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Exclusive: China releases terrorism evidence video

you caught us guys sorry we will not support terrorism again... :( we are ashamed.. seriously


Source: Global Times

How to fight ethnic-religious terrorism:

Transparent information

We call on local authorities in Xinjiang and relevant central departments to inform the public more about the details of the incidents, and further allow real public feelings to be released.

Ethnic solidarity

Yu Zhengsheng, China's top political advisor, called for greater efforts in improving people's living conditions and promoting ethnic solidarity and social harmony.
At the moment, while decisively fighting against terrorists, we must encourage local police, unite people from different ethnic groups, and boost their confidence that the macro situation in Xinjiang is stable and under control.

We call on Xinjiang residents from various ethnic groups to stay safe and work with local police.

Political strategy

China has been strengthening its strategic power. The geopolitical network surrounding Xinjiang is almost unbreakable.


China will impose severe punishment on those taking part in violent crimes.

Armed police in Xinjiang:
☆ 24-hour patrol on all weather conditions,
☆ cooperate with local public security organs,
☆ precautionary and preemptive measures

Resisting force abroad

China hopes the United States will avoid using a double standard when discussing terrorism.

Western public opinion, standing upon Western interest, may make use of the incidents to try to fan the flames of trouble. We should ignore those noises.


China's national legislature adopted two pacts on anti-terrorism cooperation among Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members:
☆on the procedures of organizing joint anti-terrorism drills among SCO members;
☆on the procedures of carrying out joint anti-terrorism actions in the territory of SCO members
Are there any Indian members here who think plenty of the terrorists in Asia are also trained in Turkey?
No Turkey is a peace loving forward thinking country. A role model for all Muslim countries to follow..My 2 cents.

Source: Global Times

How to fight ethnic-religious terrorism:

Transparent information

We call on local authorities in Xinjiang and relevant central departments to inform the public more about the details of the incidents, and further allow real public feelings to be released.
Ethnic solidarity

Yu Zhengsheng, China's top political advisor, called for greater efforts in improving people's living conditions and promoting ethnic solidarity and social harmony.
At the moment, while decisively fighting against terrorists, we must encourage local police, unite people from different ethnic groups, and boost their confidence that the macro situation in Xinjiang is stable and under control.

We call on Xinjiang residents from various ethnic groups to stay safe and work with local police.

Political strategy

China has been strengthening its strategic power. The geopolitical network surrounding Xinjiang is almost unbreakable.


China will impose severe punishment on those taking part in violent crimes.

Armed police in Xinjiang:
☆ 24-hour patrol on all weather conditions,
☆ cooperate with local public security organs,
☆ precautionary and preemptive measures
Resisting force abroad

China hopes the United States will avoid using a double standard when discussing terrorism.

Western public opinion, standing upon Western interest, may make use of the incidents to try to fan the flames of trouble. We should ignore those noises.


China's national legislature adopted two pacts on anti-terrorism cooperation among Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members:
☆on the procedures of organizing joint anti-terrorism drills among SCO members;
☆on the procedures of carrying out joint anti-terrorism actions in the territory of SCO members

Resisting force abroad. It is the west's interest that China be bog down with internal problems. We should ignore their media.
Root is presence of Left-Eyed-Powerful-Deceiver Dajjal (zionist-controlled-USA) & india in Afghan. NOT Afghan itself.
Pak was peaceful during window period between the USSR leaving & US invading Afghan.
Only when USSR was in Afghan & now US is, there is terrorism in Pak; common factor in those two periods being a free hand to india in Afghan..

As long as Dajjal is sitting in our neighbourhood, peace will NEVER come to Pakistan no matter how many operations we do.
As soon as Dajjal leaves the area or relents, we won't have to make much effort and chaos will stop, peace will return in Pak, China, & Afghan. InshaAllah.


Taken from this video.@3:30 minutes.

In video in OP at 7:45 minutes he says videos from ETIM are similar to videos from Al-CIAdah.... exactly. Because sponsors & managers of both is Dajjal....

Just like video below was made by Dajjal & OBL was a mere actor, a patsy, a puppet.

Pak & China & Russia should join hand & butcher Dajjal in Afghan. Then see how quickly all area would become peaceful. Also lets join hand & shred india (Army of Three Lions) into many small countries. That will curb any possible future threats to peace.
I'm not even going to dignify this with a proper answer.
Look i will tell you what.

Most of your guys mindset is crytal clear.. you guys are not intelligent as you think.
Let me unveil your hypocratical behaviour.

You are lumping Atatwolf with a terrorist ( by saying suicide vest stuff) why because you know Turks are muslim.... And there are "Islamic Terrorists".. so a muslim should be an Islamic Terrorist. This is the exact behaviour i have seen from so many Chinese users.

Problem is not this , we won't care a guy from the other side of the planet names call us names. The problem is; this is your mind set. ıt's not hard to guess your behaviour over Uyghurs. Because there are some Uyghurs happens to be terrorists, most likely you will lump the entire nation with terrorists and you are going to deal inaccordingly. The same exact case you did with Atatwolf.

You guys have a very distorded world view.
Your Gov are supporting terrorists in Syria. Am I wrong ?
Your Gov are supporting terrorists in Syria. Am I wrong ?

You are 100% right. They have a clear sectarian agenda. It was not by coincidence that in the 2013 Gezi Riots, all those who were killed by the government security forces were from Turkey's Alawite (Shia) minority. Surprise, surprise... President Assad is Alawite, too. And Turkey's state religion is anti-Alawite no less than the ISIS.

And not just in Syria, as a matter of fact. The government's love of terrorism and sectarianism has been costing the once-secular country dearly.

Hifter accuses Turkey of supporting terror in Libya

An inflated sense of its influence and overambitious plans that didn’t match the reality on the ground has left Turkey increasingly isolated in the Arab world. As Ankara closes one consulate after another in the Middle East and North Africa for security reasons, Turkish citizens in the region have also become persona non grata on account of the government’s policies.

The latest development in this respect is in Libya, where Ankara’s support for Prime Minister Ahmed Maiteeq, who is backed by the Muslim Brotherhood but whose election by parliament a month ago was annulled recently by Libya’s Supreme Court, is also beginning to backfire.

Turkey was forced recently to pull out its diplomatic staff from Benghazi and urge its nationals to leave the region after heavily armed groups allied with retired Gen. Khalifa Belqasim Hifter declared war on Islamist militants, including supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Accusing Turkey along with Qatar of supporting terrorism, Hifter’s spokesman Mohamed el-Hejazi warned all Turks June 22 to leave eastern Libya immediately or face the consequences. "All citizens of Turkey and Qatar should leave Libya within 48 hours. The countdown started last night,” he said.

Reports from the region say Turkey is seen as a sponsor of radical Islam by Hejazi supporters. This is a further sign that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s open sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood has turned out to be a liability for Turkey, from Libya to Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

It is also proving that it is not just predominantly Shiite countries, governments and groups that Ankara has alienated. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its professional and educated Islamic supporters feel a natural affinity with the Muslim Brotherhood.

They had hoped that the Brotherhood and groups affiliated with it would come to power across the region after the Arab Spring. The expectation was that they would be elected popularly, the way the AKP was in Turkey.

Ankara underestimated the animosity felt by the regions’ established Sunni order toward the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been declared a terrorist organization in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and a number of Gulf states. Turkey’s support for the group has cost it.

Erdogan’s coming to power in 2003 had caused excitement in the Middle East and North Africa, not just among Brotherhood supporters but also regimes and governments, because of his Islamist credentials and the hope that Turkey would cooperate more with the Arab world than it had in previous decades.

Turkey’s Western leanings, staunch secularism and the Kemalist ideology behind them never commended it to Arab nations. Many believed Turkey under Erdogan would start returning to the Islamic fold after decades of pro-Western policies, including its ties with Israel.

All of that appears a distant echo today. Ties with Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia remain strained as a result of a series of political miscalculations. Instead of spreading its positive influence in the region as soft power — as it hoped to during the Arab Spring — Turkey is being accused of supporting radical Sunni groups, usually a reference to the Muslim Brotherhood, and forced to retreat in one country after another.

Erdogan and Davutoglu’s miscalculations in Syria are glaring in hindsight. But Ankara is also being forced to retreat in Iraq, where the latest developments caught it off guard. Ankara continues to have strained relations with the predominantly Shiite government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. But Turkey is also in a difficult situation in the parts of Iraq that have fallen to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).

The recent raid on Turkey’s consulate in Mosul by ISIS and the taking hostage of 49 Turks, including the consul general, represent a serious embarrassment for the government, especially as the hostage crisis continues with no apparent resolution in sight. Ankara appears out of touch with developments in Iraq.

Concerned by ISIS advances, Turkey warned its citizens June 18 to leave Iraq. The exception was northern Iraq, controlled by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The Foreign Ministry statement read: "Iraq's security crisis continues to deepen and has reached a critical point in which civilians are being targeted." Turkish officials are also worried about anti-Turkish propaganda in Shiite southern Iraq.

Meanwhile, Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq has become a safe haven for Turks due to the strategic energy ties between Ankara and the KRG and the military cooperation that appears set to develop against ISIS now that developments have increased the importance of the Kurdish peshmerga.

Relatively stable northern Iraq is also becoming a buffer zone between Turkey and the turmoil in the rest of Iraq. But Ankara’s ties with the KRG have angered the Maliki government, seriously diminishing any political influence Ankara may have once had in Baghdad.

Ankara’s ties with northern Iraq have also angered Washington, where the US administration is trying to put Iraq back together and continues to fear that the Turkish-Kurdish relationship is hastening the dissolution of Iraq. The United States is expected to be more emphatic about this point after US Secretary of State John Kerry’s talks in Baghdad and Erbil, ongoing as of this writing.

But developments from Libya to Iraq are forcing Ankara to retreat in the Middle East and North Africa. Turkey’s regional priority today is to protect its citizens and rescue those kidnapped. After that, it will face the challenge of developing new policies that will reverse this trend as its isolation among Arab countries grows.

About the author: Semih Idiz is a columnist for Al-Monitor’s Turkey Pulse. A journalist who has been covering diplomacy and foreign policy issues for major Turkish newspapers for 30 years, his opinion pieces can be followed in the English-language Hurriyet Daily News. His articles have also been published in The Financial Times, The Times of London, Mediterranean Quarterly and Foreign Policy magazine.
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I can see that you are angry over our relation with Iran. LOL

Look pal. I don't know what kind of relation you got with Iran and I don't care. We are the regional heavyweight of the region both militarly and economically. I don't care about Iran or other ex-Ottoman states.

Your Gov are supporting terrorists in Syria. Am I wrong ?

My government is supporting mainly Turkmens in Syria other than we know they are supporting moderate FSA not the jihadist freaks like Nusra or ISIS.

As far as i know y,our government supports Terrorist Assad Dictator who opened fire on civilians. Who dropped tons of barrel bombs on civilian cities. Who shelled cities . Right ?
Muslim Brotherhood, which has been declared a terrorist organization in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and a number of Gulf states.

Your black propaganda is so so funny. You are ignorant and know nothing about the region. It is always funny to read your post.

Let me elaborate.

Muslim Brotherhood was a political party who won the previous elections and it's leader have been president of Egypt.. American backed general Sisi couped and seize the power. He made himself the president. And decleared Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

And you post this article to relate Turks with terrorism. laughable futile efforts. Libya issue is very very complicated. War torn country ruled with warlords... watch a few documentries gain knowledge.
My government is supporting mainly Turkmens in Syria other than we know they are supporting moderate FSA not the jihadist freaks like Nusra or ISIS.

As far as i know y,our government supports Terrorist Assad Dictator who opened fire on civilians. Who dropped tons of barrel bombs on civilian cities. Who shelled cities . Right ?

Assad is the only legal president of Syria.

And Syria does not have so many Turkmens. Your GOV open supports opposition forces.

Do not try to deny that .

Generally speaking , FSA is a terrorist army . Most of those so called freedom soldiers are extremists and terrorists.

That 's the reason why USA is hesitate to give them direct military support.

ISIS is a good example ,they fight in Syria and now in Iraq .

Your Gov supports those extremists from the beginning just because Assad is Shiah.
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Look pal. I don't know what kind of relation you got with Iran and I don't care. We are the regional heavyweight of the region both militarly and economically. I don't care about Iran or other ex-Ottoman states.
There are three regional heavyweight, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran. You are not alone in it. Iran can put a good fight against you.
I told you that don't talk about the subjects that you don't know.

Assad is the only legal president of Syria.
Assad is a mass-murderer....who killed his people and inherited precidency from his father. You can support that monster i don't care.

And Syria does not have so many Turkmens.
Syria have Turkmens in north-east of the country and we are supporting them.

Your GOV open supports opposition forces.
Do not try to deny that .
Who denied what for gods sake ????

We are supporting moderate FSA.

Generally speaking , FSA is a terrorist army . Most of those so called freedom soldiers are extremists and terrorists.
Not a suprising statement from a guy who supports a dictator that kills his own citizens.

That 's the reason why USA is hesitate to give them direct military support.
ISIS is a good example ,they fight in Syria and now in Iraq .
We don't give support to Jihadist.

Your Gov supports those extremists from the beginning just because Assad is Shiah.

Assad is not shiah but Alawite. Turkey is not secterian we have never been. My government never supported extremist......

Seriously guys.talk and accuse my government as many times you want... you are talking without a single proof.

And Kyle did i once talk about Chinese international policy or stuff like that ?......no, not even once. Because i don't know.

Also you don't know anything about the ME region. You read a few articles about the ME and you are acting like a ME expert. maybe you can impress your buddies. But your analogy is just laughable to any guy from ME region.

It's funny. USA used Saudi as their pivot, Russia with Iran, and supposedly China with Turkey but you betray us. Why?

When did we have close a relationship... we don't betray our alies. US is our ally at the moment not China.

Seriously... what is the thing with "betray" are you trolling or are you serious. We don't like to be accused of dishonorable things.

Also nobody can use us. ıt can be only mutual agreement which will benefit both countries. Other than that it is a no go. We won't lift a single finger if it doesn't benefits us.
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