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Explosions in Mumbai

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Just like some Pakistanis I too hope no Pakistani is directly involved in the bombings because this is just gonna derail the peace talks and diplomatic relations.
If IM is found out to be responsible, I doubt the peace process would be derailed because that's exactly what these terrorists want.
AH man our good security streak got broken,3 years were peaceful and again this.
sad..RIP dead.
Pakistan can't be involved in this one... i don't mean to make a early judgement but i think SIMI or some other extremist group in India is responsible who knows it could even be D company
Unless there is a political will to transform the image of Mumbai as a soft target, these are not going to stop.
Whatever the cause is its always sad when human life is taken or even hurt by any means sad news may GOD have mercey on us all.
All indian muslims who supprot this jihaad should be bombed....
Than they will know

Why are you picking on our Muslim brothers and sisters??? It is time for the nation to stand together not divided. And no evidence of any particular group being responsible for this has surfaced yet anyway. Let Mumbai attend to the injured, clean up the debris and start the investigations. Now there shouldn't be place for anger but a call to step up security in case any further blasts are being planned. To do that the nation needs to stand united and not divided into Hindus , Muslims, Sikhs etc
my friend not only muslims who ever supports militant attack and terrorist should be bombed. why dont dis bombs blast on terrorist hand when terrorists making it.

Yes mate, i say nuke them.
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