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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

I don't know if somebody has posted it before, but article contains some invaluable information
Azerbaijan mulls purchase of Pakistani-Chinese jet fighter
Tue 15 November 2011 07:55 GMT | 12:55 Local Time

Azerbaijan is showing interest in purchasing the JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft, jointly produced by Pakistan and China, the Pakistani side has said.

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), a co-producer of the fighter, told APA of the interest from Baku at the Dubai Airshow-2011.

Members of the Azerbaijani delegation watched the JF-17's demonstration flights at the airshow, the PAC officials said.

They said that several rounds of discussions had been held with the Azerbaijani side, but that talks had yet to reach the purchase and sale stage. They said that the initial size of the order had been determined, however.

PAC is meeting orders from Pakistan’s Air Forces at present and would be able to meet an Azerbaijani order in the next few years.

The JF-17 Thunder has the same or better specifications than the Russian-made MiG-29s that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces have at present.

Company officials said that Pakistan and Azerbaijan enjoyed a high level of relations. Islamabad supports Baku’s positions and the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and has rendered military assistance to Azerbaijan since the very beginning. Taking these relations into consideration, there will be no problems in the sale of aircraft to Azerbaijan, the officials said.

A second version of the JF-17 Thunder is under development and will have the latest electronic systems and additional weapons. A two-pilot model is also under development.

The JF-17 Thunder is 14.97 m long, has a maximum takeoff weight of 12,474 kg, maximum speed of 1,909 km/h and combat radius of 1,352 km.

Its munitions include one 23-mm GSh-23-2 twin-barrel cannon, four air-to-air missiles, one air-to-surface missile, Mk-82, Mk-84 general purpose bombs, GBU-10, GBU-12, LT-2 laser-guided bombs, the Matra Durandal anti-runway bomb and the CBU-100/Mk-20 Rockeye anti-armour cluster bomb.

News.Az - Azerbaijan mulls purchase of Pakistani-Chinese jet fighter
I hope now it should be clear that why Mikhail Pogosyan was saying JFT is "Extremely close" to MIG-29.
Mate, don't you have something like 250 F-16s ? Thats more than enough Multi-Role fighters...why then would you want to go for the JF-17 ? Shouldn't going for an air superiority fighter...perhaps the F-15, the Su-27s,30s or China's J-11s or entering into a joint project with Turkey or South Korea for their respective 5th Generations fighter be better ?

They badly need a BVR platform like us!
All their F-16s dont carry AMRAAM. They are capable, but EAF dont have them, because US never sells them 'cause of Israelis.
I think either Egypt or Azerbaijan will be the first export customer of JFT, Egypt has more chances because they urgently need BVR capable Fighter plane and they are one of the most satisfied customer of SINO-PAK trainer plane K8.
Latest, Credit Prevaiz Sahib............
Story does have merit. . Indonesian Air Force Chief Air Marshal Sufaat visited Kamra this month (April-May-2012)and reportedly stated that he was very impressed with JF-17 and the ircraft factory. Indonesian Def. Minister will also be visiting PAC hortly to see the JF-17 s. Indonesia may make a decision after his visit.
JF-17 export will never materialise.. China will not allowed that.
JF-17 export will never materialise.. China will not allowed that.

China is not the only one with say.. infact you are completely incorrect..
the reason as to why the JF-17 export has yet to materialise is because the PAF is not allowing it till its own initial orders are met.
CATIC is all for export and has the full backing of the Chinese government in this.
Why would they go along at airshows and give presentations?
China is not the only one with say.. infact you are completely incorrect..
the reason as to why the JF-17 export has yet to materialise is because the PAF is not allowing it till its own initial orders are met.
CATIC is all for export and has the full backing of the Chinese government in this.
Why would they go along at airshows and give presentations?
You know, I also pushed the reply button for his post, but then i pushed the cancel button since you cant do much with these kind of posters.
also block 2 is meant for export..

probably time is nearer when other countries will be flying JFT,
i think exports will start after 2015
many countries may be waiting for jf-17 block 2 version
Actually Beast's statement makes sense.

Why would China allow the export of JF-17 and share the revenue when it can export the FC-1 and pocket the entire money considering that FC-1 is itself an export version ?

I may be wrong though.
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