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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

I told you they won't go for JFT.

According to unofficial sources, BAF people weren't really interested in the JFT. Reasons were not specified. So, impossible to say if the decision was political or technical.

Can someone tell me more about these air defense squadrons? What are they procuring for them?

According to Bengali language sources, they are working on a 5-tier air defense system. Already received the FM-90. More to come, most likely from China.
The Missiles which were shown in Dubai Air Show with JF-17 Block Plane are all of these Missiles used by the Block 1 ?
I told you they won't go for JFT.

Can someone tell me more about these air defense squadrons? What are they procuring for them?
Perhaps the corrospondent ment Airsuperiority or Inteception squadrons.
Azerbaijan (Still) Kicking Tires On Chinese-Pakistani Fighter Jets

Azerbaijan seems to be looking seriously at rejuvenating its air force with Chinese-Pakistani fighter jets, the state news agency APA reports. They cite a source from the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, one of the builders of the aircraft, at the big Dubai air show:

Members of the Azerbaijani delegation watched the JF-17's demonstration flights at the airshow, the PAC officials said.

They said that several rounds of discussions had been held with the Azerbaijani side, but that talks had yet to reach the purchase and sale stage. They said that the initial size of the order had been determined, however. PAC is meeting orders from Pakistan’s Air Forces at present and would be able to meet an Azerbaijani order in the next few years.

This is not news, exactly; Azerbaijan has been talking about this for at least four years. To quote from a news story then:

In the spring of 2007, at the international military exhibition IDEAS in Dubai, the Azerbaijani side became interested in the multi-functional JF-17 fighter developed and produced jointly by China and Pakistan, as well as small-bore weapons and tanks made in Pakistan...

In 2009, APA was reporting it as more or less a done deal.

So is this anything new? The JF-17 only entered service in Pakistan in 2010, and doesn't yet have a single international buyer, so it's not remarkable that Baku hasn't pulled the trigger yet. And this would seem a logical plane for them to buy, as U.S. aircraft are off the table for political reasons and buying from Russia would be difficult, given Moscow's alliance with Armenia (the recent S-300 sale notwithstanding). All that makes Azerbaijan a good candidate to be the first air force in the Caucasus or Central Asia to buy a non-Russian aircraft. But that still could be some time away.

UPDATE: Steve Trimble of Flight Global writes in to note: "Russia could still complicate the Azerbaijani order. The JF-17 is powered by the RD-93 engine, and the only supplier is Russia. So any JF-17 deal would require compliance by Moscow." Which is a good point, though it wouldn't have quite the same symbolism as selling MiGs or Sukhois, and so the JF-17 would still be a less controversial sale.

Azerbaijan (Still) Kicking Tires On Chinese-Pakistani Fighter Jets | EurasiaNet.org

LOL how desperate you are .... any way, Azerbaijan isn't getting JF-17 any sooner, it would take a couple of years. At that time JF-17 would be flying with another engine called FWS-13. Besides China is importing RD-93 for export, that was a clear terms for getting RD-93 and china already have about 200+ engines.
Love the desperation of Azerbaijan. Koi in ko kuch jahaz dai dai bhai. :D
I am very sad about the recent crash of JF-17 :-(
ali_95 crashes r an important part of aviation f 15 f18 su 30 have also crashed

f16s also crashed many times but it didnt effect its export and production
I am very sad about the recent crash of JF-17 :-(

shouldn't be....

It's been flying for 8 years, it has completed 10,000 sorties not including test flights....
1 crash was bound to happen, now if not later.
its just my guess that we might see exports very soon. many are waiting some have even ordered. thry are given a choice of FC1 or JF with customized gadgets. love to see the first exported birds
According to unofficial sources, BAF people weren't really interested in the JFT. Reasons were not specified. So, impossible to say if the decision was political or technical.

According to Bengali language sources, they are working on a 5-tier air defense system. Already received the FM-90. More to come, most likely from China.

pure plotical...
the deal of alzarrar upgrades was also washed down due to politics..
Nah not the desperation. Feeling a bit sympathetic towards Azerbaijan.

Dont forget that we too have been in their shoes when we were literally begging for f-16s .... Its a see saw game ...in one moment you are up and in next you are down...

Intresting:- 3 SQD of JF is in PAF and 1 SQD in PLAAF
if this is true that that pak has three squadrons than 150 in 2015 is going to be dream come true............
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