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F-35 - a trillion dollar disaster

I doubt that the Soviets of back then and the Russians of today shares your 'assessment' since Iraq was trained and equipped with their weaponry. The first strike severely blinded and made deaf the Iraqi command structure. So even if the Iraqis had the same level of weaponry as the Soviets, little good would have been for the Iraqis.

Yes, the best they had was SA-8 but the Russians had S-300PMU1, which was a whole generation ahead.

Combine this with hundreds of "non-downgraded" Mig-29s and Su-27s available to Russia at the time and any US adventure over Russia would not have gone too well for the US.
People call ita disaster.

YET most countries are queing to pay $150m each for a F35
F35 was ahead of its time , and there was no need for this plane

USA already had a technical Advantage of over 35 years on most nations a advantage of almost 10 years on Russia and 13 on China
that is more then sufficient

With F18 hornets + Silent Eagle + F16 USA operates the best Air-force on planet , not to mention F22 Raptors

F35 was nothing more then "Job Protection" and a political Move ...

With no threat for next 35 years ... did USA need this Multi Trillion Dollar project ? No
Who would attack USA ? in next 35-50 years even ?

Its really a moral question too that USA has no fund for schools and programs for kids but it has Trillions for F35 which is a failed project

USA is better off with


Its more then enough to fight 10 wars

F35 would have been enough to have may be 1 squadron on special operations

- But congress is run by lobbyist and there is BIG money to be made -

They say if something is not broken do not try to reinvent the wheel , and that is what USA has done waste Trillions into Project that has no major benefit - the planes would eventually become biggest burden to its airforce

It would really suck that some Genius Chinese Kid invents a SAM code to detect these Trillion dollar planes ... how would people react to such expensive toy then
F-35's radar and electronics are better than F-22. It is stealth. It has lower RCS than any other planes in the world. So, what is the criteria for "disaster"? Cost, or capabilities?

With F18 hornets + Silent Eagle + F16 USA operates the best Air-force on planet , not to mention F22 Raptors
USAF will never buy Silent Eagle. It is a plane for countries who cannot buy F-35.
F-35's radar and electronics are better than F-22. It is stealth. It has lower RCS than any other planes in the world. So, what is the criteria for "disaster"? Cost, or capabilities?
The F-22 is an older aircraft by nearly 10 yrs. So if you factor in about 12-15 yrs development time for any post Vietnam War fighter, from concept to fixture to finally deployment, 10 yrs is one generation. But the thing with avionics is that they can upgraded without adverse consequences to the aerodynamics of the aircraft. The F-22's avionics is even more modular than current '4th gen' fighters that WHEN the F-22A receive its first upgrade, we might as well call it the F-22B.
I think if Stealth - anti measure is developed these planes would be sitting ducks for more agile planes which are being overlooked now
and there is no reason to doubt that a Anti Stealth Radar will eventually appear on radars of world airforces
F35 was ahead of its time , and there was no need for this plane

USA already had a technical Advantage of over 35 years on most nations a advantage of almost 10 years on Russia and 13 on China
that is more then sufficient

With F18 hornets + Silent Eagle + F16 USA operates the best Air-force on planet , not to mention F22 Raptors

F35 was nothing more then "Job Protection" and a political Move ...

With no threat for next 35 years ... did USA need this Multi Trillion Dollar project ? No
Who would attack USA ? in next 35-50 years even ?

Its really a moral question too that USA has no fund for schools and programs for kids but it has Trillions for F35 which is a failed project

USA is better off with


Its more then enough to fight 10 wars

F35 would have been enough to have may be 1 squadron on special operations

- But congress is run by lobbyist and there is BIG money to be made -

They say if something is not broken do not try to reinvent the wheel , and that is what USA has done waste Trillions into Project that has no major benefit - the planes would eventually become biggest burden to its airforce

It would really suck that some Genius Chinese Kid invents a SAM code to detect these Trillion dollar planes ... how would people react to such expensive toy then
Your intelligence is very special.

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