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Explosions in Mumbai

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gift of cabinet reshuffling......
these retards were changing ministers ,who will get money now??who will do corruption now??

and people loosing their life's...
Dude get the fcuk out of here

Does it make you cringe in shame to realise that the Indian government was responsbile for terrorism in Sri Lanka?

See the pictures of absolute devastation posted in this thread?

Old news in Sri Lanka, "been there done that" -- while Indian politicians cheered it on and many of them still do.

But when it hits home, the sky comes falling down?
If you had any intelligence you would have known that it was the BJP led government which decided to go ahead with India's nuclearization with Pokhran -II in 1998!

If you had any semblence of intelligence you would have realised that doesn't negate the fact that BJP aren't associated with terrorist's especially considering the Gujarat chief minister is accused of having the blood of thousand's of innocent Indian civilians on his hand.

I understand your going through an extremely difficult and torrid time but please understand that as a caring neighbour my primary concern lies with terrorist running amock in India and yes that includes BJP from getting their hand's on your nuclear arsenal.
Dont feed the troll, please.

Yeah, sorry, I realize my mistake. I was trying to see why he is derailing so much when his own countrymen are desisting. Deleting my post...
WTF are you blabbering about? Lucky in "only" 10-15 deaths? What about the families of those victims?

You sir, are a POS.

you a fool, these people had in mind to kill hundreds. and luckily for us, not as many people died. If you can comprehend simple english properly you would understand.
Guys be grateful, only 25 max people died, this had the potential to kill hundreds of people.

Crap! I would be grateful if "they" were caught before planting the Bombs! Seriously if the injured/killed was someone you knew..would your response be the same?
Guys be grateful, only 25 max people died, this had the potential to kill hundreds of people.

There is nothing to be "grateful" about - the perpetrators must be tracked down and taken out.
hehehehehehhe go save your home dude please work on home for sake of india . your gov will do same as last 20 times blast in india . dont over react if you are smart go read bombay attacks thread .

Our home is safe,,,,, and we are efficient enough to feed our people..... We are not asking someone for aid.
We have not provide our bases to other army for our security.
Moreover, no-one has dare to hit us directly(drone or by any AF).

I think you must have got it!!!
you a fool, these people had in mind to kill hundreds. and luckily for us, not as many people died. If you can comprehend simple english properly you would understand.

Ha you name luck..shdn't you name our police and intelligence that such things continue to happen even after 26/11?? 1 death or 100 deaths..the terror was evident..take a break!
can you stop trolling, We are not answerable to srilankan....iam happy our govt funded LTTE and we Indians will devastate your Island economically and politically, do whatever you can..!!

Yes, keep saying that when you watch the screaming and devastation in Mumbai.

What does it feel like?
The blast in dadar happened just one km from my home.
Images are so painful and disturbing....OH! God there was peace in this country after 2008...No bomb blast No more terrorist attacks......And i was really fearing that this all will start again beacuse of MF SCUMS! And sadly heard this news today.....its so painfull to see our countrymen dieing because of some low life f@#king a$$wholes !! MF cowards fight like man! Come with your guns and attack armed forces! you will get your answer cowards!

Why hide these bombs in crowded area's and run away like f@#$king rats of gutter!! F@#k you SCUMS! And these Bh@#c@#d Neta's who calls Osama Ji.....F@#ked up peace of sh!t ! where is that MF dogvijay? why can't he give his f@#king shameless rants now? where is that Drama Amul gandhi??? SCOTLAND?

Ye hamara desh he bhagwan bharose hai....! Terrorist can attack anywhere in our country at there will!! F@#ked up system of this country!!
And i don't give any credit to this GOV for no terrorist attack on India from 2008 till today!! It was totally in hands of terrorists!! They did'nt attacked anywhere in this period thats why we never heard any news! They planned and did it today! And the result is in front of each and every Indian!!

Its difficult, you got any ideas how to catch these people?

If we target some IM, people will say were targetting muslims. Its too hard.
The news seems to be filtering through onto the international media now.

Ten people have reportedly been killed and 70 injured in three explosions in the Indian city of Mumbai.

The almost simultaneous blasts rocked India's busy financial capital during rush-hour.
Officials have described it as another terror attack on the city which was hit by Pakistan-based militants in 2008.
One blast occurred at the Opera House, a tourist destination in south Mumbai near to the scene of the bloody rampage three years ago, in which 166 people were killed.
Another was in the crowded central neighborhood of Dadar and a third blast, also in south Mumbai, was at the Zaveri Bazaar, in the coastal city's diamond hub.
Television footage shows dozens of armed police at the bomb scenes and at least one car with its windows shattered.
Eyewitnesses near the Opera House said police have cordened off the blast site and sent in sniffer dogs to examine the area while ambulances and firefighters stand by.
The explosions happened around 7pm, when all the neighbourhoods would have been packed with office workers and commuters.
The attack in November 2008, which targeted two luxury hotels, a Jewish centre and a busy train station, was blamed on the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba group.
The 60-hour siege escalated tensions between the nuclear-armed rivals and prompted them to suspend peace talks.
However, the talks have recently resumed.
Pakistan's government has expressed distress over the loss of lives and injuries soon after today's blasts were reported.

Mumbai 'Terrorist' Explosions, Ten Reported Killed And 70 Injured In Indian City Blasts | World News | Sky News

---------- Post added at 04:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 PM ----------

Ah finally, the troll got banned.
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