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Explosion during Peace Rally in Ankara

Which group/country was behind the bombing?

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ISIS no doubt , i went to istanbul and i could feel their presence there , let alone a city like ankara , heck i even saw an ISIS member on the istanbul subway reviewing quran on his smartphone , lol , i'm just glad he didn't explode himself after doing that ... anyhow it is unlikely the kurds , or as you put it "iran" , were behind that event , so it must have been ISIS , remember the IS is experiencing the climax of their smartness with facebook and twitter , so they can do things like that , even to a country like turkey ...
What about Russia and Iran together working with the PKK?

Russia = communist
Pkk = communist
Iran = Russian boyfriend

I'm fine thanks and reading the forum senden naber orada havalar nasil?

That is absolutely non-sense , iran has more turks than kurds , period . Kurds are being executed in iran for cooperating with terrorist groups and not a single turk or azeri has been executed for same charges since the 1979 revolution you can research that yourself ..

Whoever the tool. It is a Zionist behind it. Whether it is PKK, Russians, Iranians, ISIS or Israel doesn't matter. Zionists exist in all those circles and use others as tools, period.

I absolutely agree , it is the israelis who take the most joy by the war in syria , no matter what , or who fighting who , and it is the jews not the zionists.
I'm going with ISIS, the sheer scale of the brutality and the numbers killed.. must be them.

Turkey has also, very unfortunately, sort of allied themselves with ISIS and other similar jihadist terror groups operating in Syria, and now with things suddenly looking very bad for them with the Russians raining hell on them, they're lashing out because Turkey can't save their sorry asses now... they failed to deliver on their 'no fly zone', the US canned the 500 million "rebel" training program.
also ... the bombings where quite similar in style to the boston marathon bombings , 2-3 years ago in boston , america , and everyone more or less knows that jokar tzarev and his brother were trained by the russian chechen ISIS ; two bombs , at a rally , with the bomber trying to be funny , just like the Boston marathon bombings ,

and they were certainly no suicide bombers , as opposed to what the turkish prime minister claims ..
It's very sad that Iran was put on this list. Iranians are the highest visitors to Turkey among all the Muslim countries, we want a stable & friendly Turkey. Behind the scenes, officials between the two countries have always been close. And I don't know about the Turks, but I know among all the neighboring countries, Iranians feel most at home among our Turkish friends.
Let us hope our leaders act with their brain and not their emotions when conducting relations in the future. A stable Iran and Turkey is imperative for Middle Eastern peace. Distability in Turkey won't benefit Iran and distability in Iran won't benefit Turkey. If we stop thinking in zero-sum games, that there are clear winners and losers, we might realize a win-win scenario reaps more benefits both short-term and long-term. Extreme nationalist sentiments that are counterproductive and a myopic world view sometimes dominate sadly

Whoever the tool. It is a Zionist behind it. Whether it is PKK, Russians, Iranians, ISIS or Israel doesn't matter. Zionists exist in all those circles and use others as tools, period.
Totally agree. We should stop being played around like pawns, and realize peace and stability in Middle East is of uttermost importance.
I still 100% sure Hdpkk did that attack.

1 Pkk(hdp) did it because they got strong a punch on the face by Turkish Army and Police. They have almost no militia power in the cities. They have squished very hard in every field. They need a breath to be alive.

2 Pkk(hdp) did it because political branch which named hdp looses a lot of votes after conflict with Turkish army and police. Most of Kurdish people exhausted living a garbage life under their threats. They need to regain votes of Kurds back which they have lost in a few months. They were needed in something that could help to gather the votes of Kurds again under their political party. Hdp tries to convince Kurds in that they represent Kurds and fight for the rights of Kurds.

3 Pkk(hdp) did it because Turkish government becoming more stronger than they have predicted. They were in need to stop this. They need international suppression on gov. They wanna show to the world that hdpkk want peace but Turkish gov. wanna murder them. They are innocent but Turks and Turkish gov. want war. Kurds(!) need international help to be saved by Turks and Turkish gov. "Peace" is the key word for 'em. They never stop repeating it even for a second. They are trying to fool hole the world with this tool. They try to say to kurds and people of the world we wanna peace but Turks and Turkish gov. kill us.

4 Pkk(hdp) did it because they want to set Turkish people up against gov. They wanna make the people feel and believe in that Turkiye is not safe any more. Terrorist attacks can be everywhere even in Ankara, capital city of state. They always accuse that Turkish gov. has been helping some terrorist organizations. Those terrorists can kill everyone, anywhere and anytime because gov. lets them.

These terror attacks help only hdpkk. A lot birds with one shoot. Turkish gov. will get international and internal suppression. They will show themselves as peaceful but they are under pressure of Turks and Turkish gov. Great opportunity for hdpkk and they won't loose it since first minute. All of 'em accusing Turkish gov. Main stream media hole around the world, addressing Turkish gov. They use the same language of hdpkk.

Those are enough to me to be convinced in that hdpkk is behind of that attack.
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Obviously this attack was not only a physical attack but most of all a psychological attack. Average Iranians (Azeri or Farsi) might like Turkey but on government level it is completely different. Iran has a long list of using explosives like this. It is definitely not out of touch not put Iran on the list. Especially since Iran wants to pressure Turkey at the moment. Not so long ago Turkish workers were captured by other terrorist groups related to Iran and what were their demands?

-Stop Turkey-KRG pipeline
-Stop relations with KRG, do business with central gov
-Stop supporting the Syrian people
change your avatar you copied my avatar :pissed:

I was here before you bro ;)

I think that its wrong to include Iran here. Seriously wtf. and not including Turkish Hizbullah for example, which seems way more probabale.

Most of the people who are dead are hdp voters, fuk it i don't care.
Humans are Humans, whether they vote thiefs or crooks. You and your opinion are despicable.
Did you see davutoglus speech after the attacks...

He mentioned how the leader of hdp (demirtas) will go to terrorist funerals but not to police and soldier funerals, and how he didn't react to a pregnant mom dying the day before but today accuses government instantly after attack.

It's too obvious (demirtas) is indirectly involved in this attack.
If they can kidnap (kurd) children and let them die in the pkk they can just as well kill a few of their own to reach their goals.

I'm sorry for the police that got hurt in the blast, but I feel happy about all the hdp supporters that died, they deserved it.

Imagine al-quaida supporters demonstrating in support of terrorists in the US, what would happen? Guantanamo?

Turkey needs to man up and not care so much about what the world thinks, we should lock these terrorists up just like the US does.

Israel is a good example too when it comes to dealing with these terrorists in cities.
I've heard reports that:

all police "suddenly dissapeared" right before the attack

The police blocked ambulances and tear gassed the injured

that there were no prominant HDP members at the rally

is this true or all B.S.?
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