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Explosions in Mumbai

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They had support from LET.

Any credible source? And it's too early to tell wit these kind of things anyway. If the security forces were incompetent enough to let this happen, what makes you think they would be so quick at finding the culprit?
India learn from Israel on how to deal with terrorists don't treat terrorists like human beings treat them like they're supposed to be treated subhumans who need to be wiped out on the spot
Why are you picking on our Muslim brothers and sisters??? It is time for the nation to stand together not divided. And no evidence of any particular group being responsible for this has surfaced yet anyway. Let Mumbai attend to the injured, clean up the debris and start the investigations. Now there shouldn't be place for anger but a call to step up security in case any further blasts are being planned. To do that the nation needs to stand united and not divided into Hindus , Muslims, Sikhs etc

1st understand the post, than comment.
just reached home i had to pass one of the blast sites . lot of police bandobast. am told the city has been sealed .
I hope sanity inside India prevails as well, & on a personal level, my family in Delhi, Bihar & UP isn't affected. I don't think they will, because they've lived in India since forever, they have a true love for India, & condemn actions by terrorists like these who are a disgrace to Indian Muslims like my relatives. I guess because of the huge geographical distance, hopefully it shouldn't be a problem in those states.
I hope the government reacts strongly after it comes to know about the origination of attack,be it planned in India,or anywhere else,lets not limit the power to papers,USE IT.
I remember when some congress party members vociferously protested when SIMI was banned by BJP ! Only BJP can make this country truly secular. Congress is just minority appeasing.
Let them, i dont care. Its not the time to make peace, time to take some brave action. May be if u would have leaved in assam u would have understand??

If we're this easy to divide then no wonder the Brits fu**ed us!
"forgiving a terrorist is left to god, however fixing a terrorists appointment with god is our responsibility"

- Indian army

lets see if they actually live up to this good quote :unsure:
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