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Exclusive: China releases terrorism evidence video

Seems like a pre-text to crack down hard on those circumventing China's Internet great-Firewall. Who in the world needed to be told by the Chinese government that terrorist groups use video? Exactly.

Where I live, the government will try to use "protecting children" as a reason to attempt curtailing freedoms.

We are learning from America.
We are learning from America.

Hopefully the Chinese people learn that government only looks out for themselves, and learns how to spot these sorts of tactics used to control them. And again before you think I am attacking China or its government as unique in this regard, I only know these tactics because I experience them as well.
It is interesting that Turkey is the only country mentioned in this official video as a major source of extremist/terrorist internet content. At exactly 11:55, it is mentioned explicitly. Please refer back to the video posted in the beginning of the thread.

It is anticipated that the Chinese security officials will take measures, including demanding the Turkey side to crack down on websites and groups that produce Al-Qaeda-ETIM related videos for the purpose of training, indoctrination, and recruitment.

Liberty-loving countries such as the US may freely allow these content to be accessible, I guess we would not care less. But, apparently, China will not give more ear to their BS more than it did with respect to other things.

It is telling that some people's hatred of China has been blinding them to the sight of an SUV plunging into a crowd of tourists visiting historical places, or hunting down people on the street and slitting the throat of anyone they could catch.

China always takes notes of the governments that are, for political or other racist/sectarian reasons, sympathetic toward terrorism.
Hopefully the Chinese people learn that government only looks out for themselves, and learns how to spot these sorts of tactics used to control them. And again before you think I am attacking China or its government as unique in this regard, I only know these tactics because I experience them as well.
I'm not attacking you, I'm merely saying China is going to battle terrorism. Sincee America was the victim with 9/11 they may be studying and using US tactics to combat terrorism.
It is interesting that Turkey is the only country mentioned in this official video as a major source of extremist/terrorist internet content. At exactly 11:55, it is mentioned explicitly. Please refer back to the video posted in the beginning of the thread.

It is anticipated that the Chinese security officials will take measures, including demanding the Turkey side to crack down on websites and groups that produce Al-Qaeda-ETIM related videos for the purpose of training, indoctrination, and recruitment.

Liberty-loving countries such as the US may freely allow these content to be accessible, I guess we would not care less. But, apparently, China will not give more ear to their BS more than it did with respect to other things.

It is telling that some people's hatred of China has been blinding them to the sight of an SUV plunging into a crowd of tourists visiting historical places, or hunting down people on the street and slitting the throat of anyone they could catch.

China always takes notes of the governments that are, for political or other racist/sectarian reasons, sympathetic toward terrorism.
That SUV hitting the two people were brutal, those bastard terrorists got what they deserve.
These coward terrorist, that b!tch in America said she is fight for Uyghur freedom, hypocritical b!tch.

Tian an men 10-28 terrorism attack.



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Terrible pictures, indeed. These should be enough to show the ugly face of terrorism. If one third of these images had happened in the US and broadcast on major US TVs (I hope it never happens in any country), there would be a major political and social backlash and the entire (almost) world would rally behind the US. The US response would be ruthless and with no excuse. The reason is, this is not a petty crime; this is premeditated act of terrorism.

China should be better able to tell the story well and repeatedly.
Afghanistan is the root of the region's problems, you fix Afghanistan, you fix the region.

Root is presence of Left-Eyed-Powerful-Deceiver Dajjal (zionist-controlled-USA) & india in Afghan. NOT Afghan itself.
Pak was peaceful during window period between the USSR leaving & US invading Afghan.
Only when USSR was in Afghan & now US is, there is terrorism in Pak; common factor in those two periods being a free hand to india in Afghan..

As long as Dajjal is sitting in our neighbourhood, peace will NEVER come to Pakistan no matter how many operations we do.
As soon as Dajjal leaves the area or relents, we won't have to make much effort and chaos will stop, peace will return in Pak, China, & Afghan. InshaAllah.


Taken from this video.@3:30 minutes.

In video in OP at 7:45 minutes he says videos from ETIM are similar to videos from Al-CIAdah.... exactly. Because sponsors & managers of both is Dajjal....

Just like video below was made by Dajjal & OBL was a mere actor, a patsy, a puppet.

Pak & China & Russia should join hand & butcher Dajjal in Afghan. Then see how quickly all area would become peaceful. Also lets join hand & shred india (Army of Three Lions) into many small countries. That will curb any possible future threats to peace.
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I think we should make this thread sticky.
Sticky thread will only show how terrible things these animals have done and remind Chinese fellow citizen to pay more attention to the enemies.
The only thing I know is that the terror-lovers and extremist will deny the proof again and again and support to these people even send something like 'RIP' to the terrorist. It's crazy.
Iron hand is badly needed to punish those animals and it's sponsers and supporters. The news also indicated that some countries have send terrorists back to our homeland. Which country do you think can do these disgusting things?
Sticky thread will only show how terrible things these animals have done and remind Chinese fellow citizen to pay more attention to the enemies.
The only thing I know is that the terror-lovers and extremist will deny the proof again and again and support to these people even send something like 'RIP' to the terrorist. It's crazy.
Iron hand is badly needed to punish those animals and it's sponsers and supporters. The news also indicated that some countries have send terrorists back to our homeland. Which country do you think can do these disgusting things?

Yep, they request evidence, when you present the evidence, they deny it as fake news or something, that's why I give up talking with those people. Chinese media should also be given more freedom to report, track and focus on the whole related thing. Our leader may be still worried about social panic and turbulence, once more terror evidence is released. China should make all these things clear to all public, do a special coverage about terrorism every week on CCTV, follow up and update the news. Not just through the sina video. The more CCP hide, the more price we are gonna pay in the future. We all know where the root of terrorism is, they've always been exporting and training terrorists, maybe in a possible point of time in the future, China will send troops to stomp all those bastards.
Yep, they request evidence, when you present the evidence, they deny it as fake news or something, that's why I give up talking with those people. Chinese media should also be given more freedom to report, track and focus on the whole related thing. Our leader may be still worried about social panic and turbulence, once more terror evidence is released. China should make all these things clear to all public, do a special coverage about terrorism every week on CCTV, follow up and update the news. Not just through the sina video. The more CCP hide, the more price we are gonna pay in the future. We all know where the root of terrorism is, they've always been exporting and training terrorists, maybe in a possible point of time in the future, China will send troops to stomp all those bastards.
Agreed. Actually, I think there is nothing can be hide due to the SNS is so developed today. You can know many things if you are willing to consume some time for read news. CCP knew the situation well and government has bring out some counter measures as well, but it's not enough. I reckon that there are some political issues involved and the black list is also increasing rapidly. I believe there is a solution. Time will tell the truth.
Agreed. Actually, I think there is nothing can be hide due to the SNS is so developed today. You can know many things if you are willing to consume some time for read news. CCP knew the situation well and government has bring out some counter measures as well, but it's not enough. I reckon that there are some political issues involved and the black list is also increasing rapidly. I believe there is a solution. Time will tell the truth.

Sure China's experience to handle terror attack is not enough, they are only good at 维稳, many police even don't know how to shoot with a gun!

Eventually there will be a series of solution, but it may take several decades or longer, I believe President Xi's iron hand will pulverize them all.
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