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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

Hafiz Sayeed is smiling....

We have no reason do deny any thing from government because India is system driven economy and all the actions are in line with constitution of India.

Once again poor answer.

Accept us because we are India.

That might work on you but it doesn't work on us.

Release the footage. You have nothing to lose.
Dear Indians, It is really headache to listen Surgical strike.

Better, stop dreaming and crying.
Nope we got no chustpas like arnabs or over bs media is way behind yours when it comes to spilling bs!

Haha man you guys need to sit down relax or better sit on a water containers arse ki agg bujja lo ab...

Words words words indians are butt hurt hurt hurt!

Well u have got the rock and rolla, zaid zaman hamid and Ahmed qureshi, they are way ahead of anything.
No Dear not at all, It is so that the PM is answerable to constitution and people of India first and there are many means of mass information other than media hence he has no option of lying, he can only boast of the scale that too he has to provide some stuff to digest and the people here are very educated , knows the system and knows hoe humanity works. So he doesnt have the option to lie (people are too demanding here and very much educated to be fooled).
India picked the eve of Mahalaya Amavasya which is a special day dedicated to making an offering to express our gratitude to all the previous generations of people who have contributed to our life.

Mahalaya Amavasya is the beginning day of Dussehra dedicated to Maa Kaali
India already did something for their own interest .
But PA cant allow your media in there because officially PA wont support terrorist.
So either they will show some other places or a cleaned up places.
So many bodies cleaned up and no one saw it in todays digital world? wow amazing logic.
Keep telling these lies to yourself, they wont become truth. India has humiliated itself with fake surgical strikes, deep down even Indians know it, its just the fat ego that just not accept the reality.
So many bodies cleaned up and no one saw it in todays digital world? wow amazing logic.
Keep telling these lies to yourself, they wont become truth. India has humiliated itself with fake surgical strikes, deep down even Indians know it, its just the fat ego that just not accept the reality.

LOC isn't exactly a picnic spot where there are a lot of people to "see things".

Releasing the video and proof of the attack is going to be a tactical move, we are gonna let Pakistan do all the denying first, it will be much more fun that way :lol:
LOC isn't exactly a picnic spot where there are a lot of people to "see things".

Releasing the video and proof of the attack is going to be a tactical move, we are gonna let Pakistan do all the denying first, it will be much more fun that way :lol:
I'll be waiting for that fun. Hope you dont get embarrassed again but considering how shameless you lot are still defending something that never happened, i doubt if you will feel embarrassed at all.
LOC isn't exactly a picnic spot where there are a lot of people to "see things".

Releasing the video and proof of the attack is going to be a tactical move, we are gonna let Pakistan do all the denying first, it will be much more fun that way :lol:

lol that would be excellent :D
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