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Expert: China's submarines close to world level

China has been catching up with the Western technology for the last three decades and now time has come where chinese are close to catching up completely. The good news is once it catches up it will bypass it just by sheer momentum in the next decade.

Just imagine year 2020 when the US and its Western partners will be behind the Chinese technology. Russia may want to hitch its wagon with China so they might not be left behind.:undecided:

I think the US will still be ahead by 2020, but China should be around equal with the Europeans and ahead of Russia by then in military technology.

Around 2030 is my estimate of China equalling US military technology.
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China Mulls Buying Russian Submarines | Business | The Moscow Times
China Mulls Buying Russian Submarines - Amur-1650R API?

Apparently, Russia and China signed a memorandum of understanding on the sale of four Amur 1650 (Project 677E) diesel electric attack submarines to China. The final contract is tentatively worth $2 billion and is expected to be signed by the parties no earlier than 2015.

Why China´s interest in Russian Lada´s if domestics subs are up to shuff?

why the interest you say?

very simply, there is no interest, as usual more made up news comming from russia about china.
theres one for each of the services lol
su-35 and lately the tu-22

many of those have been around for years, especially the t-90 rumor have been around for longer than a decade so far none of those things were ever bought by china
why the interest you say?

very simply, there is no interest, as usual more made up news comming from russia about china.
theres one for each of the services lol
su-35 and lately the tu-22

many of those have been around for years, especially the t-90 rumor have been around for longer than a decade so far none of those things were ever bought by china

Perhaps. Or Yuan´s arent quite at the level that PLAN would like.

According to the source of Russian newspaper, in late August, the parties signed a framework contract, a joint design and construction of four such submarines "in the format 2/2" (two of them will be built in Russia and two in China.). "Export of technology - not the only similarity with the proposed Indian tender. It is assumed that Chinese-made components in the final product will not exceed 30%. Signing the firm contract is not expected before 2015. Also, according source, "At the request of a foreign customer submarines will have their own propulsion, designed on the basis airindependent Stirling engine" - told "Kommersant"
Good but I would have considered it at a more higher worth if that would have come from some non -chinese expert ...no offense but when one discuss about his own country there is always a room for a bit of biased behavior ....atleast its common in US and Russia where we have seen both have always praised their own products but degraded other's but we only came to know about their true capabilities either when equipment from both countries faced each other in war or some analysis by a neutral person ...

I understand that its hard for a western or european country to praise chinese equipment coz they have anti-chinese stance so the only way we can know is may be during some foreign exercises or GOD forbid in a war

Though don't get me wrong buddy
The newest Chinese diesel submarine the "Qing" class is comparable to Japan's Shoryu class, French and German submarines. But China's nuclear submarines are still far behind. The Type 095 should be undergoing sea tests now (should be revealed openly this year 2013 when entering service). Type 095 is comparable to a late LA class (late 80's early 90's technology) but with more advanced electronics suite -- still outclassed by Seawolf and Virginia. It will take another 8-10 years for Chinese nuclear submarines to get to Virginia class level.
When commentating as a guest on People's Daily Online, naval expert Li Jie said that submarines independently designed by China are close to those of the United States, Russia, Germany and Japan in performance indicators, despite slight gaps from developed countries in terms of power plant and noise.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...bmarines-close-world-level.html#ixzz2GhrlSYYa

First a Chinese expert, next admitting gaps in powerplant and noise reduction technology, which is the most critical technology for survive-ability of any submarine.

Sure i believe him. :enjoy:
Perhaps. Or Yuan´s arent quite at the level that PLAN would like.

According to the source of Russian newspaper, in late August, the parties signed a framework contract, a joint design and construction of four such submarines "in the format 2/2" (two of them will be built in Russia and two in China.). "Export of technology - not the only similarity with the proposed Indian tender. It is assumed that Chinese-made components in the final product will not exceed 30%. Signing the firm contract is not expected before 2015. Also, according source, "At the request of a foreign customer submarines will have their own propulsion, designed on the basis airindependent Stirling engine" - told "Kommersant"

see, heres the thing, your quoting a russian newpaper, right after i had just said and shown examples of why we shouldn't trust things like "a russian newpaper", until i see an actual export news or even better a report from the chinese side, im incline to to say this is just another lie they produced
This is good news for China's submarine industry.
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