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Extending Visa ban to Pakistan will not solve the problem


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
There's news floating that new US government may extend it's visa ban policy to Pakistan along with seven countries already put under restrictions. I sincerely hope that US executes it's policy on Pakistan, only then it may find and realise where the actual problem stems from. The figures from last few years show that even the Mexicans are now not the biggest illegal migrants in US. The position for the fastest illegal population has been taken over by escape India citizens whose figure now swells over 500,000. Building walls and visa bans will stop the influx but the authorities will obviously need to crack down on those already abusing the system.

Indians are staying in the US illegally at far higher rates than any other nationality. In 2014, there were nearly half a million unauthorized Indian immigrants, according to a recent Pew Research Center report. The influx represented a nearly 43% spike since 2009, when the number was 350,000.23 Sep 2016




Everyone is celebrating the ban. At least those people that are sick and tired of this fatigued and disloyal relationship.

No doubt, the ban will force our leadership to be more loyal towards Pakistan instead of bowing under pressure to a country that resides on the other side of the planet. I'm already excited at the prospect that American aid is going to be halted completely.

A complete standstill between the US and Pakistan is the way forward. We don't want it anymore. Make it happen Trump!
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Pakistan will not get affected in a negative way since the number of Pakistanis being given has been declining since late 80's while the Indian immigration has been growing at exponential rate ..and they have been using and abusing H1b visa. However officially Pakistan has not been banned at least yet..as per my info..However it will be actually sad for Pakistanis already living in USA because some of their family members are not US-citizens or permanent residents and may get affected and further indignation at the airports.

But Pakistan should retaliate and stop all kinds of visas to US citizens (except Pakistani origin people). Ask USA to close this giant embassy and shift to some 4 bed villa in I-10/1 sector, kick 80% of their staff out of Pakistan...but this can only happen if Pakistan has a leader with spine and balls..our castrated PM can't do anything except stealing money from the treasury, lying under the oath, conspiring against the military and the institutions of the country, and disgracing Pakistan at international level.
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Pakistan will not reply in kind. We are not a nation with political leaders who have balls. If we had those leaders Americans are in deep Shit still in Afghanistan and Iraq and they need us at least for Afghanistan. The world is changing and America is no longer the champion of liberty and freedom. Fact ameri a represents gitmo and abu Ghraib. It violates its own laws and constitution and is a slave to the Jews. Clinton gave his daughter to the Jews and trump .... God only know what he promised them.
Pakistan will not reply in kind. We are not a nation with political leaders who have balls. If we had those leaders Americans are in deep Shit still in Afghanistan and Iraq and they need us at least for Afghanistan. The world is changing and America is no longer the champion of liberty and freedom. Fact ameri a represents gitmo and abu Ghraib. It violates its own laws and constitution and is a slave to the Jews. Clinton gave his daughter to the Jews and trump .... God only know what he promised them.

America always used a Carrot and stick approach towards Pakistan, it worked to a certain extent, Americans have been lenient towards Pakistan as they wanted to maintain some leverage but the days when every country wanted to be either like America or with America have long gone, the world has turned full circle and if the recent past events in UN assembly are anything to go by then US would realise that Pakistan will reciprocate in kind.
To be honest, there is general feelings in Pakistan about this so called banning of visas for Pakistan, where Pakistanis simply are not bothered and F*** all attitude is prevalent. These self importance measures by American may work for lesser countries (with all due respect), but Pakistan is big and ugly enough.

Good find about the amount of illegal Indians in America and how they are abusing the system, however, I doubt they will be touched. America wants India to be stable and powerful in this region, not just America but one can see how Indians are allowed plenty of ingress among other western American allies like Britain. India depends on this rather generous access to west for its well being and this has been going on since the India got onboard the PNAC. LEMOA is another manifestation of Indian patronage by west.

A ban on Pakistan would provide an excellent opportunity to cut the umbilical cord of this rather dis functioning relationship but also make redundant, the apologist of western civilization among Pakistani society.
There's news floating that new US government may extend it's visa ban policy to Pakistan along with seven countries already put under restrictions. I sincerely hope that US executes it's policy on Pakistan, only then it may find and realise where the actual problem stems from. The figures from last few years show that even the Mexicans are now not the biggest illegal migrants in US. The position for the fastest illegal population has been taken over by escape India citizens whose figure now swells over 500,000. Building walls and visa bans will stop the influx but the authorities will obviously need to crack down on those already abusing the system.





Let them first pass through 7 countries on which they placed ban...They are even struggling to get through it...Federal court has already stepped in....

Their plate is full, right now...However Pakistan should prepare for countermeasures...
Let them first pass through 7 countries on which they placed ban...They are even struggling to get through it...Federal court has already stepped in....

Their plate is full, right now...However Pakistan should prepare for countermeasures...
He challenged that ruling using his new Attorney General (he also sacked the last Acting Attr. Gen. because she didn't comply). This guy is vicious and gets what he wants, and rhetoric of his Adviser Bennon is even worse than trump, he talks about his Armageddon where Christian and Muslim fight till death.. Very chilling. We must be prepared for the worst, this guy is mental.
He challenged that ruling using his new Attorney General (he also sacked the last Acting Attr. Gen. because she didn't comply). This guy is vicious and gets what he wants, and rhetoric of his Adviser Bennon is even worse than trump, he talks about his Armageddon where Christian and Muslim fight till death.. Very chilling. We must be prepared for the worst, this guy is mental.

This is ridiculous....The US and world is changing so fast...I am afraid whether we are able or not to react by the pace at which things are happening...

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