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F-35 - a trillion dollar disaster

I agree, it's bollocks. The OP just dropped a populist article and ran away without any points presented.
The F-35 is being inducted into USAF as we speak and next year deliveries for partner nations will start. It is in no way a disaster.
No...I do not know better than everyone. But at least I know a lot more than you.

Hey...At least it was a subconscious pull. A real dimwit is attracted to a picture that portray intellectual emptiness.

Yeah you know alot more than me in gambling and being drunk.
Love it how you fools burn when something bad is said about you "super stealth" kick *** weapons.
why do you defend america so bad? after what they did to your nation.

that was my question, I was not being racist. I have a vietnamese friend here so I am not racists to vietnamese.
although he is not a fan to your leaders, he still does not defend the yankees.

as for the f-117 I said serbia manages to shoot down one, so clearly it was not as stealth as you make it out to be.
same with your RQ-170. and you replied by saying "only one?", so what if it was only one.

All these arguments and counter arguments made me wonder what would have happened during those 1300 sorties of F-117A or even B-2 Spirits had they been flying over Russia. How can anyone claim that such jets are invisible to the radar of all nations when they have only been used against much weaker forces. Even back in 1991, what SAM assets was Iraq operating? 3rd grade 1st generation SAM assets from USSR right? Would the result be same had Iraq operated 1st grade Russian SAM's such as S-300's?

It's just as good as saying that today US has the ability to neutralize all Russian SAM systems with stealth which just isn't possible.
All these arguments and counter arguments made me wonder what would have happened during those 1300 sorties of F-117A or even B-2 Spirits had they been flying over Russia. How can anyone claim that such jets are invisible to the radar of all nations when they have only been used against much weaker forces. Even back in 1991, what SAM assets was Iraq operating? 3rd grade 1st generation SAM assets from USSR right? Would the result be same had Iraq operated 1st grade Russian SAM's such as S-300's?

It's just as good as saying that today US has the ability to neutralize all Russian SAM systems with stealth which just isn't possible.

exactly bro, he talk alot of nonsense.

I said to him "stealth" has not been war tested in dog fight and starts talking about american war history that have nothing to do with what I said.
exactly bro, he talk alot of nonsense.

I said to him "stealth" has not been war tested in dog fight and starts talking about american war history that have nothing to do with what I said.
It doesn't need to be you jerk-o&$. Ever heard of HOBS.
F-35 isn't a failure... RT News is a failure itself... F-35 is probably second most best plane today. Nothing comes close to it except F-22.
Its a total failure in a sense that this trillion dollar investment could have been used instead to recover economies and debts of the West!
All these arguments and counter arguments made me wonder what would have happened during those 1300 sorties of F-117A or even B-2 Spirits had they been flying over Russia. How can anyone claim that such jets are invisible to the radar of all nations when they have only been used against much weaker forces. Even back in 1991, what SAM assets was Iraq operating? 3rd grade 1st generation SAM assets from USSR right? Would the result be same had Iraq operated 1st grade Russian SAM's such as S-300's?

It's just as good as saying that today US has the ability to neutralize all Russian SAM systems with stealth which just isn't possible.
I doubt that the Soviets of back then and the Russians of today shares your 'assessment' since Iraq was trained and equipped with their weaponry. The first strike severely blinded and made deaf the Iraqi command structure. So even if the Iraqis had the same level of weaponry as the Soviets, little good would have been for the Iraqis.
No he is just an vietnamese veteran who defected to the usa, now he gets drunk everyday to try and forget how he sold out his country. I call him a drunk he calls me a racists. I say Iran downed the Rq-170 he calls me a racist.
I log out of the forum and he calls me a racists.

The Air campaign of the Gulf War, also known as Operation Instant Thunder and the 1991 Bombing of Iraq started with an extensive aerial bombing campaign on 17 January 1991. The coalition flew over 100,000 sorties, dropping 88,500 tons of bombs, and widely destroying military and civilian infrastructure

The Coalition lost 52 fixed-wing aircraft and 23 helicopters during Desert Storm, with 39 fixed-wing aircraft and 5 helicopters lost in combat. One coalition fighter may have been lost in air-air combat, a U.S. Navy F/A-18 piloted by Scott Speicher. Other claims include an RAF Tornado GR.1A piloted by Gary Lennox and Adrian Weeks., however the Tornado in question crashed to the ground due to pilot error on a different date than the supposed air-to-air kill is claimed to have taken place. One B-52G was lost while returning to its operating base on Diego Garcia, when it suffered a catastrophic electrical failure and crashed into the Indian Ocean killing 3 of the 6 crew members on board. The rest of the Coalition losses came from anti-aircraft fire. The Americans lost 28 fixed-wing aircraft and 5 helicopters; the British lost 7 fixed-wing aircraft; the Saudi Arabians lost 2; the Italians lost 1; and the Kuwaitis lost 1.

Remember ONE THING, Mr. King. Every morning when you wake up and look in the mirror, you see an IRANIAN. And UNFORTUNATELY for you, that will NEVER CHANGE. That's ALL you'll EVER be.
All these arguments and counter arguments made me wonder what would have happened during those 1300 sorties of F-117A or even B-2 Spirits had they been flying over Russia. How can anyone claim that such jets are invisible to the radar of all nations when they have only been used against much weaker forces. Even back in 1991, what SAM assets was Iraq operating? 3rd grade 1st generation SAM assets from USSR right? Would the result be same had Iraq operated 1st grade Russian SAM's such as S-300's?

It's just as good as saying that today US has the ability to neutralize all Russian SAM systems with stealth which just isn't possible.
Iraq possessed the SA-2/3/6/7/8/9/13/14/16, I-Hawk, and ROLAND I/II SAMs.

Some images:-







SA-7 is manpad like Stinger.





SA-13 is similar to SA-9.

SA-14 is manpad like Stinger.

SA-16 is manpad like Stinger.




All these arguments and counter arguments made me wonder what would have happened during those 1300 sorties of F-117A or even B-2 Spirits had they been flying over Russia. How can anyone claim that such jets are invisible to the radar of all nations when they have only been used against much weaker forces. Even back in 1991, what SAM assets was Iraq operating? 3rd grade 1st generation SAM assets from USSR right? Would the result be same had Iraq operated 1st grade Russian SAM's such as S-300's?

It's just as good as saying that today US has the ability to neutralize all Russian SAM systems with stealth which just isn't possible.

stealth doesn't = invisibility it = RCS (reduced cross section).

The Major Air Forces of the world are in a rush to develop stealth ability for a very good reason. They all realize how effective it is! is it unbeatable? of course not, no weapon system in the world is. but combine it with advanced ECM and the degree of hardness to shoot one down exponentially goes up. Try locking on to somthing the size of a hummingbird that is activly countering the lock on.
F-35 is not a disaster. But some people like to call it "disaster".

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