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F-16 jets supplied to Pakistan for fighting terrorism, US assures India

Don't underestimate the Chinese weapons like J31..
The can do every thing...

We not going to retire F-16 till 2025.....
Do you really think that we r buying 18 block 52 from America for just 4 years.......

Well after posting this thread I've realized how powerful and frightening the F-16 is .......

I was referring to the old F-16 A/B aka block 15 of the Peace gate I and Peace gate II powered by powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 turbofan.dilivered during 1983 to 1987, which by 1997, 8 F-16 were lost. In 2005, the remaining 32 birds clocked 100,000 hours. So on average they had already clocked 3000 hours by 2005.

Interestingly, the life of the airframe, also depends on the usage, and initial F-16 were build for the airdefence, and not the Ground attack, which is been extensively used during the COIN operation in Pakistan.
Prepared as in to cross border and support our troops who were being slaughtered there

Keeping in mind that both sides often violate ceasefire agreement and even inflict casualties but any air violation, technical or deliberate is taken very seriously .... then imagine crossing the border and attacking the other side....it becomes an open declaration of war.
I was referring to the old F-16 A/B aka block 15 of the Peace gate I and Peace gate II powered by powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 turbofan.dilivered during 1983 to 1987, which by 1997, 8 F-16 were lost. In 2005, the remaining 32 birds clocked 100,000 hours. So on average they had already clocked 3000 hours by 2005.

Interestingly, the life of the airframe, also depends on the usage, and initial F-16 were build for the airdefence, and not the Ground attack, which is been extensively used during the COIN operation in Pakistan.
F16 A/B will may be replaced by following:
3-Modern blocks Of JFT like non export version Jf 17 thunder Block 4.....

Pakistan is retiring 190 planes upto 2020 may be the f-16 A/B will be included in them as Pakistan looking for a suitable aircraft now a days.....!!!!

By News Desk
Published: April 13, 2016

The United States supplied Pakistan with F-16 fighter jets to fight terrorism in areas where the Taliban have a strong foothold, US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter reiterated during a joint press conference in India.

However, as Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar shared the Indian government’s concern following the US decision to sell eight F-16 jets to Pakistan. Carter assured that the jets would only be used against terror, Times of India reported.

US Senate rejects move to block F-16 sale to Pakistan

Upon being asked if the US was trying to be a trusted ally of India by supplying the fighter jets to Pakistan, Carter, who is currently visiting India said, “We try to be a trusted partner of India.”

He added that the US has given ‘unique technologies’ to India. “We don’t have an agreement like that with other countries.”

Further addressing the New Delhi’s concerns, Carter said the US ‘values’ its relationship with Pakistan.

F-16 sale to Pakistan should not be of concern to India: Pentagon

“India also has relations with other countries like Russia. We respect that,” he said in the same regard.

“What we do in Pakistan is directed towards counter terrorism. We too have suffered from terrorism emanating from the territory, more specifically Afghanistan,” he further stated.
and this IS the problem for India.

because it doesn't want USA helping Pakistan to get rid of its enemies.
and this IS the problem for India.

because it doesn't want USA helping Pakistan to get rid of its enemies.

You are partially correct as among the Pakistan's many many enemies, Pakistan also considers India as an enemy. So yes India doesn't want USA helping Pakistan to get rid of India.
Keeping in mind that both sides often violate ceasefire agreement and even inflict casualties but any air violation, technical or deliberate is taken very seriously .... then imagine crossing the border and attacking the other side....it becomes an open declaration of war.
America is indirectly hurting India by supplying these Jets to Pakistan .. since they are being used to kill possibly Indian assets BLA and TTP (Indians cant deny their relations with both).
and this IS the problem for India.

because it doesn't want USA helping Pakistan to get rid of its enemies.
That will be their Dream brother........Whatever they do United States wont stop providing Pakistan With latest arnaments and weapons until Pakistan wish to stop.......And now India is trying to trying to procure American technology........!!!!!!
Sir Pakistan did manage to fly those F-16s during whole sanction period too and in eventuality of any full blown war between Pakistan and India its speculated that its not gonna last for more than a month and we surely have so much of reliability plus spare support of F-16s for sustained operations. Regarding the encryption codes i wud just say that as Pakistanis did sort out this matter earlier then they can sort it out now too. Also Sir like i mentioned earlier too we have been scrambling our F-16s to any untoward situation at eastern border and in no way US wud take this step of restricting Pakistan as it knows we wud ultimately go nuclear as last option. This is what US wud never want. They are wise guys.


Those sanctions were " MECHANICAL " in nature----even though the congress and senate put the sanctions---the US military and agency was in favor of pakistan.

The " ELECTRONIC " sanctions are a different story. Their effect will be immediate.
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Read Kaisar Tufail account of Kargil to get to know how ill prepared was PAF to even sprang into action during Kargil
Sir I have skimmed thru the accounts of Kargil war by very honorable Mr Kaiser Tufail and let me summarize as how it matched my earlier stance.

1: Kargil was exclusive venture of Gen Mushrraf and Co and in no way PAF was taken into confidence at any stage.
2: F-16 spare support was limited due to sanctions and as PAF was not onboard Kargil offensive so it decided to guard the border and conserve its energies for any possible fully blown war.
3: There was almost no co ordination between PA and PAF at that time (current level of tri services co ordination was a distant cry at that time).
4: F-16s at that time were the ONLY potent force against enemy aggression as Mirages and F-7s were not worthy of calling a force multiplier at that time.
5: Nowhere there was any mention of US restricting F-16s' action.

In short it was PAF under embargo who was having almost no co ordination with PA at that time. It was really too much in asking from PAF at that time.


Those sanctions were " MECHANICAL " in nature----even though the congress and senate put the sanctions---the US military and agency was in favor of pakistan.

The " ELECTRONIC " sanctions are a different story. Their effect will be immediate.

Sir I am exactly getting your point and that why i said am confident that there surely wud b a way out known to PAF. Really do not have the liberty to go into those details.
America is indirectly hurting India by supplying these Jets to Pakistan .. since they are being used to kill possibly Indian assets BLA and TTP (Indians cant deny their relations with both).
And US is right in it's statement....these jets are meant to fight terrorism....be in FATA, Baluchistan and to the extent of IOK.
Exactly keep that in mind how toothless F-16 were during Kargil War. It would become more or less the same when it can not sniff out enemy airplanes without its IFF turned on and cant communicate with the pack or the leader because communication suit wont work.

There is no workaround this time. Pakistani leaders willingly accepted these terms and signed CISMOA and screwed themselves.

Achaar dalnaa hai kiya bhai basic airframe ka.
This is the very reason more are not wanted... PAF is looking for alternates...The best for a highend fighter is the EFT but it lacks the multirole capability like the one we have with the F-16's.

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