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Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia


Jew (European, American). . . . . 115
Asian (in the U.S.) . . . . . . 108
East Indian (from India, in the U.S.) 108

U.S. White (Northern European, Urban) 105
U.S. White (Southern European). . . 100
U.S. White (Rural, South) . . . . 95
U.S. Black (North and West). . . . 90
Hispanic-American . . . . . . . 90
U.S. Black (Rural, South) . . . . 85
Hispanic, Illegal Immigrant . . . 80
American Indian . . . . . . . 80
Laplander . . . . . . . . . 75
Australian Aborigine (full-blooded) . 70
Equatorial Guinea . . . . . . . 59

Gene Pool

Since Indians in America along with Asian in America have the same average IQ.

So it is health,environment that are the main factors. :cheers:

Also the discrimination causes one to show poorer performance.This is a fact which we all have experienced ourselves in our lives.Like i"ve given proof in my above post discrimination causes lower IQ.

Obviously...as I mentioned above Lynn's study which the racial superiority crowd likes to mention has the IQ between West and East Germany at a whole 10+ point gap. Now how is that possible using the racial superiority argument?

Jew (European, American). . . . . 115
Asian (in the U.S.) . . . . . . 108
East Indian (from India, in the U.S.) 108


East Indian (from India, in the U.S.) 10800


"Jew"(European, "American"). . . . . 115

Asian (in the U.S.) . . . . . . 108



by the way, there is no such a thing as "Jew", racially.
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^ when they say Jew in a IQ study they mean a "Ashkenazi Jew".

East Indian (from India, in the U.S.) 10800


"Jew"(European, "American"). . . . . 115

Asian (in the U.S.) . . . . . . 108



by the way, there is no such a thing as "Jew", racially.

Did you miss the link provided in my post?

here i"ll post the link again,for you

Gene Pool
^^^ that "link" is as valid as my street corner ice cream vendor's link :rofl:
no one can stop you from bullshitting without any hard statistics evidence by reputed sources. So, carry on.
Unfortunately, you cannot see anyone superior or equivalent to you. This attitude of yours has been since the post-Revolution you had. Material development without spiritual one has ruined your brains..

Stop derailing and trolling against Indians. For the sake of other decent Chinese members, I shall not respond to your troll with another troll.
Yes you can prevent age related mental deterioration with mental exercises and the Franklin institute is encouraging mental health. But it doesn’t mean you exercise your brain like a muscle.

I never said you exercise your brain like a muscle, but you do exercise your brain:


Neurobics™ is a unique system of brain exercises using your five physical senses and your emotional sense in unexpected ways that encourage you to shake up your everyday routines. They are designed to help your brain manufacture its own nutrients that strengthen, preserve, and grow brain cells.

Like i said earlier envirnment has everything to do with IQ. Studies are showing that the more you use your brain, the more brain cells are generated.

Here is some cause and effect to think about, if many sets of twins were superated; one group got very little education, while the other group was pushed to learn esspecially at an earlier age when the brain develops most. Now imagine that the ladder group was taught a new language, how to play the piano, learned advanced mathematics, and in general were tought critical thinking skills. Do you think their scores would be even? Of course not.

Childhood is a critical stage in brain development and a stage when children can more easly saturate new skills such as second language and mathematics, so by defalt children in Africa that spend most of their days doing nothing are going to score lower on the IQ scale compared with children that are constantly challenged.

Location is everything and it shows, there is a reason why less educated people score lower on the IQ test compaired to people that are constantly challenging themselves.

Environments reflects IQ scores.

Here is a doctors opionion:


stimulating environment, parental encouragement, good schooling, specific reasoning skills, continued practice, and so on, certainly help a person become more intelligent
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Nowadays , EQ (Emotional intelligence)is more important than the IQ . Many serial killer and dangerous criminal have very high IQ but below average EQ. EQ directly affects people's personality and inter personal skill which also have a high impact in people's success and failure. It is far better to have a healthy social life with an average IQ than being loony nerd with high IQ. Thank you.
I personally believe that IQ is a bunch of bullshit since it changes if you train in taking IQ tests.

However I do believe that different races are better at different tasks.

Some examples are mathematics, here are the results as you can see the general trend is that east asians along with countries that border east asian countries tend to do extremely well.

If you look at the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada team most of these teams have

USA team is 4/6 east asian
Canada team is 5/6 east asian
New Zealand team is 4/6 east asian
Australia team is 4/6 east asian


I also believe that Indians are better at spelling bees and that Africans have superior motor skills.

I don't consider myself a racist but rather a race realist. Though I also believe that culture and language play a significant role in this as there have been many links and studies relating eastern languages to mathematics.
EQ is a feel-good factor, invented by "we-are-all-the same" libtards as a sort of counterbalance.

Next time when MIT or Caltech refuses to accept you, tell them that you have a very high EQ. hahaha
I personally believe that IQ is a bunch of bullshit since it changes if you train in taking IQ tests

I hate to mention this but it seems that you've made a big mistake here, mate:

an individual score could vary sometimes or sometimes goes completely wrong due to a variety of reasons as you noted. However, when given a large enough numers of random scores, the average score deducted from such a large population is statistically SUPER accurate and undeniably valid.

It is not what you believe or what I beleive, the most important thing is what scientists believe as they don't give personal opinions as we do. They draw scientificly valid conclusions according to research and data.

I believe that the chief designer of F-22A Rapter is a low IQ retard, and I believe no one in Mahantten Project had high IQ scores. But whom am I to say so?

We don't need to know what is IQ or what is IQ test or how bias it may be, etc. But we know the following:

NO low IQ test scorer ( even his/her so called "EQ" is out of chart) has the capability to finish a decent degree to become a scientist;

And NO scientists are low IQ, since billions of IQ tests of all sorts across time and age around the world proves that there has not been a single case where a scientist scored low in IQ test.

Hope it helps. :cheers:
I hate to mention this but it seems that you've made a big mistake here, mate:

an individual score could vary sometimes or sometimes goes completely wrong due to a variety of reasons as you noted. However, when given a large enough numers of random scores, the average score deducted from such a large population is statistically SUPER accurate and undeniably valid.

It is not what you believe or what I beleive, the most important thing is what scientists believe as they don't give personal opinions as we do. They draw scientificly valid conclusions according to research and data.

I believe that the chief designer of F-22A Rapter is a low IQ retard, and I believe no one in Mahantten Project had high IQ scores. But whom am I to say so?

We don't need to know what is IQ or what is IQ test or how bias it may be, etc. But we know the following:

NO low IQ test scorer ( even his/her so called "EQ" is out of chart) has the capability to finish a decent degree to become a scientist;

And NO scientists are low IQ, since billions of IQ tests of all sorts across time and age around the world proves that there has not been a single case where a scientist scored low in IQ test.

Hope it helps. :cheers:

These tests are made by PSYCHOLOGISTS, not Nobel prize winners or top inventors.

How can tests made by dumb people identify the intelligence of a nobel prize winner?

How can a blind person understand what color is?
man, yuo still, don't get it. I copy what I wrote again, try to see the logic behind:

We don't need to know ( and we don't care who developed it either) what is IQ or what is IQ test or how bias it may be, etc. But we know the following:

NO low IQ test scorer ( even his/her so called "EQ" is out of chart) has the capability to finish a decent degree to become a scientist;

And NO scientists are low IQ, since billions of IQ tests of all sorts across time and age around the world proves that there has not been a single case where a scientist scored low in IQ test.

Then you see how effective and predictive an IQ test is.

enough said?
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