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Explosion during Peace Rally in Ankara

Which group/country was behind the bombing?

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read the post linked

joint attack of DHKP-C, a nation who supports DHKP-C, Fetullah Gülen and a Turkish Staff Sergeant who was kicked off the Army 1993

What about Russia and Iran together working with the PKK?

Russia = communist
Pkk = communist
Iran = Russian boyfriend

I'm fine thanks and reading the forum senden naber orada havalar nasil?

Kars'ta kar yagdi :tup:
It is not ISIS, ISIS kills everyone so scrap isis.
Might be ISIS or PKK or maybe even Erdogan trying to destroy the social fabric of Turkey and cling to power..
German FM made a really strange comment on bombing for example:

''German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier said the terror attack was aimed at undermining the democratic process in Turkey.

“The perpetrators have apparently aimed at creating a climate of fear, fueling strife and hatred. This should not happen,” Steinmeier said.
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German FM made a really strange comment on bombing for example:

''German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier said the terror attack was aimed at undermining the democratic process in Turkey.

“The perpetrators have apparently aimed at creating a climate of fear, fueling strife and hatred. This should not happen,” Steinmeier said.

“All the forces in Turkey which advocate peaceful coexistence and reconciliation should stand together now and prevent any further escalation. I am confident that the democratic forces which are deeply rooted in Turkish society will also come through this,” he said.''

JETON düstü mü ? Okumak. sormak ve analiz etmek pek zor olmamali

You want to point a "Password Swordfish Action"; but you said before Turkey is not lunatic;
where is your real statement ?
from ( At least 86 killed in twin blast in Turkey's Ankara ahead of peace rally - LOCAL )...
The rally was organized by the Confederation of Public Sector Trades' Unions (KESK), Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB).

doesn't seem like a rally organized by the akp government.

A sum of 33 people died in a July 20 attack on a socialist youth group by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the southeastern district of Suruç.

@atatwolf , why didn't you make a poll thread about this??

aaah LOL , everyone against the coup is a terrorist ? :enjoy:

so where do you stand politically ( left/right/center )??

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