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Explosion in Karachi

Yes we are fighting an ideology, who is stopping you to do that? Yes these people are no RAW or CIA they are Pakistanis who are manipulated and funded by our enemies. We need to unite here instead of splitting further. Let’s concentrate on the teachings of Islam and not cultural rituals.
Let’s work for the ones who don’t have clean water to drink.
Let’s educate the poor.
Let’s work together against corruption.
Let’s bring a change for the betterment of everyone regardless of their religion.
Let’s come together on what is common between us.
Let’s become one.
This is how we can fight an ideology and win the war.

Once again I want to make it clear that my intention is not to offend anyone in any way. I am only posting my views and what I think is in the larger interest of my country and my fellow countrymen.
May god unite us and protect my country that is all I have to say.:pakistan:

Best part of your post. Thats exactly what we need. Nicely said.

Post your comments, nobody would resist but you have to justify them as well which I think you are doing.

The problem of my nation is that we get extra-emotional. As you said, in strugle of getting united we divide ourselves more bitterly. How can we unite? For the chances of unity are far less than the number of divisions which we have.

First of all Language, than caste, than region (cities, muhallas), than sects, than provinces etc etc. We have no chance of unity until or unless we have eliminated some of these melodramatic divisions between us.

Unity is the first thing our Quaid adviced but its the very thing we ain't having. Faith and Decipline are far behind. Untill you don't have unity you can never be desciplined and you can never have faith in any thing or anyone.

KIT Out:pakistan:
You know very well history ,people of kufa invited Hussian RA but they dont fight with Hussain RA ,left them alone to fight with Yazeed forces.It is part of history the cowardness of Kufa residents.

All muslims are in support of Hussain's RA cause or known as Hussainis , so better whole muslim ummah shall be united and fight against enemies of Islam and their supporters.

You know US is partner of Iraqi government and also supporting Israel for blockade of GAZA muslims and also US illegically captured Afghanistan .

Our government is supporting US and NATO forces , so better we should try to differentiate between HAQ and BATIL.

unfortunately Reality about Kufa's people is not unveil even by Shia ulema.
IMAM HUSSAIN(A.S) had depart Madina on 28 Rajab for Mecca and after change Hajj with Umrah(due to intent of assassination in HARAM by yazid's agents) .Before that HE send His Safeer Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufa in reply of Kufa's people letters.In some Riwayat that 18000 /50000 people get Bayt on Safeer e HUSSAIN.
People In Madina and Mecca also know why IMAM HUSSAIN(A.S) has going left Madina and then Mecca when Yazid Forcely want to get BAYT through his Governors in both cities.
yazid send his demand to ibnay ziyad,governor of Kufa when IMAM(A.S) was in way from Mecca to KARBALA via Madina again.
yazid demand Bayt or Head of IMAM(A.S).
Thosands of Qabaails people join with IMAM(A.S) during his way to Karbala from Madina.
In Kufa when ibnay ziyad had learn that thousand of people doing Bayt on Safeer Hussain. ibnay ziyad decisively call the Most strongest Sardar of Kufa HAzrat Hani in his Darbar and killed and hanged his body to create a panic full lesson to all who are favoring IMAM(A.S).
ibnay ziyad soldeirs start killing the people who are doing bayt and Give an Official Statment from Governor:If we find any man tomorrow who has not join our force against IMAM(A.S),we would kill him with his family and burn all his belonging.
scenario had change after that only numbered had left who remain firm with Safeer e Hussain were also killed.Safeer e Hussain left alone and martyr after fight bravely.His body was cut into pieces by ibnay ziyad(l.a)forces.
Kufa was encircled by ibnay ziyad forces to stop anyone to join with IMAM(A.S)'s Lashkar.
On the other side the thousand of Qabaaeils forces has left IMAM(A.S) when that they learn that Govt/wealth is not IMAM(A.S) intentions, He is travelling with His Family Women and children.
IMAM(A.S) had also said to his Great 72 companions that yazid has no concern with anyone, he want MY BAYT ,I lift My Bayt from you and let you go.But nobody even had shake and said we don't let YOU alone even we have martyr 70,000 times .
Participation of Kufa people is still more than 58% from the rest of all Ummat e Muslima so don't blame only Kufa's people.
This is very interesting that some Kufa people did Taqyah(hide their faith) and join yazidi lashkar to pass through the siege around Kufa.
During the war when they send to fight with IMAM(A.S), they did Bayt of IMAM(A.S) and fight against yazid lashker and get martyr.
unfortunately Reality about Kufa's people is not unveil even by Shia ulema.
IMAM HUSSAIN(A.S) had depart Madina on 28 Rajab for Mecca and after change Hajj with Umrah(due to intent of assassination in HARAM by yazid's agents) .Before that HE send His Safeer Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufa in reply of Kufa's people letters.In some Riwayat that 18000 /50000 people get Bayt on Safeer e HUSSAIN.
People In Madina and Mecca also know why IMAM HUSSAIN(A.S) has going left Madina and then Mecca when Yazid Forcely want to get BAYT through his Governors in both cities.
yazid send his demand to ibnay ziyad,governor of Kufa when IMAM(A.S) was in way from Mecca to KARBALA via Madina again.
yazid demand Bayt or Head of IMAM(A.S).
Thosands of Qabaails people join with IMAM(A.S) during his way to Karbala from Madina.
In Kufa when ibnay ziyad had learn that thousand of people doing Bayt on Safeer Hussain. ibnay ziyad decisively call the Most strongest Sardar of Kufa HAzrat Hani in his Darbar and killed and hanged his body to create a panic full lesson to all who are favoring IMAM(A.S).
ibnay ziyad soldeirs start killing the people who are doing bayt and Give an Official Statment from Governor:If we find any man tomorrow who has not join our force against IMAM(A.S),we would kill him with his family and burn all his belonging.
scenario had change after that only numbered had left who remain firm with Safeer e Hussain were also killed.Safeer e Hussain left alone and martyr after fight bravely.His body was cut into pieces by ibnay ziyad(l.a)forces.
Kufa was encircled by ibnay ziyad forces to stop anyone to join with IMAM(A.S)'s Lashkar.
On the other side the thousand of Qabaaeils forces has left IMAM(A.S) when that they learn that Govt/wealth is not IMAM(A.S) intentions, He is travelling with His Family Women and children.
IMAM(A.S) had also said to his Great 72 companions that yazid has no concern with anyone, he want MY BAYT ,I lift My Bayt from you and let you go.But nobody even had shake and said we don't let YOU alone even we have martyr 70,000 times .
Participation of Kufa people is still more than 58% from the rest of all Ummat e Muslima so don't blame only Kufa's people.
This is very interesting that some Kufa people did Taqyah(hide their faith) and join yazidi lashkar to pass through the siege around Kufa.
During the war when they send to fight with IMAM(A.S), they did Bayt of IMAM(A.S) and fight against yazid lashker and get martyr.

Also it is fact that Yazeed did not ordered to shaheed Hussain RA , when he got news of shahdat of Hussain RA , he was first person who started beating himself with sorrow and anger.

Anyhow Shahdat of Hussain RA was bidggest tragedy of muslim ummah , we need to learn lesson from shahadat of Hussain RA that not to compromise with batil even you lose every thing , loses are temporary but sacrifice and its reward will remain forever.

We should try to know what is aim of enemies of islam

1. Divide muslims into sects.
2.Creat Hatred among them on religious grounds.
3.Weaken their faith by zun,zir,zameen.
4.Capture their holy places.
5.Capture their natural resources and trade routes.
6.Discourage or stop Dawah (amir bil marouf nahi munkir)
7.Corrupt their leadership.
8.Destroy their justice system
9.Destroy the image of ulema kiram.
10.Change their objective of Jehad to materialism and inject greed of money and power in their young generation.
11.Finally make them slave and treat them as slaves.

Zoinists know very well if muslim ummah once started dawah (amir bil marouf nahi munkir) they become ruler of world.
The problem of my nation is that we get extra-emotional. As you said, in strugle of getting united we divide ourselves more bitterly. How can we unite? For the chances of unity are far less than the number of divisions which we have.

First of all Language, than caste, than region (cities, muhallas), than sects, than provinces etc etc. We have no chance of unity until or unless we have eliminated some of these melodramatic divisions between us.

Language: Urdu
Caste: Pakistani
Region: Pakistan
Sect: Islam

Unity is the first thing our Quaid adviced but its the very thing we ain't having. Faith and Decipline are far behind. Untill you don't have unity you can never be desciplined and you can never have faith in any thing or anyone.

KIT Out:pakistan:

Rightly said Unity is the most important thing. Let's get united under one flag. :pakistan:
Oh give me a ******* break.Was the army supposed to protect the Shia posession..it was rangers duty.Just throw dirt on army where ever possibly and fundamentalist maybe if yours fellow jihadis were not doing this we would not need security at all.

What do you mean by "your jehadi fellows":angry:

Better stop your blame game, we know you dont have any constructive idea just wanted to blame members nothing else.

You joined a Jihadi outfit, which one ? I've heard TTP is pretty cool they move around in humvees:lol:

You joined a Jihadi outfit, which one ? I've heard TTP is pretty cool they move around in humvees:lol:

My family belong to Harzrat Ali (RA) , do you think any body else can feel more pain and sorrow of Shahadat of Hussian RA then their family members.:cry:
My family belong to Harzrat Ali (RA) , do you think any body else can feel more pain and sorrow of Shahadat of Hussian RA then their family members.:cry:

That was on the lighter side brother, It is absolutely absurd to put such a serious allegation on someone. All members should refrain from such comments.
Also it is fact that Yazeed did not ordered to shaheed Hussain RA , when he got news of shahdat of Hussain RA , he was first person who started beating himself with sorrow and anger.

That statement contradicts every single historic documentation that I have read. Maybe I am wrong but did Yazid disgrace their women and children in his appointed court? .. I am not familiar with what happened exactly, but that sounds very contradicting.
Also it is fact that Yazeed did not ordered to shaheed Hussain RA , when he got news of shahdat of Hussain RA , he was first person who started beating himself with sorrow and anger.

Anyhow Shahdat of Hussain RA was bidggest tragedy of muslim ummah , we need to learn lesson from shahadat of Hussain RA that not to compromise with batil even you lose every thing , loses are temporary but sacrifice and its reward will remain forever.

We should try to know what is aim of enemies of islam

1. Divide muslims into sects.
2.Creat Hatred among them on religious grounds.
3.Weaken their faith by zun,zir,zameen.
4.Capture their holy places.
5.Capture their natural resources and trade routes.
6.Discourage or stop Dawah (amir bil marouf nahi munkir)
7.Corrupt their leadership.
8.Destroy their justice system
9.Destroy the image of ulema kiram.
10.Change their objective of Jehad to materialism and inject greed of money and power in their young generation.
11.Finally make them slave and treat them as slaves.

Zoinists know very well if muslim ummah once started dawah (amir bil marouf nahi munkir) they become ruler of world.

This is biggest false propaganda of yazid lovers like zakir naik that yazid had not order for IMAM(A.S) murder.

Infact this was umar bin saad the commander of yazidi lashkar who was trying to avoid war but yazid was fix on " Bayt or Head"

One year prison of Ahlebayt(A.S) in Shaam and keep them punish after Karbala and present them in Darbare yazid as a prisoner of war is the solid evidence of evil intentions of yazid.
yazid recite Qurranic verse " Allah give the pride which HE want and give humilate which HE want"
IMAM ZAINUL AABIDEEN(A.S) Son of IMAM HUSSAIN(A.S) Reply him : Yazid u don't explain this Ayat,Real meaning of this Ayat is that Allah give Pride to One even u humilate him with all your sources and Allah humilate him even u give pride him with all your sources.

Today HUSSAINIAT is Symbol of Pride and yazeediat is a symbol of curse.
This is biggest false propaganda of yazid lovers like zakir naik that yazid had not order for IMAM(A.S) murder.

Infact this was umar bin saad the commander of yazidi lashkar who was trying to avoid war but yazid was fix on " Bayt or Head"

One year prison of Ahlebayt(A.S) in Shaam and keep them punish after Karbala and present them in Darbare yazid as a prisoner of war is the solid evidence of evil intentions of yazid.
yazid recite Qurranic verse " Allah give the pride which HE want and give humilate which HE want"
IMAM ZAINUL AABIDEEN(A.S) Son of IMAM HUSSAIN(A.S) Reply him : Yazid u don't explain this Ayat,Real meaning of this Ayat is that Allah give Pride to One even u humilate him with all your sources and Allah humilate him even u give pride him with all your sources.

Today HUSSAINIAT is Symbol of Pride and yazeediat is a symbol of curse.

Brother ,

What ever was the conflict but Yazeed known as zalim uptil Qayamat
Guys, it would be better you stop from going into religious and confrontational discussion. Post as per the topic in hand.

Or else the thread will be closed.

Dear Moderator! HUSSAINIAT vs yazeediat is not just part of religion,
This is Message of HAQ and baatil . taliban e yazeedi are proudly justifying their yazideit by bombing on HUSSAINIS.
HUSSAINIS are not just Shia, Everyone who contribute his even word against yazeediat is HUSSAINI.HUSSAINIAT is a Symbol and power of HAQ against yazeediat of all times


Simple Story is

Zionist doing same thing in Pakistan which they did in IRAQ "Faluuja" they burnt Sunni muslim mosque and also burnt Shia muslim mosque and thn "sort of create Fitna" between these 2 skool of thought and both start fight against each other so Zionist Agenda achieved now again Zionist start another game in Pakistan same like Falooja iraq to create problem between these 2 skoool of thought so that Zionist objective easily achieve when these two sunni and Shia start fight in Pakistan ***** isreal!
Dear Moderator! HUSSAINIAT vs yazeediat is not just part of religion,
This is Message of HAQ and baatil . taliban e yazeedi are proudly justifying their yazideit by bombing on HUSSAINIS.
HUSSAINIS are not just Shia, Everyone who contribute his even word against yazeediat is HUSSAINI.HUSSAINIAT is a Symbol and power of HAQ against yazeediat of all times



I know what it is, but issue here is that certain people make it into something else and it takes another turn. Just see above how some says this was so and some says that was so. Which is what we don't want it on this forum.

The incident of Karbala is without any doubt what you just said above, but we on this forum don't wish to make into a sectarian boxing match nor we like to see such boxing matches.
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