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extreme poor Chinese with daily income less than $0.5

Were you every abused for being an ST?
Hmm..not really.As I never travelled outside NE for extended periods of time and was always sheltered as much as possible by my family when I did so.
The death of Nido Taniam had many parents even forbidding their children,particularly heirs similar to Nido, from travelling to mainland as much as possible and pursue studies in NE or South tibet/AP as much as possible
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Were you every abused for being an ST?

NEisters on this forum tells me that he is not from India might be a false flag

Hmm..not really.As I never travelled outside NE for extended periods of time and was always sheltered as much as possible by my family when I did so.
The death of Nido Taniam had many parents even forbidding their children,particularly heirs like similar to Nido, from travelling to mainland as much as possible and pursue studies in NE or South tibet/AP as much as possible

your loyalties don't even lie with the Republic,perhaps a 1 way ticket can be arranged for you to china if you want it
Now,now,don't let your inferiority complex and guilt get the better of you.Nowhere in this thread have I compared Indians to animals.As you are an Indian,I will accept the part in bold as fact.After all it is an admission by an Indian himself.
Good. Ain't we cute and lovely? :azn: :)
I don't know, to be honest,about the cute and lovely part.Interesting,yes.
Why do you think so? What way are we NOT cute or lovely? :)
We are a peaceful nation with a Dharmic conscience that values all life. :agree: That makes us the good guys. No?
We Indians are good people. :) Where are you from?
Why do you think so? What way are we NOT cute or lovely? :)
We are a peaceful nation with a Dharmic conscience that values all life. :agree: That makes us the good guys. No?
We Indians are good people. :) Where are you from?
It's just an opinion,for heaven's sake.As for the rest,no comments.

Why are you getting irritated? :(
Your opinions must not have fallen from the skies. :)
I am not tbh, just wanted this useless off topic done with.For the sake of civility in this forum,so that DRAY or any other "patriotic" Indian doesn't lose his/her cool as some already seem to have.Let's leave it at that.
I am not tbh, just wanted this useless off topic done with.For the sake of civility in this forum,so that DRAY or any other "patriotic" Indian doesn't lose his/her cool as some already seem to have.Let's leave it at that.
India is not a nation. There can't be any question of being patriotic. Ain't I correct? :)
I can see you did not quote him. Avoiding him? :azn: @DRAY He is a good Indian, just like you. :D
They are almost self-sufficient living, money is not important to them.
They feel happy and relaxed, that is the most important thing....
India is not a nation. There can't be any question of being patriotic. Ain't I correct? :)
Precisely why I used quotation marks on the word patriotic.
And yes I have been avoiding him,not really interested in tangling with a person of nonsensical leanings,just as I avoid lord manvan,Indrani,Indic and a whole army at that.After all,no use in kicking mud,is there?
Precisely why I used quotation marks on the word patriotic.
And yes I have been avoiding him,not really interested in tangling with a person of nonsensical leanings,just as I avoid lord manvan,Indrani,Indic and a whole army at that.After all,no use in kicking mud,is there?
Ok, where are you from? :)
Beijing rule is going to end soon. Time to break that mess up.
Most poor ppl who living under 0.5$ or 1$ per-day r in China village, where on the moutain or local traffic isn't convenient ... But most of them at least have small lands and houses, which can provide basic food and living without extra cost.

Above 95% villages in China have electric power and 80% have tap water ... Nearly every village has the National "Radio and TV village project", so there's no suprise to see poor Chinese family has LCD & SatelliteTelevision.

In my opinion, the real poor ppl should be in the CITY, no lands & no house(rent) but they can easily find jobs in cities and earn more than 2$ per-day ... but compared with these poor family living in China villiages who has lands & house with lowest cost ... they r living HARDER.
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India is not a nation. There can't be any question of being patriotic. Ain't I correct? :)
I can see you did not quote him. Avoiding him? :azn: @DRAY He is a good Indian, just like you. :D

Pose as an Indian and bad mouth about India, supposedly add credibility to what crap one is posting. More importantly, you can't show him the realities of his real country.

Maybe we should just inform our investigating agencies, who knows he can be our next big catch. :)
That's the fact, there are still some poor villages in some Mountains,younger people go to cities and elder left, we should make sure that they can get the fruit of economic development too.
My hometown is in one amall village in Shandong province too, and good news is that villagers are richer and richer, pics of myhome furing wintter 2013
View attachment 158891
Take from my home's south house, the yellow building is the home of my uncle;
View attachment 158895
This is my home, taken from plat on the door, the left house is 1 floor, and the right house is 3 floor, my family has 4 members, my parents, me and my wife, and 2months later my baby will come.

you speak English and you live in the village? seems you are with university degree?
that is rare in China.....even young ppl with only a junior middle shool education are not willing to stay in villages
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