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EXCLUSIVE: UAE pushed Assad to break Idlib ceasefire to punish Turkey

Go tell those fairytales to your fellow gray wolves you idiot. Iranic azari people of Iran butffucked the ottomans many times. Just look at turkeys territory, its like the size of 2,3 times of a iranian province :D

another stupid ignorant TROLL who know nothing about history,politics and military

I am saying again Iran was ruled by the TURKS between 960s and 1925 , the British helped REZA PAHLAVIin 1924-1925 to destroy Turkic Dynasty in Iran

not only Iran but also India,Anatolia,Egypt.Libya,Iraq,Syria.Arabian Peninsula , N.Africa,Greece,Hungary,Romania and Balkans were ruled by the Turks for centuries

Iranic Azari people ? they are Oghuz TURKS as like me and our blood brothers in Azerbaijan

and Turkiye has no oil-gas reserves .. still Turkish Economy is 2.3 times bigger than Iranian economy

Iran has no victory in the last 2500 years .. even Greeks kicked Persians
btw Super Power Ottoman Empire fought Europe and Russia also Iran for centuries ...... and last time YAVUZ SULTAN SELIM HAN entered Iran and kicked SHAH ISMAIL in 1514

so Iran is nothing to compare Great Seljuk Empire , Ottoman Empire and Turkiye ..... know your place

1. Those didn't look like "barrel bombs" but some kind of constructions which had fins.

are you blind or liar ? Syrian Regime Helicopters dropped Barrel Bombs on civilians

2. So the vid is a collection of bombings in which the Syrian air force is randomly bombing Syrian civilians ??

Russian Airforce and Regime Aircrafts Helicopters bombed cities for many years

watch 10.40 min ..... you can see civil people including children

you are so liar and hypocrite who said Turkish Army killed civilians in Syria

in reality Turkiye saved over 7 million Syrians on the other hand Assad Regime , Russia , Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Syria

You just killed flip flop wearing arabs, afghans and pakis you dumbass. what kind of achievement is this ? you are 40 years in nato, you expected not to achieve a few airstrikes here and there? wow

Persians from Iran also were killed by Turkish Armed Forces in Idlib ... you shia terrorists can fight only unarmed civilians .. nothing else

your master PUTIN saved pathetic Assad , Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups in Syria
you are so liar and hypocrite who said Turkish Army killed civilians in Syria

No, I meant that the Turkish government ( and in recent the army ) has been helping the "rebels" in killing civilians.

The notorious Libyan terrorist Abdulhakim Belhaj had been operating out of Turkey on and off for years since the 2011 Libyan war.
So that exonerates iranian sponsored sectarian warcrimes against muslims in Syria???

I am Sunni but I don't think the Iran-arranged Shia militias in Syria came to Syria to engage in war crimes against Sunnis.

As that young man in the vid said, one of their goals is to defend what they think of as holy sites.

Another goal, which is a wider political goal, is to ensure that Wahabi and Deobandi inspired Sunni militants don't end up creating Syria as a threat to Iranian dominance in the region ( Lebanon and Iraq ).

But we must also remember that Sunni and Christian militas are also supporting the Syrian government. For example, the Palestinian group PFLP.
No, I meant that the Turkish government ( and in recent the army ) has been helping the "rebels" in killing civilians for years.

Who gave right to ASSAD Family to rule Syria since 1975 ? Nobody

in 2010 Turkiye 11 times warned Assad for democratic reforms in Syria but radical sectarian Assad Regime , Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups prefered to kill sunni muslim Syrian People in 2011

Russia,Iran and Iran backed terrorist groups killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrian People and destroyed Syria to protect one person , dictatorial regime and their national interests
I am Sunni but I don't think the Iran-arranged Shia militias in Syria came to Syria to engage in war crimes against Sunnis.

As that young man in the vid said, one of their goals is to defend what they think of as holy sites.

Another goal, which is a wider political goal, is to ensure that Wahabi and Deobandi inspired Sunni militants don't end up creating Syria as a threat to Iranian dominance in the region ( Lebanon and Iraq ).

But we must also remember that Sunni and Christian militas are also supporting the Syrian government. For example, the Palestinian group PFLP.
Well the kid from the video doesn’t seem to be friendly towards syrians(terrorists that’s how the poor brainwashed kid is calling them)
You don’t have problems with shias coming from hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away fighting for sectarian revolution(khomeinism) but certainly you will criticize americans for their involvement(they are also thousands of kilometers away from Syria)
I don’t buy the argument that Iran is doing this to secure itself because Syria doesn’t share borders with them(unless you think of Iraq as Iranian province) the situation is contrary you have two american airctaft carriers in the gulf hostile arab nations 9 american bases in Iraq(currently only 2-3 with Patriots) and a nato member Turkey which is actual neighbor of Iran
I don’t see how iranian presence in Syria could help in case americans decide to wipe out Iran
With this being said we can conclude that Iran is in Syria to ensure its spread of the so called revolution(shia belt across four states Iran Iraq Syria and Lebanon)
Who gave right to ASSAD Family to rule Syria since 1975 ? Nobody

The Syrian people to be frank.

But I dearly wish that Syria becomes more ( and truly ) Socialist than it really is by adopting the Jamahiriya Direct Democracy system that existed in Libyan until 2011.

in 2010 Turkiye 11 times warned Assad for democratic reforms in Syria

What kind of reforms ??
democratic wont be a use anymore they shifted and genocided and ethnic cleanesd syria into an alawi hell

there is nothing left for democracy.. thanks to firawn and their worshipper
real democratic election and drafting a Modern Constitution for Syria , instead of ASSAD Family's dictatorial Regime since 1975

Just having five-yearly elections and multiple parties doesn't mean a country is truly a democracy. USA is basically a two-party Capitalist dictatorship. I also agree that Syria until 2011 was basically a one-party dictatorship. I agree with you on that.

But I agree that the non-armed opposition movements in Syria have to be part of a new political system, which is why I said earlier that Syria should become truly democratic and more Socialist by adopting the Jamahiriya system that governed Libya until 2011.

And any armed movement in Syria that lays down its arms should also be invited into the new political system. Here, Syria can take example of the South American country of Columbia where the FARC guerrilla movement had disarmed and engaged in peace talks with the government.

With this being said we can conclude that Iran is in Syria to ensure its spread of the so called revolution(shia belt across four states Iran Iraq Syria and Lebanon)

That is possible.

unless you think of Iraq as Iranian province

Well, the 2003 Iraq war was basically a collaboration between USA and Iran.
Bootlicking rat.

The Syrians, majority of them, wanted the Assad father and son to govern them. What's your problem ??

But I also want Syria to have a change. Read my post# 58 just above yours.
The Syrians, majority of them, wanted the Assad father and son to govern them

No they don't. And don't give me Syria's illegitimate elections as proof - I don't believe them.

What's your problem ??

Tired of bootlickers not even in Syria defending Assad. Millions of Syrians are living in refugee camps in neighbouring countries to escape Assad and his rule, but somehow Syrians want him to rule their country.

But I also want Syria to have a change. Read my post# 58 just above yours.

I don't care. Irrelevant to me. I'm just addressing your previous claim.
I watched the first few minutes.

1. Those didn't look like "barrel bombs" but some kind of constructions which had fins.

2. So the vid is a collection of bombings in which the Syrian air force is randomly bombing Syrian civilians ??
These are Assad barrel bombs which he randomly dropped on MILLIONS of his own CIVILIANS for 9 years:


These are Assad barrel bombs which he randomly dropped on MILLIONS of his own CIVILIANS for 9 years:

View attachment 623034

View attachment 623036

OK but they are not randomly dropped on "millions of his own civilians for nine years".

The so-called rebels hide in formerly civilian areas and the Syrian armed forces go to clear them. Some years ago I watched a ANNA news agency report about some "Syrian rebels" who were hiding and firing from inside a mosque. The Syrian army attacked that mosque. Did Western news agencies cover that incident as much as they cover so-called barrel bombing of civilians ??
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