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Explosion during Peace Rally in Ankara

Which group/country was behind the bombing?

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Friends told just now we got IED/EOD education and hardware from France. German alliance is not the paper worth !

No direct condolence from Germany up to now, even Greece phoned our MP

Cameron ve Çipras'tan taziye telefonu - Güncel Haberler



@bsruzm Pislik
Çayına süt felan atıyorsundur sen bruder :D

Du Sackgesicht, was willst du ?
Möchtest Du , dass deine IP ermittelt wird und wir Dich einladen ?
Du Sackfresse ? Glaubst Du , wir können es nicht ?
Du Sackgesicht, was willst du ?
Möchtest Du , dass deine IP ermittelt wird und wir Dich einladen ?
Du Sackfresse ? Glaubst Du , wir können es nicht ?

Internet strong boy? He's claiming that his people can track his ip. You can't make this shit up.
Internet strong boy? He's claiming that his people can track his ip. You can't make this shit up.

We can do and US does it for us. Sorry , why do you attack me . Did I insulted you anyway ?
I hope not that sometime somewhere you and me will be invited. ALL is possible.

DO YOU know the playground you are posting ?

@Horus @Neptune

Me, will leave the backdoor. But you ? I even will not imagine
Another party could be Russia but Russia and Iran are in the same camp.
My guess is ISIS probably.
I can't figure it out either, it's in nobody's interest but crazy people. Maybe it was lone wolf upset at Kurds.
My guess too. The elections are coming. Division plays in the hands of PKK terrorists but there are also other actors who have an interests in creating division in Turkey.
Erdogan and your government.
For attacking the Coup made by sisi , day and night .. Erdogan is like a bone in sisi's throat :laughcry:


What ever is happining in that region is not humane and very sad!
Who ever is preparator of this act is / are son worst than animals.

Just want to say "As you sow, so shall you reap"
It's very sad that Iran was put on this list. Iranians are the highest visitors to Turkey among all the Muslim countries, we want a stable & friendly Turkey. Behind the scenes, officials between the two countries have always been close. And I don't know about the Turks, but I know among all the neighboring countries, Iranians feel most at home among our Turkish friends.
It's very sad that Iran was put on this list. Iranians are the highest visitors to Turkey among all the Muslim countries, we want a stable & friendly Turkey. Behind the scenes, officials between the two countries have always been close. And I don't know about the Turks, but I know among all the neighboring countries, Iranians feel most at home among our Turkish friends.

I agree on the level of people , but on political level each desire to be a regional power and have conflicting foreign policies
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