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FA-50 and JF-17 are the finalists for Malaysian Air Force's Deal: Korea Times

Again foolishness, he wants to replace IOC and want to become its leader. he don't gives shit about Kashmir. That's the problem with Pakistanis. Leaving in a dream world.

And the way you guys treated your fraaand Malaysia, God bachaye aise friends se.

You have not read up on poltics have you? Pak is firmly with Turkey and Malaysia, it was reason for straigned Saudi ties. Both countries are very close, and I know that may hurt you. India tried to bully Malaysia. Malaysians are very intelligent people with long memories. Your lack of diplomacy is now hurting you.

JF-17 may or may not win the contest, but I can 100% assure you Tejas will not. Politics and massive integration issues make the rest of the world outside of your mind, understand this.
Countries don't buy aircraft by seeing it is the third or fourth line of defense.

And I don't know what the first/ fourth line of defense means.
Are you suggesting aerial battles are like medieval fighting where new recruits go first and Vets go in last?

Modern aerial warfare or combined ops doesn't work like that.

Do the countries buy F-16 based on their second or third line of defense? What an idioticness.


Read history of warfare---. Read about major wars---. Your silliness will be satisfied---.

Chewing out strong words doesn't work here.
I was wondering the same thing. Why didnlt they choose Grippen. Grippen has Meteor and SAAB also recently developed a MALD-J type decoy for grippen as well.
Gripen is overrated by SAAB it is on par with Jeff Block 3 maybe some more gizmo gadgets. But you can buy F-35s with that money. SAAB needs sales.
Read the modern warfare and combined arms kid. How it happen, and what is required. At least study OP Desert Storm & Iraqi Freedom before writing any more such idioticess kid.

An Indian asking someone else to read about "modern warfare and combined arms" 2 years after 27th Feb is the funniest thing I have read today. Thanks for the laughs.
Gripen is overrated by SAAB it is on par with Jeff Block 3 maybe some more gizmo gadgets. But you can buy F-35s with that money. SAAB needs sales.


It is not about buying an F35 but rather affording it.
Read the modern warfare and combined arms kid. How it happen, and what is required. At least study OP Desert Storm & Iraqi Freedom before writing any more such idioticess kid.


What does that have to do tactically with the positioning of JF17 in the pakistani armory as compared to the FA50 in the south Korean armory---.
Pakistan should showcase all these capabilities in a “Mission X” similar to what the X-35 did when competing against the X-32 in the “Battle of the X-Planes”. Carry out a mock dogfight (after a rules of engagement based intercept and “interrogation” using an IRST Pod to show off its WVR and BVR capabilities) with PAF F-16s (in a scenario where the JF-17 is defending its home base’s port city from the F-16 carrying PGMs) to get to a point where it can bypass/defeat them (kinetically and with electronic jamming) and deliver PGM on an enemy ground force; Sam battery, munitions dump or command post.

Then land on a road base (preferably at night) and take off towards the sea after a quick turn around (goal should to get the JF-17 to show it can generate a high sortie rate of at least 3-4 sorties per day if not 5; because the JF-17 is a warbird and not a ramp queen). defeating a ships air defense to deliver an Anti-Ship Cruise missile strike, while on its way back to base it flys (30-40 km) along a border and uses its long range targeting pod and AESA radar to monitors a suspicious convoy., feeding that information back to a base command post in real time, and getting the permission to knock out a key bridge to prevent enemy/terrorist movement over the bridge. If the JF-17 can demonstrate it can carry a relatively large number of small diameter precision weapons for taking out a large number of “pop-up” targets it would also help its case. 4 pylons with 3-4 CM-506KG SDB style glide bombs or CS/BBM2s each would help make the case for a great CAS as well as electronic attack platform.

some sections of this should be done at night to show its a true day and night fighter/CAS platform, especially in the long range PGM strikes and monitoring of enemy air and ground movements. Data linking to other assets like UAVs and controlling from Within the plane would be a plus. An advanced and secure datalink is also a very marketable asset. Allowing tactics to minimize risk to the JF-17 and carry out a multi-axis attack. Drones to be used as standoff jammers or ISR assets. Also, the JF-17 should try to demonstrate ways it can use its AESA radar or EW systems in electronic attack (or cyber attack via it’s datalink or some such method) on enemy forces, so in a scenario it can’t be seen as carrying out a kinetic attack it can still cause an effects based attack from stand-off range.

Besides the plane it should feature competitive weapons and associated training equipment. Similar to the American LRASM, a Chinese equivalent or the Turkish SOM missile should be offered because the Koreans have a 500 km cruise missile on offer (a future NATO system that is/was planned for the F-35 and possibly also comes in a jammer variant? Similar to Mald-J).

Pakistan should also share its road map for the future development of the JF-17, especially how the transition from the RD-93 to the RD-93MA will offer improvements in flight performance when it becomes available in the not to distant future. It should also show how it foresees engine development beyond that, from both the Russian and Chinese manufacturers, especially if it shares the same engine as a future Chinese stealth fighter that will see growth for the next 30-40 years.

Training equipment, even if from a foreign supplier, should be shown if customized by Pakistan in the training of JF-17 pilots. Something similar to the “Griffin-2 Visual display system” dome shaped simulator by Collins Aerospace.
Something like what Gripen showed in its marketing video “Gripen NG. a New Generation is ready. Are you?”

military Acqusition are not just product comparison but base on political as well as technical performance pkis strategic objectives
It will all boil down to product plus political and other factors, each weapon system is a
Commitment for 30/40 years

let see what happens
military Acqusition are not just product comparison but base on political as well as technical performance pkis strategic objectives
It will all boil down to product plus political and other factors, each weapon system is a
Commitment for 30/40 years

let see what happens

Agreed (I said the same thing in an earlier post)
But we should also show the full spectrum of capabilities to try to win the contract. If the JF-17 can win this contract it get more consideration from all the air forces looking to replace older Migs, Sukhois, F-5s, and Mirages. Having a full demonstration video of 15 to 20 minutes in length, done fully professionally, could allow the video to be at more arms shows then even the plane visits. I suspect having the plane on DCS has done a fair bit of marketing as well. Look at how the Gripen is marketed, the JF-17 should aim to be seen in the same light.
Well in accords to PDF type assertion both shortlisted Air craft powerplant have had sufficient hours in the Malaysian air force, in other words their engineers and technician will not require extensive and expensive training as they already have prior experience with the RD-33 and F-404 type afterburning Turbofans.

Listed below is my own opinion and should not be taken as an expert opinion.

I would not be too sure of Tejas being completely off the table.

When it comes to Malaysia the main deciding factor will be who gives a better deal.....Malaysia's purchasing power is not something to brag about so Finance will play a big deal in the decision of what fighter to purchase.

There is a lot of Indian influence in their government and besides there is a probability that HAL might offer a better deal.
Agreed (I said the same thing in an earlier post)
But we should also show the full spectrum of capabilities to try to win the contract. If the JF-17 can win this contract it get more consideration from all the air forces looking to replace older Migs, Sukhois, F-5s, and Mirages. Having a full demonstration video of 15 to 20 minutes in length, done fully professionally, could allow the video to be at more arms shows then even the plane visits. I suspect having the plane on DCS has done a fair bit of marketing as well. Look at how the Gripen is marketed, the JF-17 should aim to be seen in the same light.
SAAB has an excellent excellent marketing team.......compared to the PAC.

What efforts have PAC made to Market the JF-17...airshow isn't everything. It is immanent that PAC gets its Marketing up-par to its product competitors. Even if one simply compares the PAC website to SAAB or KAI websites one can easily decide which Company will have their confidence.

If any thing PAC should strengthen its digital marketing and have Professional Fighter Pilots/Engineers and Professional Marketeers work in collaboration to Demo and most importantly Present the JF-17 to Higherups of other nations.
Well in accords to PDF type assertion both shortlisted Air craft powerplant have had sufficient hours in the Malaysian air force, in other words their engineers and technician will not require extensive and expensive training as they already have prior experience with the RD-33 and F-404 type afterburning Turbofans.

Listed below is my own opinion and should not be taken as an expert opinion.

I would not be too sure of Tejas being completely off the table.

When it comes to Malaysia the main deciding factor will be who gives a better deal.....Malaysia's purchasing power is not something to brag about so Finance will play a big deal in the decision of what fighter to purchase.

There is a lot of Indian influence in their government and besides there is a probability that HAL might offer a better deal.
That maybe true but currently they do not have a platform to sell. Mark1 has been rejected even by IAF. They have had 80 examples shoved down their throats but IAF is not in a position to sell an aircraft that even they do not have and will not have till mid to late 20s. Also if the FA50 and JFT are the finalists why are they looking at HAL?
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Nope, that was FAKE NEWS. No reports of an RMAF team going to India other then "sources" in Indian press.

So a South Korean source is true but an Indian source on planned visit by Malaysian team is fake news? LOL..whatever troll.

Economic Times reported it in India and it's considered quite a reputable source.

Malaysian team to visit soon for LCA trial
JF17 offers a comprehensive platform for any modern air force, For pilot training, It has dedicated JF-17B Plane. which is supersonic all weather training and mission control jet. while JF17 is a proven multi role frontline fighter offered in 3 blocks from low to high ends requirements for air-to-air, air to ground and air to sea missions simultaneously.It can fire all type of missiles traditional to atomic tipped missiles
One more thing it is in use such a large scale that is moving forward fast to its prime, its has largest range of bombs and missiles readily integrated and testing in actual war.
It is a rapidly evolving platform, catering to the needs and requirements a small nation dagger drawn with a mammoth sized rival having all the world arsenal at its disposal,
notwithstanding of such enormous difference, PAF brought down this so-called mighty mammoth to its knees by JF-17s doing double duties of air and ground attacks, jamming and breaking incoming hostile planes while others supporting planes were performing single mission, F16 on air interdiction and mirages were on bombing
In reality, JF-17 is not comparable to FA50 being mere trainer capable of delivering some dumb bombs.
Whether Malaysia go for it or not, JF17 is an undeniably worthy plane, carrying a war winner capability under the belt. It is a formidable multi role fighter beating and browbeating its rivals in the war and peacetime.
8 pages... thought I should update.
The article does not exist on the website anymore. :bounce:

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