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Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia

^ when they say Jew in a IQ study they mean a "Ashkenazi Jew".

strictly speaking, "Ashkenazi Jews" is a very contravertial category. Reputed literatures only mention this item as a sort of footnote. In classic literatures such as ones of Richard lynn, they only analyse caucasian, negroid, mongoloid 3 major categories, along with anything "in between" (mongrels), with "Ashkenazi Jews" serving as a special topic aside, because "Ashkenazi Jews" (mostly Eastern European Khazar converts indeed), belongs to the caucasian category. It belongs to Jews only in terms of religion. Hence there is no pure "Jews", racially speaking.

With European origin, Ashkenazi Jews only have 7 million or so worldwide population. If Ashkenazi Jews can be seperatedly listed from the caucasians when measuing average IQ, then there is no reason why Han Chinese, which is about 1 Billion in poplution, shouldn't be subdivided from mongoloid as well into several dozens more sub categories with different IQ averages (i.e. Mogolians, Manchurians, Cantonese, Wu people = Shanhanese, etc.etc., each of such subcategories having population several times of worldwide Jews combined), just like sub dividing Ashkenazi Jews from Caucasians.

To list "Jews", or "Ashkenazi Jews", in the same breath as negroid (blacks) , mongoloid (yellows) and caucasian (whites) when measuing average IQ, is as absurd as listing Staionaries, Furnitures, Fruits, Apples and/or green Apples in the same line.
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man, yuo still, don't get it. I copy what I wrote again, try to see the logic behind:

We don't need to know ( and we don't care who developed it either) what is IQ or what is IQ test or how bias it may be, etc. But we know the following:

NO low IQ test scorer ( even his/her so called "EQ" is out of chart) has the capability to finish a decent degree to become a scientist;

And NO scientists are low IQ, since billions of IQ tests of all sorts across time and age around the world proves that there has not been a single case where a scientist scored low in IQ test.

Then you see how effective and predictive an IQ test is.

enough said?

The same thing could be said about any entrance exam, what proof do you have that the IQ test is a better evidence of intelligence than SAT tests or ACT or China's national exam?

This is not how science works your reasoning is the same as this

“By your logic, I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.” Homer is confused: “Hmm; how does it work?” Lisa: “It doesn’t work; it’s just a stupid rock!” Homer: “Uh-huh.” Lisa: “… but I don’t see any tigers around, do you?”

Homer, after a moment’s thought: “Lisa, I want to buy your rock…”

Correlation does not imply causation. Just because two things occur together, does not mean that one caused the other.
strictly speaking, "Ashkenazi Jews" is a very contravertial category. Reputed literatures only mention this item as a sort of footnote. In classic literatures such as ones of Richard lynn, they only analyse caucasian, negroid, mongoloid 3 major categories, along with anything "in between" (mongrels), with "Ashkenazi Jews" serving as a special topic aside, because "Ashkenazi Jews" (mostly Eastern European Khazar converts indeed), belongs to the caucasian category. It belongs to Jews only in terms of religion. Hence there is no pure "Jews", racially speaking.

With European origin, Ashkenazi Jews only have 7 million or so worldwide population. If Ashkenazi Jews can be seperatedly listed from the caucasians when measuing average IQ, then there is no reason why Han Chinese, which is about 1 Billion in poplution, shouldn't be subdivided from mongoloid as well into several dozens more sub categories with different IQ averages (i.e. Mogolians, Manchurians, Cantonese, Wu people = Shanhanese, etc.etc., each of such subcategories having population several times of worldwide Jews combined), just like sub dividing Ashkenazi Jews from Caucasians.

To list "Jews", or "Ashkenazi Jews", in the same breath as negroid (blacks) , mongoloid (yellows) and caucasian (whites) when measuing average IQ, is as absurd as listing Staionaries, Furnitures, Fruits, Apples and/or green Apples in the same line.

The fact that Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar converts is disputed and has been proved wrong through genetics. They came out of Middle East initially. They certainly do not consider themselves part of the Caucasian race.

I would not call Richard Lynn's or his buddy Rushton's work as classical literature.
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I never said you exercise your brain like a muscle, but you do exercise your brain:

The Human Brain - Exercise

Like i said earlier envirnment has everything to do with IQ. Studies are showing that the more you use your brain, the more brain cells are generated.

Here is some cause and effect to think about, if many sets of twins were superated; one group got very little education, while the other group was pushed to learn esspecially at an earlier age when the brain develops most. Now imagine that the ladder group was taught a new language, how to play the piano, learned advanced mathematics, and in general were tought critical thinking skills. Do you think their scores would be even? Of course not.

Childhood is a critical stage in brain development and a stage when children can more easly saturate new skills such as second language and mathematics, so by defalt children in Africa that spend most of their days doing nothing are going to score lower on the IQ scale compared with children that are constantly challenged.

Location is everything and it shows, there is a reason why less educated people score lower on the IQ test compaired to people that are constantly challenging themselves.

Environments reflects IQ scores.

Here is a doctors opionion:

Intelligence and IQ

Hmmm maybe I've misrepresented myself. I don't mean to down play the significance of environmental factors but I focused on race and IQ because that was the contentious issue between members here.

I also misread your initial article as helpful advice for seniors staving off dementia, but I see the part you highlight now. I still remain unconvinced of this particular part (though fair points about education in the context of plasticity of the brain).
They are designed to help your brain manufacture its own nutrients that strengthen, preserve, and grow brain cells

This is vague and I am dubious about the claim. I like to know by what criteria strength, preservation, and growth is measured by this doctor and what the biochemical and physiological mechanism underlying it is.
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EQ is a feel-good factor, invented by "we-are-all-the same" libtards as a sort of counterbalance.

Next time when MIT or Caltech refuses to accept you, tell them that you have a very high EQ. hahaha

No, he is right. skillfully using EQ means you get to manage those with high IQs. those with high IQs and low EQs will be the ones being managed and treated like garbage. it doesn't matter if someone does not get into top 1% of universities since having a high EQ means you can just claw your way up to management by skillfully manipulating everyone else (and that everywhere it is true that there will always be someone to manage!), and it's debatable whether top university = high IQ anyways.
No, he is right. skillfully using EQ means you get to manage those with high IQs. those with high IQs and low EQs will be the ones being managed and treated like garbage. it doesn't matter if someone does not get into top 1% of universities since having a high EQ means you can just claw your way up to management by skillfully manipulating everyone else (and that everywhere it is true that there will always be someone to manage!), and it's debatable whether top university = high IQ anyways.

I would argue that emotional intelligence is even more important than that. It is pretty fundamental in learning about oneself and how to live a happy life. And often high IQ and low EQ people tend to sabotage themselves in various ways both in their career and their personal relationships.

If I had to choose one, I'd go with emotional intelligence anyday.
No doubt that people like Mao Zedong need to have both high IQ and EQ to stay where they are. But both these two scores does not reflect everything a person is.
For those who are curious, Pakistanis are included along with Indians in Southern Asia with an average IQ of 84, about 16 points below Europeans' average and almost 21 points behind East Asians' average. East Asians include Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.

Having said that, a quick look at the overlapping distribution curves of IQ scores for various races shows that the differences in intelligence scores within each race are much greater than the difference between races.

Haq's Musings: Infections Cause Low IQ in South Asia, Africa?
The fact that Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar converts is disputed and has been proved wrong through genetics. They came out of Middle East initially.

Proven by whom? wiki?

Many people can be traced to ME if go endlessly up there; in fact the mainstream argues that we all came from Africa too. Does that make Ashkenazi Jews Africans?

They certainly do not consider themselves part of the Caucasian race.

Religiously, yeah.

I would not call Richard Lynn's or his buddy Rushton's work as classical literature.

Prof. Lynn and Prof. Rushton are highly respected academics and world renouwned experts in their fileds. Their works have been widely quoted in reputed science journals. Whether those are classsics are not up to you, or me, but reputed works without a doubt, except for mainstream PeeCee idoits.
The same thing could be said about any entrance exam,

It depends which. For highly correlated standard tests such as SAT, yes. For a-home-made whatever, no.

what proof do you have that the IQ test is a better evidence of intelligence than SAT tests or ACT or China's national exam?

I didn't say that. In fact SAT, ACT, and probably China's university entrance exam and other standard 'g'-loaded tests are highly correlated with IQ test.

This is not how science works your reasoning is the same as this

lost in translation?
No, he is right.

with all the respect to both of you, I think you are not right on this particular point.

skillfully using EQ means you get to manage those with high IQs. those with high IQs and low EQs will be the ones being managed and treated like garbage.

I don't care who manages whom in daily life. Within g-loaded hard science and maths that are largely responsible for human civilisation development, there's only 1 ultimate winner. IQ or `EQ`?

it doesn't matter if someone does not get into top 1% of universities since having a high EQ means you can just claw your way up to management by skillfully manipulating everyone else (and that everywhere it is true that there will always be someone to manage!),

So? who cares how politically astute they are?

I am good looking. Does that also add some points in my `EQ`too ? :smitten: Can those high EQ guys ( assume with low IQ at the same time as you implied) design a rocket, or China's next gen ACs?

and it's debatable whether top university = high IQ anyways.

unfortunately, gate-keepers, professors and chairmans of top universities disgree with you.

The matter of fact is that most (not all) studs of top universities are high IQers ; but not ALL high IQers could ( have a chance) go into a top university. The same can not be said on EQ. Think about it.

CardSharp said:
I would argue that emotional intelligence is even more important than that....If I had to choose one, I'd go with emotional intelligence anyday.

If one of your love ones has to go thru a surgery with 2 surgeons available to choose from, 1 of them with high IQ of 140, the other with 70 IQ but out-of-chart high EQ ( if there is such a medical doctor in real life after all), I am sure you would choose the latter, wouldn´t you?

I know whom I trust to cut me open though.:smitten:
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Proven by whom? wiki?

Genetic studies..they share the same genetic marker as other Jews from the ME.Now that cannot be if they are purely Eastern European converts.They may have intermarried in Europe but they did come out of ME along with the other Jewish tribes.

Many people can be traced to ME if go endlessly up there; in fact the mainstream argues that we all came from Africa too. Does that make Ashkenazi Jews Africans?

Religiously, yeah.

Ethnically they do not consider themselves as Caucasians.

Prof. Lynn and Prof. Rushton are highly respected academics and world renouwned experts in their fileds. Their works have been widely quoted in reputed science journals. Whether those are classsics are not up to you, or me, but reputed works without a doubt, except for mainstream PeeCee idoits.

No they are not...they have been refuted by world renowned highly respected experts.
One of Rushton's famous quotes

"Muslim problem is not just a condition of their particular belief system. Instead, Muslims have an aggressive personality with relatively closed, simple minds, and are less impervious to reason than one might expect."

I guess a clever East Asian who converts to Islam will suddenly end up having a simple mind!!
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It would help other, but i doubt about u.

36% of scientists at NASA are Indians: Govt survey - India - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: If you thought that Global Indian Takeover was just a hollow cliche leaning on a few iconic successes like Pepsi's Indra Nooyi, Citibank's Vikram Pandit and steel world's Lakshmi Mittal, there is a slew of statistics now to give it solid ballast.

The extent to which desis have made an impact in the US was reeled off in the Rajya Sabha — as many as 12% scientists and 38% doctors in the US are Indians, and in NASA, 36% or almost 4 out of 10 scientists are Indians.

If that's not proof enough of Indian scientific and corporate prowess, digest this: 34% employees at Microsoft, 28% at IBM, 17% at Intel and 13% at Xerox are Indians.

And the House of Elders also heard some startling facts about a country that's still stuck with a Third World tag — 20% of gold in the world is used by Indians and nine out of 10 diamonds used in the world are made in India.

The figures of Indian successes were given to the Rajya Sabha on Monday by D Purandeshwari, minister of state for HRD, in defence of the country's higher education system and the state of research.

Purandeshwari said that although a lot needed to be done to encourage research, it was wrong to run down the country's higher education system since most Indians who excelled abroad were products of Indian institutions.

He said there was no slackness in research and the number of PhD holders had gone up from 17,898 two years back to 18,730 last year.

The minister also listed initiatives taken to encourage research, especially in science. Apart from creating 1,000 positions of research scientists at various levels, she said draft norms to create 10 networking centres in basic sciences in leading departments of universities were being prepared. It would help in promoting collaborative research and give access to advanced facilities.

Also, all postgraduate programmes pertaining to science and technology would have an in-built component of research. The University Grants Commission is also identifying performing universities so that they can be given 50 fellowships to carry out research in basic sciences.

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees.

There is no survey that establishes these numbers, and absent a government clarification, it appears that the figures come from a shop-worn Internet chain mail that has been in circulation for many years. Spam has finally found its way into the Indian parliament dressed up as fact.

Attempts by this correspondent over the years to authenticate the figures have shown that it is exaggerated, and even false. Both Microsoft and NASA say they don't keep an ethnic headcount. While they acknowledge that a large number of their employees are of Indian origin, it is hardly in the 30-35 per cent range.

In a 2003 interview with this correspondent, Microsoft chief Bill Gates guessed that the number of Indians in the engineering sections of the company was perhaps in the region of 20 per cent, but he thought the overall figure was not true. NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

- Sulekha coffeehouse Forums

its from another forum, but I live near Cape Canaveral, I dont see any evidence of many Indian Employees

There are about 700,000 doctors in the usa, about 35,000 of them are from India.

I think the USA has about 10,000 doctors from Pakistan.
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Genetic studies..they share the same genetic marker as other Jews from the ME.Now that cannot be if they are purely Eastern European converts.They may have intermarried in Europe but they did come out of ME along with the other Jewish tribes.

You still don't get it.

The origin of modern "Jews" is a highly contravertial issue. You can argue either way until your face turns blue yet still can not draw an inclusive line. Genetic makers only tell a part of story. You can find many White Europeans have genetic makers tracing back to ME and further, to justify Aryan migration hypothesis. Still, the facts remain that they are Caucasian, or much more close to Caucasian, than whatever genetic makers suggest due to centuries upon centries of inter-breed. Give a bone of modern "Ashkenazi Jew" to a forensic scientist, he will tell you it's a Caucasian bone, as clearly as he could identity others. Can you responde with a straight face, "no, it's Ashkenazi Jew's bone" ? :lol:

What's much more important to us though is not where one came from, but what he is: Caucasian, Negroid or Mongoloid, or "in between".

Ethnically they do not consider themselves as Caucasians.

Not quite. Most Ashkenazi Jews I grew up with identify themselves as Jews(more a religious and political statement), but also white Caucasians when fill in some official forms. In fact you can't tell they are Jews or not by just looking at their physical characteristics: many of them I know are tall, blonde with blue eyes - standard Northern European stock. Some of them even had their surnames changed generations ago to avoid prosecutions.

No they are not...they have been refuted by world renowned highly respected experts.

I doubt it in terms of academics, but it's definitely true politically. It means that most high ranking academics ( presidents, chairmen, deans, etc) will critisize whatever non-PeeCee remarks emerging in order to save their own positions.

One of Rushton's famous quotes
Searchlight Magazine: Stateside: Inside the Preserving Western Civilization Conference

"Muslim problem is not just a condition of their particular belief system. Instead, Muslims have an aggressive personality with relatively closed, simple minds, and are less impervious to reason than one might expect."

Taking a remark out of context, one can pretty much discredit anyone, including Einstein. Not long ago, the PC brigades just "universally" discredited and condamned the discoverer of DNA and Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. J D Watson, for speaking in public in line of Rushton and Lynn's analysis. ( note: even the fields of studies of Watson and Rushton/Lynn are closely related)

I guess a clever East Asian who converts to Islam will suddenly end up having a simple mind!!

your guess is out of context.
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The fact that Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar converts is disputed and has been proved wrong through genetics. They came out of Middle East initially. They certainly do not consider themselves part of the Caucasian race.

I would not call Richard Lynn's or his buddy Rushton's work as classical literature.

One thing I have allways wondered about and this about the Ashkenazi Jews IQ might explain it.

"Given that Jews comprise a mere 1/4 of 1% (13 million) of the world's population (6 billion) and that 99% of the world is non-Jewish, the following list of accomplishments by Jews is quite impressive.

Of the 660 Nobel prizes from 1901-1990, 160 have been won by Jews. Jews have won more Nobel prizes than any other ethnicity. They have won 40 times more than should be expected of them based upon population statistics"
Jewish Accomplishments

If I am not mistaken the majority of the worlds chess champions have been jews.

I think there has been about eleven Chinese Nobel prize winners 5 of which live in the USA and 9 Muslems which more then half live out side Islamic countries, not good when you consider there are only 13 million jews and 3 billion Muslem and Chinese.
List of Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates from Planck's Constant

About 9 from India.
Dont I just irritate the hell out of you or is it the truth that bothers you so much..?
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