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Exclusive: India ready for another strike against Pakistan

I agree with your analysis, I hate everyone's nuclear devices.
But with same token, imagine if you didn't have them, what Indians would have done to Pakistan!!
These thoughts alone are scary.
Therefore, when you face a dirty and kameen enemy like India, sometime the necessary evil is needed.

A very good analysis and valid point, no doubt.
Modi, whatever you do, don't strike this weekend, any day after that is fine.

I want my wife returned from Pakistan.
You delayed her arrival in Pakistan by 3 days, she had to spend in Doha to board the flight for Pakistan, because you decided to attack on the day she flown from Heathrow.
Don't do it again. It seems you don't like my wife's travel plans.
This time I will be in India to smack your bottom personally.
Got it!!!

Good one and hilarious one. I think, what Indians most dislike and are scared of, is this somewhat care-free attitude of Pakistanis.
I have a great appreciation for your sentiments, and I think, that most of the other Pakistani members, you are referring to, would also have the same feelings. If I ask my heart; the answer is the same as yours. But I think, that our lack of resources, in any case, limits our choices and, consequently, we have to be far more prudent than India, under the circumstances. I believe that it is the call of the prudence and sagacity, that our military is following the policy of "proportionate" response. You would recall that our DG(ISPR), in his post-Balakot press briefing, said something to this account that we would keep the "escalation ladder", in our hands. As for a full-scale escalation, the chances of which, in my view, are very bleak, then Pakistan would have no choice, but to response in full.

Brother, I understand fully well what you mean and what PA is trying to do.
That is beside the point.
The reality is that India would escalate the war and it will attack on wider areas not just on LOC.
India knows its strength rest in numbers over PA. It is going to exploit that against Pakistan.
Therefore, whatever you think or PA is trying to do, becomes irrelevant. Don't you think so!!
Ignore some silly comments from poster here, to them I have to respond strongly. But I am intelligent person with very high tested IQ.
I write my comments based on reality rather than wishes. If you ask my wishes, I hope no war ever breaks out between any country, not just Pak V Ind. But you think my wishes would change the reality!! Sadly not.
Therefore, PA actions should be based on knowing their enemy rather than their wishes of not escalating the war, or keeping the ladder of escalation under their control. How they are going to do that if India start full blown war and attack Pakistan on multiple fronts!!!

That's actually what the state pays me to do o_O

Shall I get from it you are saying you are serving in the forces, right!!
In your opinion? what can be the reason of the support of BIGS ?? whey they are supporting India?
Well it is a long debate bro. It is more toward ideological differences, the regional power politics, uncle sam's checkmate for China. In order to establish superiority, one has to assert his position by showing capabilities, etc.

Economic capabilities are there, A fast-growing economy, big market, other macro-economic factors favor them heavily. Now militarily they have to prove their capabilities.

The Pulwama incident was the fresh episode of a long drama serial currently underway.
Indians tried their luck with so called strikes on Balakot and failed miserably, the very next day, the ended up getting humiliated and a bloody nose, they sent their aircraft carrier to Eastern Bengal out of harms way, the IAF is staying well clear from LOC, however the Indians are desperate to some how wash off the humiliation and equal the score.....hence they started heavy shelling of border hamlets but again were given a strong response by Pak Army this time. No doubt the Indians will keep trying to hit some soft target like the Atlantique aircraft.....however they also know that Pakistan will payback with interest.
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I think you don't read the comments properly before brain faaaaaaaaaaarting. The war would still be imposed on you. If you like it or not. So why show cowardice in the first place!!
You think whatever yours or PA/PAF intentions were, Indians would desist not declaring they are doing in self-defense, to avenge Pulwama attack!!
How foolish of you to think otherwise, despite seeing that Indians have already established that premise, you didn't see their efforts with the help of USA, UK and France in UNSC against Azhar!!
Who is retard to ignore all the facts and reality!! Get off mate, go and have a cold shower.

If the war will be imposed then let it be imposed.
Why should any sane folk hasten to war before even going through the possibilities of a war happening or not?
Desiring or seeking a war is a sickness, and Allah hates people with this sickness.
War should only be fought when its thrown at you, and until its not every opportunity should be exploited to avoid war.

Perhaps you should try using some logic while reading my post and before jumping to a response?

If an enemy is seeking a war, knowing you are at your weakest. Whats the sane thing to do? Hand them a war on the platter or present yourself as not the one who wishes for it?

You need a brain diagnosis if you think we can just go and kill their Army chief and blow shit up, in a single go and not have nukes raining down on us as the next thing. What world do you live in?
Do you have the capability to take out india's ability to fight in a single day or two? If you do then go and do it, but while knowing its impossible, then who will be the idiot going and stirring the nest of crazy hornets? You?
Well it is a long debate bro. It is more toward ideological differences, the regional power politics, uncle sam's checkmate for China. In order to establish superiority, one has to assert his position by showing capabilities, etc.

Economic capabilities are there, A fast-growing economy, big market, other macro-economic factors favor them heavily. Now militarily they have to prove their capabilities.

The Pulwama incident was the fresh episode of a long drama serial currently underway.

Exactly, this I am trying my best to install on some heads on this forum.
The people who are opposing my point of view, are same people also claiming that Pulwama was an inside job. Done by Indians purposefully for the benefit of Modi and his government to give them advantage in upcoming elections in India.
If India has already planned it, the other countries like USA, France, Israel and some extent Iran is helping them from the start. How Pakistan's policy of restrain is going to work!!
The Indians would stick to their "long drama serial", irrespective.
Don't worry, this is for domestic consumption. Anything for poll ratings.
If the war will be imposed then let it be imposed.
Why should any sane folk hasten to war before even going through the possibilities of a war happening or not?
Desiring or seeking a war is a sickness, and Allah hates people with this sickness.
War should only be fought when its thrown at you, and until its not every opportunity should be exploited to avoid war.

Perhaps you should try using some logic while reading my post and before jumping to a response?

If an enemy is seeking a war, knowing you are at your weakest. Whats the sane thing to do? Hand them a war on the platter or present yourself as not the one who wishes for it?

You need a brain diagnosis if you think we can just go and kill their Army chief and blow shit up, in a single go and not have nukes raining down on us as the next thing. What world do you live in?
Do you have the capability to take out india's ability to fight in a single day or two? If you do then go and do it, but while knowing its impossible, then who will be the idiot going and stirring the nest of crazy hornets? You?

You are mad, no doubt about it. So tell me when Indian intruded in Pakistan airspace on 26th February, they brought garlands for Pakistani people and its army.
The 2000 Kg bombs they dropped were full of sweet for Pakistanis!!!
Or you are those stupid who think Indians crossing the LOC with intentions to bomb Pakistan and kill 300+ people was not declaration of war!!
Get a new life mate, all your arguments are bogus and you know it.
Exclusive: India ready for another strike against Pakistan

The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) discussed the future strategy on Pakistan, wherein Ajit Doval informed PM Modi that the three forces were ready for any action against the neighbouring country. He said they were only waiting for a political sanction.

Jayanta Ghosal
Written by: Jayanta Ghosal New Delhi April 02, 2019 20:35 IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday held meetings with National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and other dignitaries from the defence ministry, over its readiness to initiate war against Pakistan.

The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) discussed the future strategy on Pakistan, wherein Ajit Doval informed PM Modi that the three forces were ready for any action against the neighbouring country. He said they were only waiting for a political sanction.

To this end, PM Modi assured the forces -- Air, Navy and Army -- a free hand, while also asking them to ensure that no civilian died in Pakistan and that the targets were military-related.

The key takeaways from the meeting were:

1) The attacks will be target-specific

2) No non-military targets

3) Not only Pak-occupied Kashmir, the targets can also be inside Pakistan

4) The attacks will be pro-active, not reactive

Earlier also, after the February 14 Pulwama terror attack, PM Modi had said the forces were given a free hand against Pakistan.

Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed had claimed responsibility for the attack, that took the lives of as many as 40 CRPF personnel.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, however, continued to maintain Jaish was nowhere associated with Islamabad.

In retaliation to the Pulwama attack, India launched an airstrike on Pakistan's Balakot on February 26. Pakistan retaliated by bombing Indian military installations. The attempt was foiled by the Indian Air Force.

But IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman was captured by Pakistani forces and was later released as a peace gesture, as termed by Imran Khan, on March 1.


Indian government will always be a pest and the only way to tackle this pest is to crush it... Pakistan should realize the dream for peace is only viable with subjugation of India ...
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