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Explosion during Peace Rally in Ankara

Which group/country was behind the bombing?

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What you wrote is so messed up and pathetic.

Any proof that those who were killed were PKK supporters or were they just demonstrating to call for halting of war between TA and PKK, a fight that Erdogan started to win an election? This man is very dangerous. I'm not surprised that Erdogan-gang may have orchestrated such attack.

I can't even be sure that there are Iranian troops in Syria and even if there are, I can't predict the outcome of a battle that has not begun yet.

I think what you write is VERY PATHETIC you lack the knowledge and come here talking crap.

Not a single Turkish flag in the demonstration and some people even had t-shirts that said kurdistan and other pro pkk crap.

Erdogan is a great leader who puts national interest before anything else. Under his leadership my country has quadrobled its economy and attracted investment from every country around the globe, our industry, infrastructure, education has increased impressively. Any faction that challenges my country's stability is a threat. If PKK sympathizers think they can cherish their terrorist activities in my country by killing my brothers they are wrong - it wasn't a peaceful protest, they were chanting terrorist communist propoganda and they have suffered.

The most probable scenario is that it is orchestrated under the eyes of MIT, remember our intelligence does not sleep. We were perfectly aware of this action, and we allowed it. Any threat will be dealt with period. The war on PKK will not stop until we have eradicated every single one of these traitors. Turkey is a Sunni majority Turkish country, we respect minorities and other religions, but they have to know that this is a Sunni Turkish country and they must follow our laws and rules.

My ancestors never bowed down to lesser civilizations, why do you think we will now?

Helal be memelerim/gögsum kabardi :)

My breasts got bigger :sarcastic:
Erdogan is a great leader who puts national interest before anything else. Under his leadership my country has quadrobled its economy and attracted investment from every country around the globe, our industry, infrastructure, education has increased impressively. Any faction that challenges my country's stability is a threat. If PKK sympathizers think they can cherish their terrorist activities in my country by killing my brothers they are wrong - it wasn't a peaceful protest, they were chanting terrorist communist propoganda and they have suffered.

The most probable scenario is that it is orchestrated under the eyes of MIT, remember our intelligence does not sleep. We were perfectly aware of this action, and we allowed it. Any threat will be dealt with period. The war on PKK will not stop until we have eradicated every single one of these traitors. Turkey is a Sunni majority Turkish country, we respect minorities and other religions, but they have to know that this is a Sunni Turkish country and they must follow our laws and rules.

My ancestors never bowed down to lesser civilizations, why do you think we will now?

Dude, we don't do governance based on religion. Or rather we are heading in that direction in Turkey. And we don't deem other civilizations as lesser. We now have 73 nations in our greater nation of Turks as opposed to the 72 and a half of the past.
Dude, we don't do governance based on religion. Or rather we are heading in that direction in Turkey. And we don't deem other civilizations as lesser. We now have 73 nations in our greater nation of Turks as opposed to the 72 and a half of the past.

You do have point kel oglan.

I believe Turkey should have 100% democracy when it comes to faith.

So you can a jew, a christian, a muslim or atheist or whatever. I also want this reflected in society, I want to hear the church bells and other things as well as call to prayer of muslims, I also want to respect the views of others so I don't want it that loud.

A true democracy for all religions and non-believers.
Guys we are a muslim nation, that we have been for centuries. We should take pride in it and advance our nation and civilization towards greatness. European countries take pride in their ethnic makeup or state religion. But when it comes to Turkey you are afraid to take pride in your identity. What a disgrace! Of course we are a Sunni Nation, we have certain traditions that have been an integral part of our country for thousand years. We are descendants of a great civilization that led the world in every aspect for many centuries. Take pride in it and live up to our greater spirit. Unity and advancement comes with an acknowledgment for a greater calling and purpose. Our great calling is the revival of this great nation to its historical greatness. Remember we are a great civilization not just a republic as FutureMe rightly underlined.

Dude, we don't do governance based on religion. Or rather we are heading in that direction in Turkey. And we don't deem other civilizations as lesser. We now have 73 nations in our greater nation of Turks as opposed to the 72 and a half of the past.
There are naturally lesser civilizations, the vikings were a small insignificant "civilization" compared to the Chinese or Roman civilization. When it comes to great civilizations we are one of them.
Guys we are a muslim nation, that we have been for centuries. We should take pride in it and advance our nation and civilization towards greatness. European countries take pride in their ethnic makeup or state religion. But when it comes to Turkey you are afraid to take pride in your identity. What a disgrace! Of course we are a Sunni Nation, we have certain traditions that have been an integral part of our country for thousand years. We are descendants of a great civilization that led the world in every aspect for many centuries. Take pride in it and live up to our greater spirit. Unity and advancement comes with an acknowledgment for a greater calling and purpose. Our great calling is the revival of this great nation to its historical greatness. Remember we are a great civilization not just a republic as FutureMe rightly underlined.

There are naturally lesser civilizations, the vikings were a small insignificant "civilization" compared to the Chinese or Roman civilization. When it comes to great civilizations we are one of them.

Us Turks having built great civilisations has nothing to do with religion, well maybe partly for motivation in wars. But you can't say we built the Ottoman Empire thanks to being muslims.

Because Gökturk Empire was one of our very first empires and they had a totally different religion.

If Islam is the reason we built such an empire then ask yourself why wasn't it ruled from Saudi Arabia?

You need to seperate religion and state/empire, or else it would be like saying China had a big empire because they do Yoga :)

yoga dedimde googleda yoga kizlari arattim yine elden gitti abdest :cheesy:

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Guys we are a muslim nation, that we have been for centuries. We should take pride in it and advance our nation and civilization towards greatness. European countries take pride in their ethnic makeup or state religion. But when it comes to Turkey you are afraid to take pride in your identity. What a disgrace! Of course we are a Sunni Nation, we have certain traditions that have been an integral part of our country for thousand years. We are descendants of a great civilization that led the world in every aspect for many centuries. Take pride in it and live up to our greater spirit. Unity and advancement comes with an acknowledgment for a greater calling and purpose. Our great calling is the revival of this great nation to its historical greatness. Remember we are a great civilization not just a republic as FutureMe rightly underlined.
Im pretty sure everyone here is at least as proud of his identity as you are, we are living in a multi cultural/religious nation, what ensures the balance between the different people living in this country is the law and order based on secularism.
You cant favor a group of people against others whether its based on religion or race, the whole Kurdish problem bases on this fundamental mistake that was done in the past, thats what im pointing out.

It doesnt matter whether you are Sunni or Alevi or Atheist, keep your religion in your private life, you pray for yourself not for someone else, hence there is no ''you are living in a sunni country, you have to play by our rules'' thats what im talking about.
Us Turks having built great civilisations has nothing to do with religion, well maybe partly for motivation in wars. But you can't say we built the Ottoman Empire thanks to being muslims.

Because Gökturk Empire was one of our very first empires and they had a totally different religion.

If Islam is the reason we built such an empire then ask yourself why wasn't it ruled from Saudi Arabia?

You need to seperate religion and state/empire, or else it would be like saying China had a big empire because they do Yoga :)

yoga dedimde googleda yoga kizlari arattim yine elden gitti abdest :cheesy:
I did not say islam is the reason behind our empire building. I am saying we have embraced islam for a millenium and it has become one with our identity. Our last great Empire the Osmanli was build around Islam. Prior to Osmanli we had different beyliks in Anadolu almost all of them embracing islam. We as a people have chosen islam and now we are a muslim people. If the American empire is a christian force, we are or should become a sunni force. You can't just change the prelavant religion that is islam and say "we are a secular nation", well too bad, we are not a secular nation. Perhaps in the constitution, but still we have the Diyanet that is bound to the state and it is the state that controls religious affairs, and that is how it should be. I know there has been a demonization of islam under the republic for many decades, but people are slowly accepting the notion that islam was not the reason for the decadence of our society, there are many other factors that played an immense role. Under the republic one of the problems was for example alienating muslims, even though Turkey is essentially a muslim nation. I know some people get stomach hurt when they hear these words, but guys come to terms with it. Cause things are changing
European countries take pride in their ethnic makeup or state religion.

I'm not so sure about that, they let muslims build mosks in their country. I know we have churches etc in Turkey but would be we willing to let them build churches as many as they want?

See you need to be tolerant, no religion is better than the other and if you think of those that believe in other religions as less worthy then you have no idea what your religion is saying to begin with.

All religions have the same fundamental message = Respect all views and be kind and don't fight etc. They all say everyone is equal no one is better.

I once talked about Islam with a Christian in the USA he told me my perspective on God was VERY SECULAR.
And I'm a muslim like most people in Turkey.

The thing with Diyanet is it should be equal to all religions not just manipulate the people to becoming muslims by building mosks and giving muslims money only.

I think that is whats going on in Turkey, similar to imam-hatip students getting better jobs during the AKP rule.

I like the AKP do to economic and military gains but I don't like the way they push the religious agenda so much. It's a dangerous road, we could end up like Iran overnight.
Im pretty sure everyone here is at least as proud of his identity as you are, we are living in a multi cultural/religious nation, what ensures the balance between the different people living in this country is the law and order based on secularism.
You cant favor a group of people against others whether its based on religion or race, the whole Kurdish problem bases on this fundamental mistake that was done in the past, thats what im pointing out.

It doesnt matter whether you are Sunni or Alevi or Atheist, keep your religion in your private life, you pray for yourself not for someone else, hence there is no ''you are living in a sunni country, you have to play by our rules'' thats what im talking about.
I don't deny we live in a multicultural and religious society, but naturally as a sunni nation we prioritize our religion above others. Denmark and Sweden as shown as the crown example of progress, here we have Christian education up til 9th grade, it is not called religion classes but Christianity classes. The State's official religion is Christianity but at the same time they grant every right to other minority religions, BUT they acknowledge their religiious and ethnic makeup and those people are at huge advantage in state institutions compared to other makeups. When it coms to Turkey we suddenly are afraid to embrace these concepts and we think its progressive, guess what it is the opposite of progressive if you can't embrace your own reality and identity, identity crisis?
Embracing your religion or ethnic makeup does not equal to alienating minorities. You can't make a correlation between those two, one doesn't exclude the other.

I'm not so sure about that, they let muslims build mosks in their country. I know we have churches etc in Turkey but would be we willing to let them build churches as many as they want?

See you need to be tolerant, no religion is better than the other and if you think of those that believe in other religions as less worthy then you have no idea what your religion is saying to begin with.

All religions have the same fundamental message = Respect all views and be kind and don't fight etc. They all say everyone is equal no one is better.

I once talked about Islam with a Christian in the USA he told me my perspective on God was VERY SECULAR.
And I'm a muslim like most people in Turkey.

The thing with Diyanet is it should be equal to all religions not just manipulate the people to becoming muslims by building mosks and giving muslims money only.

I think that is whats going on in Turkey, similar to imam-hatip students getting better jobs during the AKP rule.

I like the AKP do to economic and military gains but I don't like the way they push the religious agenda so much. It's a dangerous road, we could end up like Iran overnight.
In the Christian country i currently live in, building mosques is forbidden with minarets. So we pray our Cuma namazi in small clubs. Much progress?
And i am as tolerant as they come. I am aware being a minority in a foreign country how important it is to grant rights to us. But i dont deny certain realities. In this country in our tax money we automatically pay for the Church as well. I think you guys wrongly think of religion inside state. And i honestly dont understand why it is such an issue. People are not gonna stick their faith down others throats.
it is not called religion classes but Christianity classes.

In the Christian country i currently live in, building mosques is forbidden with minarets. So we pray our Cuma namazi in small clubs.

Your 1st point is not true your 2nd point is true, but still I think thats more than the amount of churches Turkey would let them build.

Just because Scandinavia isn't 100% democratic when it comes to religion doesn't mean we have to take revenge and do the same, we need to teach them how it's done and establish 100% demovracy when it comes to faith/religion.

The only thing I'm personally against is gay marriage, my view of that is that it's a psychological issue and not a biological one.
@TurkeyForever @xenon54 .. It's people like you that gives confidence that the Turkish republic will survive this crisis with or without Erdogan.. I just hope the majority of the Turkish people will hold true to their democratic secular believes as you do.. That's what made Turkey an epitome of a true great Muslim nation, And proved that you dont need to be a Islamic theocracy to achieve great nationhood.. Wish you all the best and hopefully will come out this mess unscathed.. I have great admiration for the Turkish people but not for their current leadership.. Kudos
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I'm not so sure about that, they let muslims build mosks in their country. I know we have churches etc in Turkey but would be we willing to let them build churches as many as they want?

Personally, I don't see a problem here. They can build as many churches (or other religious building) they need.

The thing with Diyanet is it should be equal to all religions not just manipulate the people to becoming muslims by building mosks and giving muslims money only.

But this is more difficult to do it or maybe impossible.
Yes Diyanet shoud be equal to all religions, but do you think other religions will accept to be under the rule of Diyanet ? Because then, Turkey will be the one to pay and chose the religious man who will mange the religious meeting and building like with suni Islam today.

And how to share the money ? Becouse I think Turkey forbid (and should continue to do it) the counting of the minority, and this why nobody is able to say exactly how many Kurds live in Turkey for example.
First about the this meeting.

- Meeting was organized by "Peace Blok" it consists of Kurdish party HDP and some other communist, Marxist-Leninist groups, who refer each other as "comrades". These people always talks about peace but never condemns terrorism and say anything about PKK. Always criticize soldiers, police, government.

It's exactly like Al-Baqarah 11.
And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peacemakers."

- Another point is; after 2-3 months of clashing PKK lost more than 2000 fighters and they unilaterally declared ceasefire. Although army doesn't recognize their ceasefire and continue operations. This cease fire decleared 1 or 2 days before the explosion.

- In 20 July 2015 while socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF), university-ages students giving a press statement a bomb set off and killed 33 people. After this bombing PKK accused Turkish state and started it's attacks.
- This last bombing shows similarity with previous bombing; both bombings involved suicide bombing, a vest with TNTs, covered with steel balls to increase it's effectiveness.

My assessment is, this terrorism act has been made by ISIS or by it's sympathizers on ISIS's order.

Government or any other political party has nothing to gain from this carnage. However since this PKK - State clash has been re-initiated Turkey have been wasting it's energy in the country. Prior to that there were talks with US to establish a ISIS-safe zone in the northern Syria, Turkey was starting to join coalition bombings. Now all that has been stopped and Turkey focused on PKK as the bigger threat. This benefits ISIS mostly.

Another point is in most ISIS bombings, actions etc... they claim responsibility, film the act and use it as a propaganda tool. However in this case ISIS not claiming any responsibility. Again my assessment is; ISIS do not want Turkey's attention on itself by openly challenging Turkey but wants Turkey's attention on PKK.

Again i want to say these things are too vague, i'm just throwing my opinion on the table.
What the hell happened to the Turkish sectiono_O? It used to be great with people focused mostly on defense, now there's too damn much politics and you're all fighting with each other:o:!

@Hakan seems to have left the forum too. I don't blame him at all, who'd want to deal with a bunch of children all day?

:tsk: It's a damn shame. This section used to be great.

Don't worry my friend, I will try to solve all problems in a short time... Parasites will be totally cleaned from this section !
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