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F-16 jets supplied to Pakistan for fighting terrorism, US assures India

They're right, AMRAAMs are for Taliban's aviation arm, APG-68v9 has a special form of look-down mode, enables us to detect and locate individual taliban fighters. JHMCS in case one of those taliban paper airplanes is too nimble for our F-16s.
sshhhh dont give them ideas soon the skies of pakistan will be swarming with paper planes possibly a good excuse for the aim120d. :D

on the other hand knowing the problem of pakisat having to pay for it all instead of fms slim chance they may drop it and purchase pods for jf17 which will be cheaper. heck its not even confirmed. congress said yes to the sale but not to paying 50%off it. talks are still ongoing regarding the technical and financal aspecs of the sale.
sshhhh dont give them ideas soon the skies of pakistan will be swarming with paper planes possibly a good excuse for the aim120d. :D

on the other hand knowing the problem of pakisat having to pay for it all instead of fms slim chance they may drop it and purchase pods for jf17 which will be cheaper. heck its not even confirmed. congress said yes to the sale but not to paying 50%off it. talks are still ongoing regarding the technical and financal aspecs of the sale.

One Congressman talked about 'reprogramming' funds to finance the purchase. What weird language politicians use.
One Congressman talked about 'reprogramming' funds to finance the purchase. What weird language politicians use.
it politicains for you what else do you expect? its very clear the usa is adament they gets these jets firstly to keep the f16 line open and to reign influence. power comes before money.
LOL @ the Americans still trying to convince their Indian buddies that the F-16s won't be used against them. It is a comedy. Well, hate to burst American and Indian fantasy here. Pakistan is buying these planes to protect its skies against any misadventure. These planes will be used against anyone who poses a threat to Pakistan's national security. Let alone India. Make no mistake about that. The American cajoling and reassurances hold no meaning. The Indians know this fully well.
Indians attacked Pakistan in 1965 cowardly in the dark of night. We used all our weapons (regardless if procured from USA or elsewhere) against the enemy. Since then we have done the same at every single time when required. US knows that very well and has never objected to that. Now the US officials are rightly saying that these planes will be used only against terrorists. What is implicit in that is the terrorists are sitting across our eastern border too. Do you need any more proof after the arrest of RAW's terrorist Commander Kul Bhushon Jhadav? Indians don't really want to believe that.
Sir I have skimmed thru the accounts of Kargil war by very honorable Mr Kaiser Tufail and let me summarize as how it matched my earlier stance.

1: Kargil was exclusive venture of Gen Mushrraf and Co and in no way PAF was taken into confidence at any stage.
2: F-16 spare support was limited due to sanctions and as PAF was not onboard Kargil offensive so it decided to guard the border and conserve its energies for any possible fully blown war.
3: There was almost no co ordination between PA and PAF at that time (current level of tri services co ordination was a distant cry at that time).
4: F-16s at that time were the ONLY potent force against enemy aggression as Mirages and F-7s were not worthy of calling a force multiplier at that time.
5: Nowhere there was any mention of US restricting F-16s' action.

In short it was PAF under embargo who was having almost no co ordination with PA at that time. It was really too much in asking from PAF at that time.

Sir I am exactly getting your point and that why i said am confident that there surely wud b a way out known to PAF. Really do not have the liberty to go into those details.


Welcome to the real world other than pakistan-----. In the real world---there is no such thing that this was army's operation---we were not informed in advance---.

As a manager---if I stated that to my boss here in the U S---he would ask---" did you find out there was an operation " and I would say " yes "---he would answer and I would answer to my subordinate---FROM THAT MOMENT ON---YOU WERE LIABLE---and if you failed to prepare or respond---the fault lies with you.

The wars and war mongering don't tell you when they come---neither did kargil---nor did indian assembly attack or the mubai attacks---.

I stated that paf failed during and before sanctions---because---it was being told before the sanctions came---do not go for the F16---there maybe an issue of sanctions----because the senator and congressman had tried to mmove the bill that was rejected by reagan.

People told them to go for the Mirage 2 K's instead of the F16's---but no----.

Now this is all prior to sanctions---. Paf forced itself to have its hand chopped off---it wasn't the doings of the americans---.

Paf put its hand in the alligator's mouth intentionally---.

This claim by Kaiser Tufail again reeks of treason---meaning " I was not told---I am pis-sed off---I am not going to help you---".

That is what the paf did with pak navy in 1971----when karachi got blasted by missiles.

So the Kill switch question arises again?


We install kill switches in cars my man---.

It is a homeland security requirement in the U S---every newer aircraft built after 2007 has a built in kill switch after 9/11. Others that have MLU's & new gadgets have kill switch.

In the words of Kaiser Tufail "fighter jets crossing LoC and bombing is hell lot different than lobbing artillery shells across. Something Army generals fail to understand repeatedly". That would have started full scale war. Something we were not very keen on in the middle of sanctions.


It would not have started a full scale war---.

Indian military ran out of howitzer shells---secondly---most of its resources got committed to kargil----they did not have resource to start a full scale war.

It is due to the deceit of the Paf---that the air force was not prepared for anything urgent---.

It would not have started a full scale war---.

Indian military ran out of howitzer shells---secondly---most of its resources got committed to kargil----they did not have resource to start a full scale war.

It is due to the deceit of the Paf---that the air force was not prepared for anything urgent---.

I would rather believe Kaiser Tufail who saw it all personally. No evidence of what you are saying. Pretty silly to assume Indian armour divisions were rolling around on 18000 feet peaks! Those are the main offensive punch mind you. India could buy ammunition quickly albeit expensive should the need arise. What you are suggesting are assumptions and just that. As it so happens very often, enemy doesn't act on our assumptions. He has mind of his own and ill conceived assumptions are first to fly out of window. When the general fails to make a pragmatic plan, a price has to be paid. Price was paid mostly by heroic men of NLI who tried to implement a shabby plan.

As it so happened, general made it to the top thereafter. He needed a scapegoat for his fiasco. Enter the PAF and its F-16s. Never mind it wasn't even part of the plan or planning.
Upon being asked if the US was trying to be a trusted ally of India by supplying the fighter jets to Pakistan, Carter, who is currently visiting India said, “We try to be a trusted partner of India.”

He added that the US has given ‘unique technologies’ to India. “We don’t have an agreement like that with other countries.”

Shaal ma lapeet ker jhooota....means...stop whining like a cry baby!!
Indians attacked Pakistan in 1965 cowardly in the dark of night. We used all our weapons (regardless if procured from USA or elsewhere) against the enemy. Since then we have done the same at every single time when required. US knows that very well and has never objected to that. Now the US officials are rightly saying that these planes will be used only against terrorists. What is implicit in that is the terrorists are sitting across our eastern border too. Do you need any more proof after the arrest of RAW's terrorist Commander Kul Bhushon Jhadav? Indians don't really want to believe that.

Wrong information !!

India took, the fight to the Pakistani Soil, only when it was forced to do so, and not cowardly in an open declared manner. Infact, it was the PA which planned covert operation in Kashmir, which you can refer to a coward manner.
The US had equipped Pakistan with the top weapons at that time, and the quality of the weapons whether its the Patton Tanks, Long range artillery, or the Starfighter with A2A Sidewinger they were better than the Indian Centurian Tanks and Gnat, and Hunter who don't have any A2A missiles.

It was the Recce missions by the Indian Canberra Aircrafts, that took the photograph of the US equipment used against the India, which India provided to the USA, after which the US declared sanctions against the Pakistan.

As far as arrest of so called RAW terrorist, Kul Bhushan Jhadav or Yadav, its more for the internal consuption, and nobody in the world cares of the Pakistani allegation, nor Pakistan claims have so much weight. Indian what believes is that though RAW is not the best intelligence agency in the world, but they are not so idiots to send an agent with Indian Passport and other documents.

F16 A/B will may be replaced by following:
3-Modern blocks Of JFT like non export version Jf 17 thunder Block 4.....

Pakistan is retiring 190 planes upto 2020 may be the f-16 A/B will be included in them as Pakistan looking for a suitable aircraft now a days.....!!!!

1. Su-35 -- When was Su-35 cleared for export to Pakistan by Russia.

2. J-20 is not available for export, not it is fully ready, J-31 is decades away to be ready, nor J-31 would be so cheap to replace F-16 A/B on 1 to 1 basis.

3. Which block -3 ? We still don't have the specs, and Block 4, there is no such block niether on the paper yet ?

So the Kill switch question arises again?

Lets talk serious. There is no such thing like kill switch, which can be activated remotely from USA, which will stop the F-16 to take off from the ground. However two things, which you can deny if you wish.

1. All F-16 are in the constant watch of the US with its technicians on the Pakistani bases, where they are deployed, in the name of checking the so called to stop tech stole by the Chinese. This is bullshit, because what tech. would China needs to theft from the F-16, when they already have so many projects working on the high tech weapons system for their own requirement. But the Technicians present on the Pakistani Bases are capable of deactivating various avionics to non functional if the need arises e.g the Programmable DRICM which could be kept in the hands of the US technicians and if ordered from US higher authority, the technicians might disable the equipment, which will barred them to function.

2. The USA might have installed a bug, inside the F-16 inside avionics, weapons through which USA would monitor each and every flight and the location. Cannot state, what would be the US steps later on during the war, or if F-16 is used against India, reason because the US actions are only based on its own interest and they can make thousands logic to back up their actions.
We are not crying you are crying......We are happy with what we have and don't afraid of you........You don't dare to see Pakistan with dirty eyes.....

Idiot i said Carter gave shaal ma lapeet ka jota to Indians...

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