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Exclusive interview with new Pakistan Air Force Chief: PAF’s Cutting Edge Grows

i knew it they can be dropped at will but what about 2 precious hardpoints and external load capacity used in mounting fuel tanks.

To get to your target and returning to base, first and foremost an aircraft needs it's fuel, all rest comes after.
Besides when flying a mission, no fighter jet will just carry weapons on all the hard points.
Now let's see, the F-7PGs have been in PAF service since 2002, i have yet to see one flying with it's armament of BVR missiles. Where as JF-17 has appeared with it's supplement of weapons including the SD-10s.


You and I both know where this picture was taken.

So---the first of the good news is released---thank you---ie the confirmation of AESA in blk 3. Now that is a giant leap----. More to come.

Sir it indeed is a good news,,,,,,,, IF TRUE!!
The tricky part will be how much we can believe in what is being said in this article. JF-17 performing ADA duty with SD-10A makes the thing even harder to believe.

Assuming that all that is said is really happening or will happen in next year or two, it surely will be a giant step forward. AESA will only be a part of (though THE most important part surely) the progress. The article talks about JF-17 on ADA duty with SD-10A thus it confirms the totally operational status of the system with JF-17 Blk-I. It talks about Blk-III developmetns confirming that things are on track, there is a AESA, talk about new electronics, jamming equipment most probable. Structural changes that may help increase hard points, a twin seat version that will facilitate fighter pilot conversion and also be a plus is CAP duties, there are MANY things that are said in this article that are surely cause of big joy when the actually happen. These are the things that will make JFT a true main stay of PAF for years to come.
The tricky part will be how much we can believe in what is being said in this article. JF-17 performing ADA duty with SD-10A makes the thing even harder to believe.
I am sure....100%...that JF-17 is performing ADA duty with SD-10A...for quite some time now....
powerplant powerplant powerplant
no changes in powerplant
NOTTTTTT NEEEEEEEDED AT THE MOMENT. When we need it it will be done. Plus there is no suitable engine available at the moment.
Any news of new aqusation most of them are upgrading i want to know what paf next major new aqusation of platform or system
Less short-sightedness, more change of plans due to an increase in budget. The PAF was looking at the Fs coming in slower than they are now due to 90%'s corruption. However, this government has managed to increase funding which is leading to a speedup in plans..hence the jumping of pilots to better platforms. I would not be surprised if the PAF actually expands its squadrons before it contracts.

And so where they were expecting pilots with 300-400 hours to take on the JF-17, it is likely that it may be that pilots now will be taking it on at 150 hours.

What's the deal with F-16s? Working on it or still in limbo?
don't you think we will be needing 2 more upgrades if we want aesa to work on jf 17
1) more power output from engine to power significantly power hungry aesa so it means either going for RD93MA or Chinese option.
2)and with these bigger fuel hungry engine we will needing cft to have sufficient fuel for reasonable TOT(time on target).


Blk 3 would have the needed upgrades---it will not be an under performing aircraft---. Too much of paf's ego is involved in it---so they won't let it down---.
NOTTTTTT NEEEEEEEDED AT THE MOMENT. When we need it it will be done. Plus there is no suitable engine available at the moment.
Bhai, power plant is the 'heart' of a fighter jet. You of-course know that propelling the fighter is not the only purpose a power plant serves but it also supports high-end and energy-hungry avionics. We cannot put decent radar, avionics, and ECMs in the absence of a powerful and economical (in terms of fuel consumption) power plant. Usually fighter jet are designed around their power-plants.
Bhai, power plant is the 'heart' of a fighter jet. You of-course know that propelling the fighter is not the only purpose a power plant serves but it also supports high-end and energy-hungry avionics. We cannot put decent radar, avionics, and ECMs in the absence of a powerful and economical (in terms of fuel consumption) power plant. Usually fighter jet are designed around their power-plants.
Sarkar marey.
The reason it is not needed now is because the proported avionics upgradation is not due till block 3. If you look at the market there is not a single ECONOMICALengine in the bracket that you want which will be sanction prone. The RD93MA is not ready till 2018-19. WE 13 is no where in sight. You might get an EU/ US engine but then you have negated the reason de etre for the JFT. The other reason is you want to replace the fast obsolescent fleet of yours. Any new engine will set you back at least 12-18 months if not more in modifications/trials. This would in its own rights make JFT somewhat irrelevant as it is not fulfilling the needs for which it was created. I rest my case your honour! It is not needed till the block 3 which is where it is planned to be inducted if all goes well. We can afford to delay the programme if we would have replaced another 50_100 fighters but not now.
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