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Explosion during Peace Rally in Ankara

Which group/country was behind the bombing?

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"anti sisi" is a vague term. :)

you can be specific about the groups you at least support, if not are a member of.

what groups ? again u go with groups , i don't belong to any group.. ok wait , when will be a coup one day in India , gonna call everyone against it , terrorists .. fair enough ? : )) .. or i will go with the pak theory about Kashmir , Indian are doing terrorism there , well am gonna go with that .. (Y) ;)

there is alot you would know by living here the media are all lies our army saved us from a fate like syria we would have been next i am sure you dont want something like that to happen to our country
I really don't like to discuss politics with an Egyptian , because i know what will that lead to .. but anyway , since 1952 military coup and Egypt from down to down , that army didn't win 1 single war , even the 1973 war it was kinda tie , as the israelis entered suez ... you know Shazli story with sadat... that army didn't even end terrorism in sinai till now.. everytime launching operation in sinai to end terror but nothing happens in the end.
Everyone wants revenge from Turkey , Even our clown in Egypt (sisi) haha .. but i think it's PKK , as ISIS has no interest to make a new enemy right now especially with the russian intervention , they will need all their power against Russians , especially Nusra Group.
There are couple of Egyptians on this forum who think the same way as Sisi. :lol:
I really don't like to discuss politics with an Egyptian , because i know what will that lead to .. but anyway , since 1952 military coup and Egypt from down to down , that army didn't win 1 single war , even the 1973 war it was kinda tie , as the israelis entered suez ... you know Shazli story with sadat... that army didn't even end terrorism in sinai till now.. everytime launching operation in sinai to end terror but nothing happens in the end.
you dont want to discuss politics and it is fine but you should know more about the 73 war you can search here in PDF there is a lot of threads about it with a lot of opinions from Egyptians isrealis and others the war was a victory for us not a tie

There are couple of Egyptians on this forum who think the same way as Sisi. :lol:
all egyptians except him and he just said he is not pure Egyptian he is half balkinian
all egyptians except him and he just said he is not pure Egyptian he is half balkinian

what's the problem of full Egyptian or half Egyptian? you go with the pharaonic theory ? by the way most of Egyptians today aren't pure .. Egypt been in many civilizations , Romans , Greeks , Islamic , Christianity , Arabs , Amazigh etc..

the only pure group today are nubians , and they weren't Egyptians , they were independent country between South Egypt and Northern Sudan ..

There are couple of Egyptians on this forum who think the same way as Sisi. :lol:
well , gotta say , Erdogan made a lot of enemies in Egypt lol
that is what i too suggested here ( Who was behind the Ankara bombing? | Page 2 ).
Agree with that, ISIS is a good excuse. Only one side will benefit of putting down kurds in Turkey. Also covert sponsoring of ISIS removes all the doubts whatsoever.

Americans are pulling out the patriot missiles from turkey and then these blasts take place. I bet there is a long term idea of destabilizing the whole region including turkey, turkey is looking like pakistan of 1980's.
what's the problem of full Egyptian or half Egyptian? you go with the pharaonic theory ? by the way most of Egyptians today aren't pure .. Egypt been in many civilizations , Romans , Greeks , Islamic , Christianity , Arabs , Amazigh etc..

the only pure group today are nubians , and they weren't Egyptians , they were independent country between South Egypt and Northern Sudan ..

well , gotta say , Erdogan made a lot of enemies in Egypt lol
we in Egypt share alot at least more than 80 percent are Egyptians the rest are minorities including arab greek and others like the armenians who escaped the ottomans and came to Egypt

Aren't you so proud of Muhammed Ali whom Turkish institutions taught how to fight? :tdown:
we knew how to fight and build civilization while your people were cavemen we are the first civilization and the first army in the world and muhamed ali was albanian not turk
we in Egypt share alot at least more than 80 percent are Egyptians the rest are minorities including arab greek and others like the armenians who escaped the ottomans and came to Egypt
Come on , really? this old theory to raise NATIONALISM ... the prophet said , no difference between arab and foreigner except by TAQWA.

again , Egyptians are mixed nowadays , till 1952 it was albanian family who ruled egypt , and before that there were Mamalek whom were from central Asia , and before them Ayobeen whom are kurds and before them Abaseen Arabs etc .. not to mention Amazigh of north Africa and most famous one of Them is Sheshnak whose father was amazigh and mother Egyptian (Amazigh came to Egypt by King Absmatec the first) to join his army and give them Siwa Oasis.

Aren't you so proud of Muhammed Ali whom Turkish institutions taught how to fight? :tdown:
he was Albanian , his first army was Albanian and he built the Egyptian army on the french way.
Agree with that, ISIS is a good excuse. Only one side will benefit of putting down kurds in Turkey.

right... the religio-nationalists.

this rally was supposed to be a peace rally.

also must be asked how many akp supporters were there.

Americans are pulling out the patriot missiles from turkey and then these blasts take place.

hmm, that plan must be studied.

turkey is looking like pakistan of 1980's.

one or two pakistani members, notably atanz if i remember correctly, appealed to the turk members to not let turkey do the same mistake as pakistan did in the 80's by letting zia ul haq run riot alongside cia.
when will be a coup one day in India , gonna call everyone against it , terrorists .. fair enough ? : ))

i am socialist and i don't see a socialist/progressive coup via the very nationalist indian military ( no socialists there, as far as i see )... but there certainly will be a people's revolution. :)

now, i don't know if you call socialists/progressives as terrorists. :)
we knew how to fight and build civilization while your people were cavemen we are the first civilization and the first army in the world and muhamed ali was albanian not turk

Are you sure about you being the first army?

We used to fight you with our armies: See Hittites on Wikipedia


As for Egyptian fake claims of being first civilization:
"Stonehenge was built in 3,000 BC and the pyramids of Giza in 2,500 BC."

"It has long been considered the world's oldest temple and even thought by some to be the site of the Garden of Eden.

But a scientist has claimed that the Gobekli Tepe stones in Turkey, built in 9,000 BC and 6,500 years older than Stonehenge, could instead be a giant home 'built for men not gods'.

Who is the cavemen now? :nana:

Seems your egyptian civilization is 6,500 years behind us.

Also egypt likes to copy things 6,500 years after we created them like the "solar bird" =

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