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Explosion during Peace Rally in Ankara

Which group/country was behind the bombing?

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@Bismarck @Neptune @levina @Horus @Hakan @xenon54

From the criminologist point it is always a big fault to accuse an organisation, even if the forensic facts of the criminal scene speak an other language, it is unprofessional and too fast before analyzing the whole background connections !
If you do that too fast, you practical close the book and the investigation.

Especially if the accused organization has not taken responsibility.
But they had been easy able to take the responsibility as did they it often in the past end , like in Tunisia Hotel massacre and published videos from the attack or when they assassinated people.

We must analyze who profited from the blast in Ankara,who could organize it so professional, who,when and how happened the preparations and logistics, who gave the final order and the target and who darkened the trails?

That are the key points that must be answered before we can present facts or we can only accuse "the usual suspects"!

Terrorists never know for whom they act in reality.
Especially in Syria all major Turkish terror organizations (PKK, DHKP-C/ MLSPB, TKP-ML/TIKKO) are present for a long time;

and of course the International ISIS / DAES ( terrorists who invaded from around the globe),
which is very different to the Iraqi ISIS/DAES (90 % local population and 10% ex -BAATH soldiers and officers) !

Some examples from the past "Operation Chevrolet" ,
"LA Belle"
"Operation Chobar"
" Lockerbie"

and how the USA an their allies revenged. That's the difference of mighty serious states or easily closing a Book!

I want to say, that " A False Flag " is possible.
if is would have done it you would see, read and hear on facebook, twitter, youtube and all over the internet.. they would make bayram and celebrate it

your country will support terrorists the number 1 allay of erdogan ? they already done so and our army dealt with them
you should worry about your country millions of kurds are your enemy iran syria iraq egypt libya greece russia all your enemy. your should be friends (EU)cant stand you and wont accept you. dont think that all these lives that are lost and ruined because of your idiot erdogan will be forgotten

you can repeat lies and call the legim leader of your country terrorist but that wont change the truth.. truth is a constant thing.. you will taste what you have seed..

but now the reality is that your country is on the exit list and it will fall, we will see it let it be 5 or 10 years or more you will fall and nobody will cry after you and your princess monster called sisi..
PKK supported by foreign intelligence is responsible, I think.
maybe a message from obama..
its interesting that USwants to support more PKK/PYD after this terror act..
also that russian jets said hello to turkey before the attacks happend so maybe someone wants to show us the russians are near you and now this happens..
also interesting that they bombed PKK supporter, now they can say maybe it was government..
but its clear that this act is just to divide us more and to intensify our problems
It is not sure yet.
Look i have said this and i say again!

Yr just tolerating the PKK or ISIS or anyother entity too much. They r no match for the Turkish might and legendary Turkic warrior spirit, that runs in yr blood. What r u afraid of?

Now its getting too much. And u must eradicate them.

Yes its an LIC (low intensity conflict) situation and there r not many countries who have over came this. The only few examples being of Russia in Chechnya, Pakistan in Swat Valley, Srilanka against Tamil Tigers.

In this type of warfare Pakistan has a vast experience of 30 years, first of creating insurgency against Soviats then now eradicating them as well. Even Israelis havnt been able to succeed on it but Pakistan has!

All u got to do is that use ISI's connections and experience in middle east if u dont have that deep of yr own and specially make a strategy of countering a domestic and international backlash when u will be eradicating them (ISI is master in this too get its help and techniques) as well as military tactics which r tried and tested by Pakistan army in LIC.

If u r really sincere with yr nation thats a sincere advice i can give u. DO NOT just do not let them get under yr skin and by doing such cowardly attacks they will surely get under yr skin!

Our CAOS is already in turkey and has met yr leadership and im sure such a thing might be discussed. But i say make his visit count!

Play buzkashi with their heads.

In a Football match, A mixture of Turkish nationalists and AKP apologists couldn't tolerate the 1 minute silence for Ankara bombing victims and made noises and chanted Allahu Akbar.

So my question to those who voted for Iran as the one responsible for the bombing: Did Iran just do a great favor for you if you believe Iran is responsible for it? :cheesy: Because some ultra nationalists and hardcore Islamists seem happy that the bombing happenned in the middle of Turkish capital.

A huge irony, isn't it?

In a Football match, A mixture of Turkish nationalists and AKP apologists couldn't tolerate the 1 minute silence for Ankara bombing victims and made noises and chanted Allahu Akbar.

So my question to those who voted for Iran as the one responsible for the bombing: Did Iran just do a great favor for you if you believe Iran is responsible for it? :cheesy: Because some ultra nationalists and hardcore Islamists seem happy that the bombing happenned in the middle of Turkish capital.

A huge irony, isn't it?[/QUOTE

Please keep moderate. We are not IRAN foes ! But obviously your REGIME is hostile to the whole GLOBE !

WATCH that and keep quite. Watch your so called "expert Revo Guards"!

Please keep moderate. We are not IRAN foes ! But obviously your REGIME is hostile to the whole GLOBE !

WATCH that and keep quite. Watch your so called "expert Revo Guards"!

Source: Who was behind the Ankara bombing? | Page 10
@Bismarck @Neptune @levina @Horus @Hakan @xenon54

From the criminologist point it is always a big fault to accuse an organisation, even if the forensic facts of the criminal scene speak an other language, it is unprofessional and too fast before analyzing the whole background connections !
If you do that too fast, you practical close the book and the investigation.

Especially if the accused organization has not taken responsibility.
But they had been easy able to take the responsibility as did they it often in the past end , like in Tunisia Hotel massacre and published videos from the attack or when they assassinated people.


From a political point also bad. If Erdogan knew minutes after the attack who did it you have three posibilities.

1 Lying and really has no idea but trying to get his spin out there early after all there is an election coming up.
2 Knew who was planning the attack before hand and did nothing to increase security or prevent the attack.
3 Planned it and wanted to get the cover story out before people started making up their own mind.

In a Football match, A mixture of Turkish nationalists and AKP apologists couldn't tolerate the 1 minute silence for Ankara bombing victims and made noises and chanted Allahu Akbar.

So my question to those who voted for Iran as the one responsible for the bombing: Did Iran just do a great favor for you if you believe Iran is responsible for it? :cheesy: Because some ultra nationalists and hardcore Islamists seem happy that the bombing happenned in the middle of Turkish capital.

A huge irony, isn't it?
Turkish nationalist don't blow themselves up or use dishonorable methods of attacking our enemies. These kind of things are reserved for Iranian foreign policy. Nobody says it is Iran but Iran is a head suspect. Iran has both links to PKK and other terror groups in the middle-east.
AND NOW SHOWDOWN , thinking the other way for solve the blast !

Who organized SURUC and ANKARA meetings?

Ultra left coalition of DHKP-C/MLSPB , TKPML/TIKKO, PKK and their legal parties ESP
of Figen Yüksekdag, HDP,
Allied Work Unions , leftist NGO's and naive CHP and juvenile naive youngsters.

All of them were send to death from their own illegals behind the legal !


Who is behind the terrorists ?

Thats the now the main question ?

@xenon54. @Neptune. @Bismarck

And kick the so called law experts and also CHP in the ***, who spend crocodile tears for their killed followers. They claim that meetings can not be forbidden and even would not need permission. RIGHT In Turkey and Western World is free meeting allowed, but you have to declare it. If there is danger it will be forbiddeN. Thats called Police Law. Everywhere !

In the West Democracies Police can even arrest cause of precaution to avoid attacks or violence. In Turkey the BS heads would call it FACISM. WE have the comparable Polis Vazife ve Selahiyet Kanunu ! And thats LAW
2 suicide bombers identified. One of them, brother of the other terrorist responsible for Suruc bombing months ago. I also read they were already on MIT blacklist, if true, then it's either something very fishy or just poor intelligence job.

Two suicide bombers in Ankara Massacre identified - CRIME

2 suicide bombers identified. One of them, brother of the other terrorist responsible for Suruc bombing months ago. I also read they were already on MIT blacklist, if true, then it's either something very fishy or just poor intelligence job.

We are well Aware of Iranian republican guard terrorists within our borders.

These activists were DHKP-C and other sovietic/communist scum, vermin.

Our MIT knows everthing what is going on in Turkey. You can be sure about that acem.

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