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Exposed: How Al-Houthi brainwashes children, blesses targeting civilians

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Exposed: How Al-Houthi brainwashes children, blesses targeting civilians


An image grab taken from a video broadcast by Al-Masira TV on March 26, 2015, shows Yemeni Shiite Houthi movement's leader Abdulmalik Al-Huthi delivering a televised statement. (Al-MASIRA TV/AFP)

April 15, 2019

  • Yemen militia leader is the latest subject of Arab News campaign
JEDDAH: For 15 years, he and his fanatical followers have tried to hoodwink the world into believing they are persecuted underdogs, defending Yemen against its oppressors.

But today Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi is exposed for what he is — a violent ideologue motivated by bigotry, hatred and intolerance.

Al-Houthi, 40, leader of the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen, is the latest subject of Preachers of Hate — a continuing Arab News campaign in which we analyze the words and deeds of militant extremists, place them in context, and explain their malign influence on those who follow them.

With their slogan “God is great, death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews and victory for Islam,” the Houthis have a long history of intolerance. Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News.

Far from being an “underdog,” Al-Houthi has overseen the launch of ballistic missiles targeting civilian population centers in Saudi Arabia — including the city of Makkah, the most sacred place in the religion he claims to revere.

Using the Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV channel and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV station, he broadcasts his messages of hate to anyone who will listen. Al-Houthi is cut from the same cloth as the leaders of other violent extremist groups, Saudi political analyst Hamdan Al-Shehri said.

“He has no qualms about putting children and women in harm’s way ... this is the exact strategy employed by other militias and terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda and Daesh.”

Completely despicable. Those who promote terrorism need to be brought to account by the international court of law for their criminal activities.
Sanu Ki? Arab world is already messed up. It will be messed up even more.
With their slogan “God is great, death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews and victory for Islam,” the Houthis have a long history of intolerance. Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News.
Sanu Ki? Arab world is already messed up. It will be messed up even more.
But we must do our part to bring to account those who promote terrorism, in order to secure the future for a peaceful coexistence of humanity.

We must not

We shall not

Give up
Exposed: How Al-Houthi brainwashes children, blesses targeting civilians


An image grab taken from a video broadcast by Al-Masira TV on March 26, 2015, shows Yemeni Shiite Houthi movement's leader Abdulmalik Al-Huthi delivering a televised statement. (Al-MASIRA TV/AFP)

April 15, 2019

  • Yemen militia leader is the latest subject of Arab News campaign
JEDDAH: For 15 years, he and his fanatical followers have tried to hoodwink the world into believing they are persecuted underdogs, defending Yemen against its oppressors.

But today Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi is exposed for what he is — a violent ideologue motivated by bigotry, hatred and intolerance.

Al-Houthi, 40, leader of the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen, is the latest subject of Preachers of Hate — a continuing Arab News campaign in which we analyze the words and deeds of militant extremists, place them in context, and explain their malign influence on those who follow them.

With their slogan “God is great, death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews and victory for Islam,” the Houthis have a long history of intolerance. Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News.

Far from being an “underdog,” Al-Houthi has overseen the launch of ballistic missiles targeting civilian population centers in Saudi Arabia — including the city of Makkah, the most sacred place in the religion he claims to revere.

Using the Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV channel and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV station, he broadcasts his messages of hate to anyone who will listen. Al-Houthi is cut from the same cloth as the leaders of other violent extremist groups, Saudi political analyst Hamdan Al-Shehri said.

“He has no qualms about putting children and women in harm’s way ... this is the exact strategy employed by other militias and terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda and Daesh.”


Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News.

Oh Really?
Osama Bin Laden or Tim Osman, the story of ISI Collocation with CIA along-with SAUDI MONEY to train & wage JIHAD against Russia (Soviet Union) is crystal clear!

Daesh/ISIS is 100% SUNNI Organization and follows WAHABI SAUDI teachings. Also in Syria & Iraq, Saudi Arabi DID more damage & killings of innocent peoples, minorities than Shia's or Iran.

Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, Al Qaeda in Iraq & Syria are completely supported by Saudi Wahabis. And please open up your Saudi Wahabi mouth about Saudi Atrocities in Yemen, Al Qaeda in Yemen, and Sudan's mercenaries in Yemen, actively killing innocent peoples.
But we must do our part to bring to account those who promote terrorism, in order to secure the future for a peaceful coexistence of humanity.

We must not

We shall not

Give up
Whoever enters the Arab world to save someone else fails ultimately. We al know what happened in Syria when people rebelled to save people. It resulted in so much loss. It is possible In other parts of the world.
Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News.

Oh Really?
Osama Bin Laden or Tim Osman, the story of ISI Collocation with CIA along-with SAUDI MONEY to train & wage JIHAD against Russia (Soviet Union) is crystal clear!

Daesh/ISIS is 100% SUNNI Organization and follows WAHABI SAUDI teachings. Also in Syria & Iraq, Saudi Arabi DID more damage & killings of innocent peoples, minorities than Shia's or Iran.

Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, Al Qaeda in Iraq & Syria are completely supported by Saudi Wahabis. And please open up your Saudi Wahabi mouth about Saudi Atrocities in Yemen, Al Qaeda in Yemen, and Sudan's mercenaries in Yemen, actively killing innocent peoples.
Voices in your head seem to be very strong.

May ALLAH destroy the Wahabi Cursed Regime of Saudi Arabia. It is they who have divided all Muslim Countries among each other, supported/created extremist organizations and have created destability & Chaos in the entire world!

And I am a SUNNI, not a Shia, but Saudi Wahabis may rot in hell!
@The Eagle @Dubious Nut case needs help
And very RATIONAL! Wahabis are the curse of the Sunni Muslim World!
But, let me see the End of this Wahabi dynasty, because I know how it will end!
You are right, Saudi Arabia and other nations are the cause of division in the Muslim world and Wahabbism is a synonym of Zionism. So much terrorism and extremism has came as a result of this.
Political Islam and extremely Conclusion of sharia make this evil minds
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Exposed: How Al-Houthi brainwashes children, blesses targeting civilians


An image grab taken from a video broadcast by Al-Masira TV on March 26, 2015, shows Yemeni Shiite Houthi movement's leader Abdulmalik Al-Huthi delivering a televised statement. (Al-MASIRA TV/AFP)

April 15, 2019

  • Yemen militia leader is the latest subject of Arab News campaign
JEDDAH: For 15 years, he and his fanatical followers have tried to hoodwink the world into believing they are persecuted underdogs, defending Yemen against its oppressors.

But today Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi is exposed for what he is — a violent ideologue motivated by bigotry, hatred and intolerance.

Al-Houthi, 40, leader of the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen, is the latest subject of Preachers of Hate — a continuing Arab News campaign in which we analyze the words and deeds of militant extremists, place them in context, and explain their malign influence on those who follow them.

With their slogan “God is great, death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews and victory for Islam,” the Houthis have a long history of intolerance. Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News.

Far from being an “underdog,” Al-Houthi has overseen the launch of ballistic missiles targeting civilian population centers in Saudi Arabia — including the city of Makkah, the most sacred place in the religion he claims to revere.

Using the Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV channel and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV station, he broadcasts his messages of hate to anyone who will listen. Al-Houthi is cut from the same cloth as the leaders of other violent extremist groups, Saudi political analyst Hamdan Al-Shehri said.

“He has no qualms about putting children and women in harm’s way ... this is the exact strategy employed by other militias and terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda and Daesh.”

Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is a crime against humanity. No two ways about it. The fine line between a just struggle and terrorism has long been breached by both side of the sectarian divide irrespective of any justification.

Both Saudi Arabia (all it's Allied counties) and Iran (all it's allied and proxies) need to step back from active military engagement against each other in the entire region. More than enough blood has been spilled to satisfy the egos on both sides.

No matter how much one sugar coats the ongoing regional geo political military jostle between the rival power houses of opposing religious ideology but the fact remains undeniable...

This is an undeniable fact that Iranian religious clergy feels that it should be them - their fellow clergymen - who should be the custodian of Islams most Holy sites in KaabatUllah and Al-Masjid-Al-Nabwi. This deep seated desire is what the Saudis call the pipe dreams and equally so the Iranians call the Saudi desire to destroy Iranian clergy the same.

There is no denying that the larger region is increasingly up in flames because of this very root cause of deep seated religious animosity towards one another.

There is a way out of this situation though and a chance for peace to prevail for some length in time but first, there has to be a genuine urge towards recognition of the root cause and an even more of a genuine need for sincere efforts to look for a peaceful solution before its too late for peace if not already - and we may well be approaching those dreadful days of calamaties.

For any peaceful solution to succeed, both Saudia and Iran need to stop military actions. Iran has to agree to stop it's massive efforts to try and encircle Saudi Arabia in a Shiite crescent and the Saudis need to de escalate their massive counter military efforts to thwart Iran's increasing armed influence in neighboring countries.

Once the ongoing dialogue of blood and bullet is mutually abandoned in favour of actual peaceful dialogue, only then they can address some of the insecurities towards each other which emanate from their opposing religious doctrine that drives their respective war machines but can easily be put on hold with mutual understanding and obvious logic, till the arrival of the Awaited (RA).

Only then there can be some hope for actual peace in the region for any length of time before the start of actual Major turn of events towards The End of Times.

May Allah Subhan Taala have mercy on us all, Aameen in sha Allah!
There is a way out of this situation though and a chance for peace to prevail

till the arrival of the Awaited (RA).

Keep waiting and keep believing. You think there is a way out and then you contradict yourself. If you are a Shiite your awaited RA won't be acceptable to rest, and if you are rest your awaited RA won't be acceptable to Shiite. And in reality there is no awaited RA coming.

Most of the Muslim world has no idea of the nature of this conflict, how old this is, the reasons, the damage it brought to Islam, the many key earlier Muslims who were assassinated because of this and the million fake stories introduced in books of traditions for both Sunni and Shiite. They simply look at it as it is something that is happening in our times only.

Oil is a curse that turns warriors into incompetent lazy rears.
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