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Explosion during Peace Rally in Ankara

Which group/country was behind the bombing?

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I've heard reports that:

all police "suddenly dissapeared" right before the attack

The police blocked ambulances and tear gassed the injured

that there were no prominant HDP members at the rally

is this true or all B.S.?

If i were a Police i don´t wanna supports those radical leftists, Since they are exists since Turkey joined NATO they killed always Police & Soldiers, so why i should gonna care about them ? Can you tell me this ? It´s funny that those "Happenings" always happens when HDP & DHKP-C come together ? Are they testing their new Bombs on real Targets ?

Those are the mostly Group of People which causes the Police big Problems and even casualties.

It doesn´t matter who had make this Attack, these don´t will reflect the Elections, AKP will win, even those Bomb Attacks raise the AKP´s win in the next Elections more then others.
Everday we here more Dead about Soldiers & Police near our Border with that ............

First they want War, going to be Racist and now Peace ? Huh ? WTF is that ?

there is alot you would know by living here the media are all lies our army saved us from a fate like syria we would have been next i am sure you dont want something like that to happen to our country

You my friend will be definitely next syria the only thing that could bring you some time is Lebanon as next syria but after this you will if you want to or not be like syria

This is where everything is going to, like syria you will be denied your currency

Don't be so reckless this caveman can rise from slave to sultan and you Egyptian where witness of such a historical thing..
What the hell happened to the Turkish sectiono_O? It used to be great with people focused mostly on defense, now there's too damn much politics and you're all fighting with each other:o:!

@Hakan seems to have left the forum too. I don't blame him at all, who'd want to deal with a bunch of children all day?

:tsk: It's a damn shame. This section used to be great.
What the hell happened to the Turkish sectiono_O? It used to be great with people focused mostly on defense, now there's too damn much politics and you're all fighting with each other:o:!

@Hakan seems to have left the forum too. I don't blame him at all, who'd want to deal with a bunch of children all day?

:tsk: It's a damn shame. This section used to be great.
And then you get insulted for no reason when pointing it out....
What the hell happened to the Turkish sectiono_O? It used to be great with people focused mostly on defense, now there's too damn much politics and you're all fighting with each other:o:!

@Hakan seems to have left the forum too. I don't blame him at all, who'd want to deal with a bunch of children all day?

:tsk: It's a damn shame. This section used to be great.

Dude, you seem to be unaware of the upcoming elections in Turkey. It is in 15 days from now. It happens every 4 years unless it is a byelection. Add to that the heating situations in the region and the recent terrorist attacks, we have a hell of an agenda. When do you want people to talk politics if not now? Do you want us to go to other places and not be here. Just bear with us, or look away.
Sana ne oluyo lan, git kumda oyna terbiyesiz herif.

Maalesef durum bu, dün bana bugün sana. Üzücü. Cok üzücü.
Toplumun aynasi. Tam rezalet.

bunu yazanlar malum ekibin bir üyesi ,
haftalardir Horus, Webmaster'a uyari yazdik



@what Do you want a domination of that level less insulters and attackers, read the post aboves,
do you really want that CABATLI_53 to be insulted as a SAPIK, was written here !

@xenon54 ,bi siktir git ya amina kodumun sarlatani.
Azerbeycan MP :

If neccessary we will give our LIFE for Türkiye. Domestic terrorists are hand in hand with foreign states to weaken Türkiye !

"Türkiye'yi bölmek isteyen dış güçlerin tüm derdi, Türkiye güçlenmesin, Türkiye'yi zayıflatsınlar, Türkiye'yi o bölgede istedikleri gibi istedikleri yöne çevirebilsinler. Zayıf bir Türkiye istiyorlar, güçlenen bir Türkiye olmasını istemiyorlar. Türkiye'yi zayıflatmak isteyen iç ve dış güçler birleşmiş durumda. Bunun acısını insanlar çekiyor. Bunların ruhu kandan besleniyor. Bu güçler istedikleri amaca ulaşamayacaklar. Bu terörü yapanlar yaptıklarının hesabını verecekler.

Paşayeva: Gerekirse Türkiye için canımızı veririz

Maalesef durum bu, dün bana bugün sana. Üzücü. Cok üzücü.
Toplumun aynasi. Tam rezalet.

bunu yazanlar malum ekibin bir üyesi ,
haftalardir Horus, Webmaster'a uyari yazdik
Sirf kisisel meseleden kaynaklaniyor cirkinlesmesi, gözünü kin bürümüs, bu ikidir terbiyesizce küfür etti birsey yapmadim, ücüncüye benden günah gitti.
Sirf kisisel meseleden kaynaklaniyor cirkinlesmesi, gözünü kin bürümüs, bu ikidir terbiyesizce küfür etti birsey yapmadim, ücüncüye benden günah gitti.

Biktim. Birakayim, kendi kendime bosuna sinirlerimi yipratmayim diyorum;
diger taraftan da asil istedikleri bu diye düsünüyorum, namerte boyun egmemek icin dayaniyorum.
Bir cok farkli fikir Butthead, BS ve bundan cok daha agir sözlerle cevaplaniyor;
ayni tarzda cevap verince de kendimi suclu duruma düsürdügümü iyi biliyorum.
Bazi yerlerde ücretli calisan troller olur, "conspiracy" olabilir, ama bunu bile ciddi ciddi düsünmeye basladim.
You my friend will be definitely next syria the only thing that could bring you some time is Lebanon as next syria but after this you will if you want to or not be like syria

This is where everything is going to, like syria you will be denied your currency
your country will support terrorists the number 1 allay of erdogan ? they already done so and our army dealt with them
you should worry about your country millions of kurds are your enemy iran syria iraq egypt libya greece russia all your enemy. your should be friends (EU)cant stand you and wont accept you. dont think that all these lives that are lost and ruined because of your idiot erdogan will be forgotten
DAESH is a terror group which breasts with his atrocities. Even they makes videos and lost them. Why there is no admit by DAESH? Same goes for Suruc bombing attack, by now.

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