal, it would be a huge compensation for its failed exports to Argentina.

Despite interest from Buenos Aires, the KAI, which uses several British-made parts in the FA-50, was unable to close a deal for the sale of eight aircraft due to an arms embargo imposed by the British government on the South American country.

However, the FA-50 is reportedly behind the JF-17 in the race as the latter possesses a better mid-range weapons capacity which is a requirement of the Malaysian Air Force.

FA50 developed from a trainer
Jf17 from drawing board a LCA
F50 limited to western systems and weapons
Open architecture of jf17 allows integration of both Western and Chinese systems
Jf 17 also costs less
Tejas is myth only flies in exhibitions

Malaysia made a right sensible decision

JF 17 still has upper hand on F 50 because of better weapons carry and comes with fully a jet with kill on its sleeves and with low price tag a proper fighter jet and comes from reluable bussiness partner

USA made engines in tejas and F 50 will be sanction prone as dr MAHTIR MIHAMMAD stated that malaysia needs to think out of USA now
Can Anyone post a Malaysian Link endorsing this decision.

As I can see, the link from Korean media indicates another source from Malaysian origin but nothing from Malaysian media or defense establishment.

I might be wrong, but this seems to be so-so person said so-so.
Tejas is myth only flies in exhibitions

Malaysia made a right sensible decision

JF 17 still has upper hand on F 50 because of better weapons carry and comes with fully a jet with kill on its sleeves and with low price tag a proper fighter jet and comes from reluable bussiness partner

USA made engines in tejas and F 50 will be sanction prone as dr MAHTIR MIHAMMAD stated that malaysia needs to think out of USA now
As Malaysian Airforce operates American built fighter jets, your logic of American sanctions is flawed.

In case of Tejas, if news is correct then the major reason may be Israeli origin Radar in LCA.
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