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When did we have close a relationship... we don't betray our alies. US is our ally at the moment not China.

Seriously... what is the thing with "betray" are you trolling or are you serious. We don't like to be accused of dishonorable things.
USA as your ally is the biggest joke. LOL First, US used Saudi for their pivot in Middle-east. Secondly, no, we thought we can use you as our pivot but your dirty game got exposed, so we chose Iran. Now Iran, Russia, and China are slowly forming an alliance. Iran will eventually join SCO but we will have security alliance in Afghanistan when NATO left.
USA as your ally is the biggest joke. LOL First, US used Saudi for their pivot in Middle-east. Secondly, no, we thought we can use you as our pivot but your dirty game got exposed, so we chose Iran. Now Iran, Russia, and China are slowly forming an alliance. Iran will eventually join SCO but we will have security alliance in Afghanistan when NATO left.

This who used who is a not a nice thing to say.... First of all Russia and Iran relationship is not as good as you think. I can bring my ıranian friends here for conformation i you want.

Regarding Turkey. Turkey is part of NATO and strategic ally of US till 1950s.
(Think about it US do not sell F-35 to Saudi but to Turkey)

And don't fool me, as far as i know you don't see Russians as allies but rivals. Iran is currently sanctioned, it's meaningless to involve them into SCO since you can't openly trade with them.

What is our dirty game.. speak straight. I'm sick of assumptions and vague accusations.
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This who used who is a not a nice thing to say.... First of all Russia and Iran relationship is not as good as you think. I can bring my ıranian friends here for conformation i you want.

Regarding Turkey. Turkey is part of NATO and strategic ally of US till 1950s.
(Think about it US do not sell F-35 to Saudi but to Turkey)

And don't fool me, as far as i know you don't see Russians as allies but rivals. Iran is currently sanctioned, it's meaningless to involve them into SCO since you can't openly trade with them.

What is our dirty game.. speak straight. I'm sick of assumptions and vague accusations.
Russia and Iran tie is warming up in Syria. They are energy rival but have very similar strategic interest.

Typical Western propaganda that you often hear Russia and China are rival. We don't see Russia as rival. Rival in what though? We are no longer in the cold war era. We don't have the mindset like we used to during the Sino-Soviet split. We are free from any ideologies. We are pragmatic. Russia-China becomes close because we have identical goal for the world. Russia have energy, we have money. Both click. It is that simple.
Russia and Iran tie is warming up in Syria. They are energy rival but have very similar strategic interest.
Iranian don't trust Russians a bit. Russians didn't sell them S-300 missiles at the last moment. And din't delivered some weapon systems which have Iran already paid. Also they don't offer maintance to their sold equipment..etc..

@rmi5 tell him bro.
Iranian don't trust Russians a bit. Russians didn't sell them S-300 missiles at the last moment. And din't delivered some weapon systems which have Iran already paid. Also they don't offer maintance to their sold equipment..etc..

@rmi5 tell him bro.
You are right @Sinan
Iranian regime and Russians do not trust each other, but in Syria, the situation is different, and they have to collaborate with each other. Mullahs have a much more better relations with China/NK/Syria.... than Russia ;)
Iranian don't trust Russians a bit. Russians didn't sell them S-300 missiles at the last moment. And din't delivered some weapon systems which have Iran already paid. Also they don't offer maintance to their sold equipment..etc..

@rmi5 tell him bro.
The cancel S-300 was due to sanction.
The cancel S-300 was due to sanction.
uhm, not exactly. The pretext was sanctions. Sanctions was not banning the deals which were finalized before sanctions, like the S-300 deal. but, Russians deliberately delayed Iranian S-300 deal, and used the sanction pretext. BTW, Iran's sanction is on offensive weapons like fighter jets and not necessarily on a defensive system like S-300
uhm, not exactly. The pretext was sanctions. Sanctions was not banning the deals which were finalized before sanctions, like the S-300 deal. but, Russians deliberately delayed Iranian S-300 deal, and used the sanction pretext. BTW, Iran's sanction is on offensive weapons like fighter jets and not necessarily on a defensive system like S-300
We need to hear our Russian friend @vostok opinion on this.
We need to hear our Russian friend @vostok opinion on this.
Yes, the sanctions did not apply to the S-300. Medvedev made it out of some of his liberal foughts. do not understand why you can sell the S-300 to Greece, but not Iran. Apparently, it was a concession to the West in the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue.
However, Russian scientists helping Iran with centrifuges and helps with the development of air defense instead of the S-300, as well as complexes of radio-electronic warfare, with which Iran has managed to put down American drone.
Besides, Russia will sell Iranian oil in huge quantities in exchange for Russian goods.
I told you that don't talk about the subjects that you don't know.

Assad is a mass-murderer....who killed his people and inherited precidency from his father. You can support that monster i don't care.

Your GOV is mass murder of Kurd people , do not talk like a siant.

Syria have Turkmens in north-east of the country and we are supporting them.
How many Turkmens in NE of Syria ?

Why do your gov wants to support them ? Are they your bro also >?

Are you world police ?

Who denied what for gods sake ????

We are supporting moderate FSA.
Not a suprising statement from a guy who supports a dictator that kills his own citizens.
We don't give support to Jihadist.
Assad is not shiah but Alawite. Turkey is not secterian we have never been. My government never supported extremist......

Seriously guys.talk and accuse my government as many times you want... you are talking without a single proof.

And Kyle did i once talk about Chinese international policy or stuff like that ?......no, not even once. Because i don't know.

Also you don't know anything about the ME region. You read a few articles about the ME and you are acting like a ME expert. maybe you can impress your buddies. But your analogy is just laughable to any guy from ME region.

Before you tell me you are supporting Turkmens , and now moderate FSA.

DO you really know who you are supporting ?

Even USA can not sure who will hold the support
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Seriously guys.talk and accuse my government as many times you want... you are talking without a single proof.

Funny , Do not you know about your GOV's opinion about XJ terrorists ?
Your siant Gov does not accuse those fuckers but saying " we concern about those Uighurs"

And yes , You and your Turkey fellows here say nothing when our gov kill those Uighurs Terrorists.

I am definitely not a expert of ME , but it does not mean i do not have right to talk about that.

And my opinion comes from my communication with my US/Israel/Arab colleague , and I have been ME

Borrow your word , do not guess.
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