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F-16 Thread

Who would u go for:

  • F-16

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • J-10

    Votes: 6 60.0%

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Owais said:
From which source did you hear that PAF is going for EUFTyphoon?? you know its a 55million euro a peice.
BTW: why Indians are so stupid to go for a test bed plane?

no bro., MKI has israeli avionics installed (having radar detecting range of 400km also acts as mini AWAC) with high maneuvariblity.
what I was trying to say is that If F10 is fitted with western avionics, it will be much better than F16. with chinese avionic, it don't have a chance.

Thats what im asking you, why would india go for Mirage-4000 as you stated in your previous post

I think we must buy new F16 C/D Block 52 in large numbers (atleast 55). the reason is that F16 have good avionics as compared to F10. the block 52 have AN/APG68 V(9) radar which provides both improved air-to-air capabilities and air-to-ground capabilities. These include:
  • Detection range = 140+ Km
  • The radar has a programmable signal processor that employs very high-speed integrated circuit (VHSIC) technology.
  • Larger search volume and improved track performance in Track While Scan mode;
  • Improved track performance in Single Target Track mode;
  • Two-foot resolution in new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) mode, which allows autonomous delivery of precision, all-weather, standoff weapons;
  • Increased detection range in Sea Surveillance mode;
  • Improved target detection and map quality in Ground Moving Target Indication mode.
  • Also have ASEAD capablity.
The Block 52 is a version which has special provisions for the adverse weather delivery of the JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition).

On the other hand, J10 seems to be more manuverable than F16 due to its TVC engine. but without a suitable avionics, it will be a shooting practice for MKIs and Mirage 4000s.

Also according to this article a pakistani delegation visited italy last month to review the Eurofighter

Pakistan Seeks 3 Subs From France

New Design Would Free DCN of Spanish Partnership

Pakistani interest in three attack submarines is forcing France to make hard decisions over industrial interests vested in the DCN naval systems company and diplomatic and economic relations with Spain and India, analysts said.

Islamabad intends to spend $1 billion to $1.2 billion on three patrol submarines, preferably of a new design from DCN but possibly of the German 214 class, a Pakistani official said.

But the potential sale of high-tech weapons to Pakistan may be too much for the French government to swallow. The deal would steady employment at DCN?s Cherbourg sub yard, but would likely antagonize India, with whom Paris recently signed a defense agreement. New Delhi also is a submarine customer, having recently purchased six of DCN?s Scorpene attack subs.

The sale of an all-French design also might raise hackles in Spain. The Spanish are partners in building the Scorpene, but Spain?s Navantia yard is teaming with Lockheed Martin on its S-80 boat.

The Pakistani official said Islamabad ?is interested in a single-hull submarine,? distinct from quieter, more expensive double-hulled boats. ?We have made it known there is a requirement for three submarines.?
Islamabad wants a formal offer within six months from Armaris, the naval marketing joint venture of DCN and French systems house Thales, so it can order the subs within a year, the official said.

The country also is looking to buy 25 to 30 highly capable fighter aircraft, and is considering the Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon and Saab JAS 39 Gripen, the official said. A Pakistani delegation is due to go to Italy next month to see the Typhoon go through flight trials, he said.
The pursuit of the Pakistan deal shows DCN wants to develop new subs for export.

?This is a logical move, given DCN?s strong installed base in SSKs [diesel-powered attack submarines] and the attractions of the SSK market,? said Sash Tusa, an analyst at brokerage Goldman Sachs.
But going it alone might be seen as undermining all the recent talk of building European defense, French government and industry executives said.

The submarine sale underlines the clash between industrial and diplomatic interests for France, an analyst said.

?Industry needs it, but the French government does not want to contribute to a potential arms race in the region and cannot afford to upset India,? said Loic Tribot La Spiere, chief executive of the think tank Centre d?Etude et Prospective Strategique.

French military ties with Pakistan date back three decades. The Pakistani Navy was an early export customer of DCN?s Daphne submarine in the mid-1960s, setting the bar for other navies that operated near the Persian Gulf. Pakistan bought three Agosta 90B boats, dubbed the Khalid class, in the mid-1990s. Pakistan?s Air Force has flown the French-built Dassault Mirage III and V fighters.

This longstanding relationship gives DCN an edge in the competition, the Pakistani official said.

?We know their processes, their procedures,? the official said.

Wanted: Export Approval

But if Paris withholds export approval, Pakistan might turn to the 214 submarine built by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), part of Germany?s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. It also might consider buying the subs from China, he said.

DCN is keen to sell, but has had trouble prying export approval from the high-level Commission Interminist鲩elle D?exportation des Mat鲩els de Guerre.

Officially, Armaris has not proposed a new submarine, because it lacks approval for an offer from the committee. But that did not prevent Armaris officials from making an informal product briefing on a DCN design to a Pakistani delegation led by a senior naval officer in mid-February, here.
The Pakistani official said delegation members were given to understand that DCN had been cleared by the export committee to make an offer. A French industry executive, however, said there is no offer because clearance has been withheld.

And a French defense official said, ?The attitude towards Pakistan is a very cautious one, where great prudence is needed.?
Armaris declined comment. The Ministry of Defense spokesman was not immediately available. The Foreign Ministry and Prime Minister?s office referred questions to the Ministry of Defense.
A DCN spokeswoman said the company did not discuss its clients and declined comment.

Still, the Pakistani official said his government expects a formal offer next month from Armaris.

DCN?s new design, code-named Marlin, closely resembles the 10-year-old Scorpene design, but would include newer technology, including features of the Barracuda nuclear attack boats to be built for the French Navy.
Marlin would have an air-independent propulsion (AIP) unit, the Pakistani official said. AIP, an alternative to batteries, allows longer periods of running submerged. Pakistan?s third and last Agosta boat is being fitted with a Mesma AIP system, and the two earlier boats will be retrofitted.
Pakistan has not asked for the Scorpene because it does not want to buy the same product as the Indian Navy.
DCN barely made any money on the Agosta deal, the French defense official said. He said it was unlikely the French government would agree to sell new subs at basement prices, the official said.
Pakistan said it got a bad deal because it paid $1.2 billion for the three subs, including a 50 percent down payment on signing in 1994, and the program is three years late.

Independence from Spain

If a Pakistan deal can be struck, DCN would regain the ability to export subs without Spanish participation.

In 1997, the French company partnered with Navantia predecessor Bazan to design the Scorpene because it lacked enough money to do it alone. But healthy sales have padded DCN?s cash accounts to some 2 billion euros ($2.4 billion), giving it enough money to invest in its own design.
Still, the Spanish connection was key to selling Scorpene to Chile, which opened up the Latin American market. But when Navantia installed a combat management system from Lockheed Martin, DCN officials took the rejection of a similar French system as a snub.

One French analyst said Navantia?s purchase of the Lockheed system was influenced by the U.S. administration, which is seeking a way to keep its 2001 pledge to sell eight diesel subs to Taiwan. Since Spain has limited trade with China, Madrid could sell the S-80s to Taiwan with little economic consequences, the analyst said.

Into the balance must be thrown France?s relations with India, which has just bought six Scorpene subs armed with MBDA anti-ship missiles. French President Jacques Chirac visited India and signed a defense agreement on Feb. 19 aimed at boosting industrial cooperation, as well as a preliminary pact to help New Delhi develop civil nuclear energy.

During Chirac?s visit, India?s state airline formally inked a purchase of 43 Airbus airliners, worth $2.5 billion at list price, and 15 ATR regional turboprops.

Dassault Aviation is waiting to see the terms of India?s tender for 126 combat aircraft, and is ready to pitch the Rafale fighter jet, having withdrawn the Mirage 2000-5 from competition.

Christopher P. Cavas contributed to this report from Washington

Once again your overating the mki, it doesnt have a 400 km range radar which even eireye doesnt have! At best it can target a C-130 sized plane from 250 km and a fighter the size of an f-16 at 150-160 km.The j-10 has a good phased aray radar with the range of 130 km which even beat the russian kopyo, and israeli elta in the competition (shows how good chinese radars are) and in the future F-10 will get aesa radar (allows pakistan to easily integrate it).F-10 also has 3D thrust vectoring conrol and canards making it more manueverable than the SU-30MKK (dont know about mki)
Kaiser said:
Thats what im asking you, why would india go for Mirage-4000 as you stated in your previous post
IAF made final decision to buy 200 MRCA i.e mirage 4000 about 4 months ago.

Dec 06 2005.

Target locked: IAF aims for Mirage 4000

The Defence Ministry might be on the
lookout for a new Air Superiority Fighter (ASF) aircraft for the Indian Air Force (IAF) but it is not going to be the US F-16. According to a senior official in the ministry, the government has zeroed in on Mirage 4000, manufactured by Dassault Bréguet of France.

Sources said that senior officials from both the Defence Ministry and the IAF had already checked out Mirage 4000 and had expressed satisfaction on its performance and the features provided by the French manufacturer. "A suitable quotation has been received from Dassault Bréguet and since the IAF has already used Mirage 2000, the latest from the Mirage stable is gaining over F-16," sources added.

The ASFs being considered are Mirage 4000 and Saab Gripen from Sweden apart from Sukhoi-30 and the upgraded version of MiG-29 from Russia. "Mirage, however, is providing added features," sources said.


Once again your overating the mki it doesnt have a 400 km range radar which even eireye doesnt have! At best it can target a C-130 sized plane from 250 km and a fighter the size of an f-16 at 150-160 km

Su-30 MKI Avionics

The avionics in the Su-30MKI are all weather, dual frequency, digital multi mode, with the NIIP N-011M radar, which has a 200 km tracking range and a 350 km search range. The aircraft's radar can track and actively engage 20 enemy targets and engage the 8 most dangerous simultaneously. This radar can track and engage tactical ballistic/cruise missiles and motionless helicopters (very few aircraft in the world have this capability). The radar at sea has a 20-metre detection resolution of large targets at sea, up to distances of 400 km. Small sea target detected at sea at a distances of 120 km.
In Cope India '04. The Su-30s scored a kill ratio of 9:1 over the F-15s during the air exercise

The j-10 has a good phased aray radar with the range of 130 km which even beat the russian kopyo, and israeli elta in the competition (shows how good chinese radars are) and in the future F-10 will get aesa radar (allows pakistan to easily integrate it).F-10 also has 3D thrust vectoring conrol and canards making it more manueverable than the SU-30MKK (dont know about mki)

very good chinese radar:cheesy:
The J-10 is reported to be fitted with an indigenous KLJ-3 pulse-Doppler fire-control radar developed by Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (also known as 14th Institute). The KLJ-3 radar, which might be based on early variant AN/APG-66/68 technology, is said to have a maximum detecting range of 100~130km (attacking range 80~90km), and is capable of engaging two targets simultaneously. http://sinodefence.com/airforce/fighter/j10.asp
this radar lacks multi targeting as you can see that an MKI can track 20 and engage 8 targets.
Pakistan has played this very well, as both the F-16 AND J-10 are capable planes and to avoid any chance of sanctions again they have gone for both in limited numbers. excellent idea because they can add to their orders if everything goes to plan.
Everyone knew Pakistan was going to get J-10 sooner or later, the only question was the F-16's. The decision of buying 36 F-16's in 2 batches is an good decision, because we will get the advanced weapons (amraams,jdams) with them and the 26 used F-16 A/B's possibly the Peace Gate F-16 A/B's as well (hopefully FREE).
IAF made final decision to buy 200 MRCA i.e mirage 4000 about 4 months ago.

Dec 06 2005.

Target locked: IAF aims for Mirage 4000

The Defence Ministry might be on the
lookout for a new Air Superiority Fighter (ASF) aircraft for the Indian Air Force (IAF) but it is not going to be the US F-16. According to a senior official in the ministry, the government has zeroed in on Mirage 4000, manufactured by Dassault Bréguet of France.

Sources said that senior officials from both the Defence Ministry and the IAF had already checked out Mirage 4000 and had expressed satisfaction on its performance and the features provided by the French manufacturer. "A suitable quotation has been received from Dassault Bréguet and since the IAF has already used Mirage 2000, the latest from the Mirage stable is gaining over F-16," sources added.

The ASFs being considered are Mirage 4000 and Saab Gripen from Sweden apart from Sukhoi-30 and the upgraded version of MiG-29 from Russia. "Mirage, however, is providing added features," sources said.


IAF still hast chosen its MRCA yet and will likely choose 2-3 years from know :lol: .Also Mirage-4000 is a testbed plane for the rafale so why would india go for the mirage-4000 when it can go for rafale? Mirage-4000 isnt even in the MRCA race!

Su-30 MKI Avionics
The avionics in the Su-30MKI are all weather, dual frequency, digital multi mode, with the NIIP N-011M radar, which has a 200 km tracking range and a 350 km search range. The aircraft's radar can track and actively engage 20 enemy targets and engage the 8 most dangerous simultaneously. This radar can track and engage tactical ballistic/cruise missiles and motionless helicopters (very few aircraft in the world have this capability). The radar at sea has a 20-metre detection resolution of large targets at sea, up to distances of 400 km. Small sea target detected at sea at a distances of 120 km.
In Cope India '04. The Su-30s scored a kill ratio of 9:1 over the F-15s during the air exercise

Do you know the difference between the search range and tracking range? And no way in hell did the SU-30 score a 9:1 ratio against the F-15.Not even a F-22 could do that! Also dont forget the USAF f-15's werent allowed AWACS and BVR while the IAF was!

very good chinese radar:cheesy:
The J-10 is reported to be fitted with an indigenous KLJ-3 pulse-Doppler fire-control radar developed by Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (also known as 14th Institute). The KLJ-3 radar, which might be based on early variant AN/APG-66/68 technology, is said to have a maximum detecting range of 100~130km (attacking range 80~90km), and is capable of engaging two targets simultaneously. http://sinodefence.com/airforce/fighter/j10.asp
this radar lacks multi targeting as you can see that an MKI can track 20 and engage 8 targets.

Yeah thats true but also dont forget that china is making a phased array radar that has longer range and can track much,much more targets.
Kaiser said:
IAF still hast chosen its MRCA yet and will likely choose 2-3 years from know :lol: .Also Mirage-4000 is a testbed plane for the rafale so why would india go for the mirage-4000 when it can go for rafale? Mirage-4000 isnt even in the MRCA race!

Do you know the difference between the search range and tracking range? And no way in hell did the SU-30 score a 9:1 ratio against the F-15.Not even a F-22 could do that! Also dont forget the USAF f-15's werent allowed AWACS and BVR while the IAF was!

Yeah thats true but also dont forget that china is making a phased array radar that has longer range and can track much,much more targets.

how many years will it take to develope this radar? we need this kind of radar right now. same lackness is with Grifo S-7
I have posted the independent sources for each concern which confirms these news about Mki and Mirage 4000. I never heard about that IAF is going for rafale:crazy2: .
Owais said:
how many years will it take to develope this radar? we need this kind of radar right now. same lackness is with Grifo S-7
I have posted the independent sources for each concern which confirms these news about Mki and Mirage 4000. I never heard about that IAF is going for rafale:crazy2: .

This radar is probaly already developed and is just waiting integration into the j-10 and we will probraly order j-10 by the end of the year when this new radar is ready.What indepednant sources? Why not post some real sources and indian sources dont count. Who said IAF is going for the Rafale? Rafale is in the IAF mrca race and is one of the leading contenders. Your still way over rating the mki.A thunder supported by an awac could shoot down an mki!
Why not post some real sources and indian sources dont count.

winkepidia, sinodefence and air-attack are indian sources??:what:
I didn't post any indian source.

This radar is probaly already developed and is just waiting integration into the j-10 and we will probraly order j-10 by the end of the year when this new radar is ready

can you tell me the name of this radar please??

A thunder supported by an awac could shoot down an mki!

if it is supported by AWAC.
hi all

Well what i think we need both J-10 is good multi role and in future J-10 is going for PESA and AESA radar so it is good and also having a good weaponery like SD-10 which is equal to R-77 so i think it is a good multi role for PAF and about F-16 well its is our front line fighter with AIM-120 having good radar AN/APG-66 pulsed-Doppler radar
So i think F-16 and J-10 both are good for PAF:thumbsup:
Forget F-16 or J-10's w are getting both i am just disappointed by the fact that PAF has ordered only 18 new C/D model's with an option for 18 more plus we will be buying 27 A/B versions which i presume will be given an MLU updrage so will the current fleet of F-16's we own but only 18 new C/D versions thats just stupid either go for all F-16 A/B and give em MLU or increase the number of new F-16 i am confused but buying 36 J-10 is a good decision on PAF's part anyways how are you Ahsan F ?
fiaz said:
Everyone knew Pakistan was going to get J-10 sooner or later, the only question was the F-16's. The decision of buying 36 F-16's in 2 batches is an good decision, because we will get the advanced weapons (amraams,jdams) with them and the 26 used F-16 A/B's possibly the Peace Gate F-16 A/B's as well (hopefully FREE).

correction its 18 new C/D model's with an option of 18 more not thats simply lame if there was ever a chance to get a handsome amont of new F-16's this was it yes buying J-10 is a good decision on PAF's account but anyways PAF knows whats best for it....
its good to see u here, Best of the Best.
but only 18 new C/D versions thats just stupid either
but may be PAF is waiting for finalization of IAF 200 MRCAs deal. after this, they may go for EUFTyphoons.
Owais said:
its good to see u here, Best of the Best.

but may be PAF is waiting for finalization of IAF 200 MRCAs deal. after this, they may go for EUFTyphoons.

ya its good to be back anyways PAF wont be buying Typhoons if it wanted to it would have ordered Typhoons instead of J-10 but any news is good news when it comes to PAF.
The F-16s are costing about 40 million per plane, its really expensive. I think we should cut the deal of totally as J-10 can meet our requirements more than what F-16 can. However, possible integration of American weaponry in Chinese planes would do a little amazing. :rolleyes:

Pakistan to shop for U.S. and Chinese warplanes [SIZE=-2]Staff and agencies
15 April, 2006

Thu Apr 13, 11:45 AM ET

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan‘s cabinet has given its air force clearance to open negotiations to buy 36 Jian-10 fighter aircraft from China and 62 F-16s from the United States, defence officials said on Thursday.
It included 36 modified versions of China‘s Jian-10 aircraft, along with 26 F-16s of Type A and B, and 18 F-16s of the latest Block 50/52 C and D type models, with an option for 18 more.

After the October 8 earthquake, President Pervez Musharraf said he would postpone the purchase of F-16s -- built by Lockheed Martin Corp -- while the government assessed how it would meet the costs of reconstruction and rehabilitation in devastated parts of Pakistani Kashmir and North West Frontier Province.
Though no official figures have been released, the cost of the F-16s alone is expected to be around $2.5 billion, as each plane costs around $40 million.

The Jian-10 is described by aviation experts as a fourth generation multi-role fighter aircraft developed by China‘s Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC), which is also developing JF-17 Thunder aircraft in joint collaboration with Pakistan Aeronautical Complex at Kamra.
Pakistan‘s Chief of the Air Staff is expected to visit China in May, but any announcement on the Jian-10 deal could wait until a possible visit by President Musharraf, officials said.

Nasir said:
The F-16s are costing about 40 million per plane, its really expensive. I think we should cut the deal of totally as J-10 can meet our requirements more than what F-16 can. However, possible integration of American weaponry in Chinese planes would do a little amazing. :rolleyes:
I do agree with ya buddy:thumbsup: . J-10 is perfect fighter for Paf, even it could become a base-line for pakistan to continue its progress in aviation industry, as JF-17 has already done alot.

It was good source of info you've provide above regrading to AC inductions. Keep it up!!!:thumbsup:
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