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F16/BLOCK 70 in USA Magazine

you 100% right we see dreams and follow them in 70s we see dream of nukes in 80s missles and evey starting is from dream man.remember when we ask USA for f-16 indians really joking but we get in 1983 then they cry until today.and hope we we get j-xx its our dream.

You are right about that, India always underestimates us and we come up to the challenge with flying Colors.

PAF will Get 4th and 5th Generation Jets from China Inshallah.
If Pakistan didn't had Nukes our Condition would have been Like GAZA people soon after Mumbai attacks ( But Unlike Israel, India would have been facing Casualties too and that on a very Large scale ).

India and China are in competition in the field of Economics and therefore there is no need for using Military tactics to kick other out of the race.

I really don't see any enmity between China and India, Indians are investing in China, Chinese are Investing in India and don't forget the Joint Military exercises Between India and China.

that is a very very logical explation sir altough china is superior to india in every way,military,economically still they would never want a war to destroy their hard work.look what happened to the other superpowers when they decided to go for war ,the soviets in afganistan and the us in iraq and afganistan, both the countries got economically cripilled.china knows it very well they will never fight with india but will try to undermine them economically and diplomatically. also india is smart enough not to fight china because it knows it will be pushed bach 50 years.both want to fight a economic and diplomatic war.
now pakistan also should understand this and try to improve their economy then it can fight india without having to depend on china

We made it on our own (although we got some resources from here and there especially china ) let them (Indians) live with this idea that China Gave us Nukes in a Box wrapped with Gift paper and with a Very big Tag that says " Happy birthday Pakistan on 14 August 1997 " Wish you a Happy Nuclear test in 1998, Hope you will like our Gift (Made in China QE passed)

I know we made them on our own, linkinpark is just one of the types that simply cannot accept the achievement of Pakistani scientists and respect them for their efforts and (mashallah) amazing skills.
I'm not too bothered with it, partially because of these nukes, his country simply does not dare to touch its smaller neighbour. :)
Anyways, this thread isn't about Pakistans nuclear abilities, some people need to learn to accept and respect another countries achievements and developments, there are alot of bright spots, even though we are a 3rd world country. ;)
that is a very very logical explation sir altough china is superior to india in every way,military,economically still they would never want a war to destroy their hard work.look what happened to the other superpowers when they decided to go for war ,the soviets in afganistan and the us in iraq and afganistan, both the countries got economically cripilled.china knows it very well they will never fight with india but will try to undermine them economically and diplomatically. also india is smart enough not to fight china because it knows it will be pushed bach 50 years.both want to fight a economic and diplomatic war.
now pakistan also should understand this and try to improve their economy then it can fight india without having to depend on china


China is far and by far superior to India, it's not even a India > Pakistan category, it's much and much larger.
Due to the fact that India has received alot of media attention and the world noticed the countries existance a few years back, thus giving it a huge media boost, it led to the illusion that alot of Indians started to believe that they actually belong in the same category as China does, only a small portion of that might be true.
If a war between two countries would happen right now, China would literally crush India, don't get ur hopes up people.
Ok, my last off-topic post.
that is a very very logical explation sir altough china is superior to india in every way,military,economically still they would never want a war to destroy their hard work.look what happened to the other superpowers when they decided to go for war ,the soviets in afganistan and the us in iraq and afganistan, both the countries got economically cripilled.china knows it very well they will never fight with india but will try to undermine them economically and diplomatically. also india is smart enough not to fight china because it knows it will be pushed bach 50 years.both want to fight a economic and diplomatic war.
now pakistan also should understand this and try to improve their economy then it can fight india without having to depend on china


You are right Bro, Military Power Sometimes makes you High and you commit mistakes when you are High, Just as USSR broke up after war with Afghanistan, USSR fall was due to Economic Failure not Military (or better make it both).

One of the Russian Prof has indicated USA will Break up just as USSR did after Afghanistan war. He even provided the new MAP of USA to support his claim, I don't know this will happen or not but there are high chances that it CAN happen.

Don't mess up with Afghanistan its a cursed Land your country will break up if you Invade Afghanistan. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Just kidding no offense to Afghans here.
You haven't answered my question.

I answered your question through links. China has equipped Pakistan with nuclear weapons know-how and done testing for Pakistan at its Lop Nur site. I have given the links, go through it and then come back. These are all well known facts, just search in google you will find plethora of articles on this aspect. Anyways, this will be last post on this since it is off topic. There is also a thread on Pakistan nuclear weapons, ask questions there and I will answer.
You are right, my only wish is that we can be more like India. India developed its nuclear program from the scratch, all the ballistic and cruise missiles that India possess were completely developed by India. There was absolutely no outside help, on the other hand Pakistan's nuclear program and missiles were developed by the Chinese. They just painted Pakistan's flag on the missiles, thats the only difference. Boy sometimes i wish we were more self sufficient like our neighbour in the East :D.
P.S. It amazes me how blind some of my Indian friends are.
I answered your question through links. China has equipped Pakistan with nuclear weapons know-how and done testing for Pakistan at its Lop Nur site. I have given the links, go through it and then come back. These are all well known facts, just search in google you will find plethora of articles on this aspect. Anyways, this will be last post on this since it is off topic. There is also a thread on Pakistan nuclear weapons, ask questions there and I will answer.

First you say that the Chinese equipped Pakistan with nuclear weapons and technology, now it's "know-how" and testing for Pakistan.
There's not much to say if you keep twisting your words, be more specific, otherwise don't try and sound like a jealous kid who can't stand the fact that Pakistan has developed most of its nuke program entirely by itself, ofcourse China has aided Pakistan with critical and essential information regarding our nuclear program, however, your posts seem to carry out a message that China alone is fully responsible for Pakistans Nuclear status as of today, which is quite wrong.

P.S.: No use derailing this thread, my last post aswell.
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:pakistan: Thank God and many congrats to India for achieving their dream of acquiring US technology.

Ever since Sabre ruined Pathankot, Indians wanted to have the US tech.

This is a big achievement for a nation with the highest HIV infected population.

US invested so much in India's cheap labour (call centres, assembly lines etc) so that India can keep the US defense industry running in return.

To cover this up, the US calls it 'strategic partner' and India obliges with a smile.

This means PAF will have Russian and Chinese jets available and access to advanced technology to work with. :yahoo:
I like Pakistanis,so emotional,so friendly,so forgiving,so trustworthy,so innovative,so intelligent,so enterprising,so rich,so naive..........

Yep we are innovative and intelligent.

A friend of mine recycle used condemns and send them to India as chewing gums. He is now a millionare.

Keep chewing that gum, it is too late now.
Wat is the berkut of Russia got do with PAF

AND WAT IS JXX other then a set of Nos.

and why F16 BLK 70 looks cool in indian colours?:tsk::lol:
pure immigination.i guss plz take a cup of coffee!:rofl::enjoy:
well Dear Pakistani Fellows even is the F16 for india is an imagination, we must take it seriously, rather than hitting each other we must have some costructive disscussion on hoe to tackel the problem, what do we need and where to get them

for me the need of the hour is a good missile air defence system, from china or europe, that can give us protection form the indian planes coze at the moment unfortunately no PAF plane seem to be a match for the SU30 or the upcomming F18z or anything!!

What do you people think
at the moment unfortunately no PAF plane seem to be a match for the SU30 or the upcomming F18z or anything!!

What do you people think

if you are talking about air to air combat then JF17 Alone + AWAC can takeout IAF's best of the best. and F16s and FC20 will be used for deep strike/multirole platform
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